New Character – Anila

  • Type: Counter
  • Role: Supporter
  • Deployment cost: 2
  • Attack type: All-type attack
  • Movement type: Ground

Basic Attack – 2 Valid Hits

  • Discharges wind in front, dealing AoE damage.

Passive: Prana

  • Upon deployment, grant a buff to all allied Counters excluding self, increasing their ATK by 20% for 10s. When casting Special Skill or Ultimate, reactivates the buff.
    • Lv5: Adds +15% ASPD to buff

Special Skill: Topana – 21s CD

  • Calls forth a gust of wind around the caster, nullifying buffs for enemies within range (Cannot be removed, Bosses excluded). The skill lasts for up to 8s, and the skill ends if there are no enemies within range. While casting Special Skill, any increase or decrease in ASPD will not take effect. While Special Skill cooldown is fully recharged, gain immunity to Special or Lower Skills Hitstun.
    • Lv5: While casting Special Skill, enters Perfect EVA

Ultimate: Dimensional Anchor – 3 Valid Hits – 55s CD

  • Locks on to the target’s position and gathers enemies to the center of the target’s position through the flow of wind, dealing AoE damage. Enemies hit by the attack are inflicted with a Debuff that decreases their SPD by 50% for 10s.
    • Lv5: Ultimate hits are Sure Fire
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