Mobile & PC
Battle Issues
- Fixed an issue where Sugar’s motorbike cover is not visible when it is revived.
- Fixed an issue where Dorothy remains in Manifestation state after she revives from death while in Manifestation state.
- Fixed an issue where, under certain circumstances, the damage dealt is abnormal when Raptures summoned by Mother Whale are being attacked.
- Fixed an issue where Nikkes do not attack Material H’s projectile when Material H uses certain attack moves.
- Adjusted to apply ATK-related effects (equipment modification option and buff in battles) to the Brand effect of Dorothy’s Burst Skill.
- Added new effects to Miranda’s Skill 1 to increase the hit rate of Nikkes using SMG weapons.
- Fixed an issue where Vesti’s Burst Skill is not applicable to attribute codes.
- Fixed an issue where the buff that increases damage to parts is still in effect when non-parts are being attacked.
- D’s Burst Skill: Chastisement
- Dorothy’s Skill 1: Holy Fire
- Fixed an issue where the buff that increases HP potency increases the given potency (from the caster) instead of the received potency.
- Makima’s Burst Skill: Can You Be Quiet?
- Anne: Miracle Fairy’s Burst Skill: Fairy’s Jest
- Sin’s Skill 2: Hurry Up
- Rapunzel’s Skill 2: Divine Blessing
- Pepper’s Skill 1: Refresh Heart
- Mary’s Skill 2: Nursing
- Emma’s Skill 2: Temptation
- Folkwang’s Skill 1: Starting Whistle
- Fixed an issue where skills that should be activated at a certain HP level were not activated.
- Milk’s Skill 2: Sugar Rush
- Alice’s Skill 2: Healthy Carrot
- Emma’s Skill 2: Temptation
- Scarlet’s Skill 2: Zatoichi
- Guillotine’s Skill 2: Shroud of Darkness
- Anne: Miracle Fairy’s Skill 2: Fairy’s Jest
- Soline’s Skill 2: Grow up!
- Biscuit’s Skill 2: Tug of War
- Simulation Room’s buff: Quick Reload Sequence
- Simulation Room’s buff: Auto-Focus Oculus
- Simulation Room’s buff: Restart Supporter
- Fixed an issue where skills that activate when hitting with n shot(s) are not counted as hits when attacking decoys.
- Applies to: Nikkes with the “hitting with n shot(s)” condition
- Miranda’s Skill 1: Health up!
- Product 12’s Skill 1: Action: Increase ATK
- Signal’s Skill 1: Attack Signal
- Scarlet’s Skill 1: Blood for Blood
- Guillotine’s Skill 1: Residual Heat
- Guillotine’s Skill 2: Shroud of Darkness
- Brid’s Skill 1: Acceleration
- Poli’s Skill 1: Brave Call
- Diesel’s Skill 2: Sweet Strawberry Goodness
- Frima’s Skill 1: … I want to sleep
- Snow White’s Skill 1: Determination
- iDoll Sun’s Skill 1: Sunshine
- Novel’s Skill 2: Detective’s Intuition
- Rupee’s Skill 1: Prize
- Rupee’s Skill 2: Mileage
- Anne: Miracle Fairy’s Skill 1: Fairy Dance
- Modernia’s Skill 1: High-Speed Evolution
- Modernia’s Skill 2: Giant Leap
- Applies to: Nikkes using decoy
- Rei
- Delta
- Applies to: Nikkes with the “hitting with n shot(s)” condition
- Fixed an issue where the buff that “prevents self from being the target of single-target attacks” does not take effect properly.
- Viper’s Skill 2: Snake Scale
- Fixed an issue where the effects of skills that activate at a certain HP level remain even when the caster immediately dies.
- Milk’s Skill 2: Sugar Rush
- Emma’s Skill 2: Temptation
- Anne: Miracle Fairy’s Skill 2: Fairy’s Jest
- Made improvements in battles with Tyrant bosses: interrupt moves are now cut short when the stage changes .
- Fixed an issue where players cannot enter SP Arena when Rei is part of the squad.
- Fixed an issue where, under certain circumstances, Nikkes’ level(s) in Synchro Device is not updated in real time.
- Fixed an occasional issue in Arena where the game is stuck at loading when Dorothy is part of the squad.
- Fixed an issue where the effects of Dorothy’s Burst Skill: Brand are retained in the next round in SP Arena.
- Fixed an issue where the previous round’s Stun icons are retained in the next round in SP Arena.
- Fixed an occasional issue where the game does not redirect to the battle end scene after the boss is killed in Challenge stage.
- Adjusted some Nikkes’ normal ATK rate to the current 125% rate
- Miranda, Soline, Crow, Epinel
- Adjusted some Nikke’s skills
- Brid
- Raised the increase rate of ATK of Skill 1: Acceleration (15.18% -> 18.52%)
- Raised the damage rate of Skill 2: Leak (200% -> 211.2%)
- Raised the basic damage rate (1237.5% -> 1440.00%) and additional damage rate (1237.5% -> 1440.00%) of Burst Skill: The AZX.
- Miranda
- Raised the hit rate of Skill 1: Health up! (5.37% -> 5.44%) and added a SMG hit rate increase option (3.79%)
- Soline
- Raised the Critical Rate (2.00% -> 21.62%) and Critical Damage (13.50% -> 62.27%) of Skill 2: Grow Up
- Brid
- Substantially reduced the cooldown time (waiting time) of the Nikke that uses the same stage (Re-entry) of Burst Skill after casting Burst Skill once
- Rupee: Winter Shopper
- Fixed an issue where the buff that increases allies’ ATK ib Rupee’s Burst Skill: Single Payment is not calculated based on the allies’ ATK, but the caster’s ATK.
- Fixed an issue in Lost Sector 15 where the pickup robot UI in the lower right corner displays a robot icon when the pickup robot is activated.
- Fixed an occasional issue in Lost Sector where the numbers of added members are not reflected in real time when players add members.
- Fixed an issue in Lost Sector 4 where certain buttons trigger anomalies.
- Fixed an issue in Lost Sector where the animation of sitting on the moving robot appears unnatural.
- Fixed an issue in Bla Bla messenger where Cecil’s and Einkk’s profile messages are interchanged.
- Fixed an issue in Advise where the Advise list’s sorting appears abnormal after the filter is changed.
- Made fixes so that the Bloom Effects and Color Grading options are displayed according to the Graphics settings.
- Fixed an issue in Solo Raid where the guide info is not displayed when players use the Copy Formation function.
- Added a function that allows players to skip the animation by touching the screen when entering Story Event.
- Added update that when players unlock the Hard difficulty in Story Event, a corresponding animation will be unlocked and played.
- Fixed an issue where the retry button in Story Event’s Stage battles is unresponsive.
- Fixed an issue where the “Leave Union” button is enabled while the scores of Union Raid are being tallied.
- Fixed an issue where the song “Shape of Hope” in Jukebox does not play properly on some devices.
- Made fixes so that the Recommended Friends list is sorted according to their recent online status.
- Adjusted the rules so that blocked users no longer appear in Recommended Friends.
- Fixed a circumstantial issue where product prices are sometimes displayed abnormally.
- Reduced the number of Sentry appearing in Campaign stages 21-26 by half.
- Fixed an issue where a certain door closes when players re-enter Campaign Chapter 2 and stops players from leaving the area.
- Fixed an issue in the shop where the purchasing window that pops up while players are purchasing equipment displays the wrong quantity of Manufacturer Equipment owned.
- Fixed an error where touch input is handled incorrectly in the beginner’s tutorial.
- Fixed an error where the purchase button is still enabled after players purchase Pass products.
- Fixed an error where players are unable to select Avatar normally if they change the sorting method while choosing the profile in Profile>Manage Profile.
- Fixed an issue where the progress bar of the number of squad members cannot be filled in Profile page.
- Fixed an issue in certain Chapters where the Field minimap controls are not smooth.
- Fixed an occasional issue in Coordinated Operation where the UI does not show the achievement of the 9th stage when the boss suffers great damage.
- Fixed an occasional issue in Coordinated Operation where an error occurs when there are too many players during matching.
- Improved UI in the Main Mission list by displaying the button that leads to Recollection immediately after all Main Missions are cleared.
- Fixed an occasional issue in Recollection page where the main story’s chapter photo is not displayed.
- Fixed an occasional issue where rewards cannot be claimed after Side Missions are cleared. You may obtain the rewards after reinstalling the game. We apologize for the inconvenience.
- Improved Solo Raid functions.
- Improved the display so that the remaining time for the next challenge is shown while the Challenge button is disabled.
- Improved functions to enable changing of difficulty with the left and right buttons.
- Fixed functions to prevent the changing of multiple difficulties at once when swiping left or right to change the difficulty.
- Improved the display of rewards for more convenient checking of owned Avatar Frame rewards.
- Revised the requirements to unlock Solo Raid.
- Before: Clear Stage 6-5
- Now: Clear Stage 6-4
- Fixed an occasional issue in Coordinated Operation where the Tyrant boss, Nihilister, dies when the stage changes.
- Fixed an occasional issue where Nikkes’ outline freezes when players are randomly selecting Nikkes in Nikkepedia.
- Fixed an issue where the Recruit animation does not play on some devices.
- Fixed certain language localization issues.
- Improved UI by allowing players to more conveniently check the Recommended Power and Nikke’s level when a Nikke is designated in a gameplay’s certain level.
- Established a quantity limit for the one-time usage of some consumable items to ensure a fair gaming environment.
- Fixed a circumstantial issue where the Nikke appears too magnified in Advise.
- Fixed an issue where the Welcome Back and Day By Day event buttons appear before players clear Campaign Stage 2-1.
- Improved the user experience and ease of use of consumable items with functions such as quantity adjustment and screen scrolling.
- Improved UI by making Keep Effects and Change Effects easily distinguishable when players modify equipment.
- Fixed an occasional issue where the Limit Break is labeled differently in the Nikke list window.
- Fixed an issue where the costume being worn by the Nikke cannot be displayed in Limit Break and Core Enhancement.
- Fixed an issue where the UI appears abnormal when players attempt to change the server continuously on the title page while logging in.
- Improved the ease of use of Wallpaper in Decorate Lobby.
- Separated the Event Wallpaper page into Event and Skill cutscene.
- Added a filter function suitable for the Wallpaper page.
- Enabled the function of checking enlarge image in Event and Skill Cutscene pages when players tap and hold.
- Improved layout to display 5 wallpapers per row in the list.
- Improved display so that the pop-up notifying the obtainment of skill cutscene appears when the Nikke’s Limit Break reaches the third stage.
- Fixed an issue where the push notifications in iOS cannot be opened.
- Improved the ease of use so that the Nikkes’ Limit Break and Core Enhancement values are more easily controlled on the Wishlist page in Ordinary Recruit.
- Fixed an issue in the Squad Formation page in Union Raid where the “Cannot be selected” UI disappears when players drag a Nikke who has joined the battle and therefore can no longer be selected.
- Improved UX by allowing direct entry to the Day By Day event through Lobby.
- Improved UI to enable confirmation of uncleared EX Stages through the Chapter List in Campaign.
- Fixed an issue where the auxiliary UI indicator that shows the main gameplay and squad does not appear on the Field page.
- Fixed an UI issue in Rookie Arena where the ranking displayed at the end of the battle does not update in real time.
- Fixed an issue where part of Dora’s affinity audio in Japanese does not play properly.
- Fixed an issue that occurs during the unlocking of a new chapter in Campaign after the previous chapter’s last stage is cleared: the animation pauses when players touch the screen.
- Adjusted the quantity of Biscuit’s hairpins on SD avatars to match the quantity of her standing avatars.
- Fixed an issue in the PC version where the aim shakes when the Sync Cursor and Crosshair function is used.
- Improved UX in the PC version by displaying a confirmation dialog box when ending the game.
- Fixed an issue in the PC version where the Play BGM option in sound settings is not functioning properly.
- Fixed an issue in the PC version where the hotkey can be used to cast skills during the cutscene and while the battle is paused.
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