CounterSide GBL – Ecclesia
Great Silence Ecclesia along with her Alternium Reactor and Episode 11 is here in CounterSide Global Server!
Great Silence Ecclesia along with her Alternium Reactor and Episode 11 is here in CounterSide Global Server!
New Operator Batty Mitchie, Alternium Reactors – Ministra, Genderbent Awakened Jake Skin, Custom Pickup and more!
A new character and operator have been revealed coming to Counter Side KR!
CounterSide Developer Notes for April Month for GBL/KR server is here! New Awakened, Mainstream Episode and more!
April Fool’s Events and Skins are here along with new season of Danger Close and Gauntlet!
CounterSide PVP Tier List Update for Global/SEA server is here! Lots of changes along with explanations and removal of E tier from the list!
Alternium Reactors for Noelle and Serapel, New Maid skins for Dracasia and Luna!