Reverse: 1999 CN – Willow Preview
The Hag of East End makes her entrance as a new addition to Reverse: 1999’s “poison meta”. With a new status mechanic called “Poison Curse” to further strengthen the damage potential of stacking Poison, this new DPS joins the ranks of Tuesday and the buffed Sotheby.
Inheritance: A Change of Pace
- At the start of the round. inflict [Poison] on several targets (enemies already affected by [Poison] prioritized). When an ally attacks an enemy, Willow inflicts [Poison] on their primary target.
- Upon entering combat, ATK increased.
- [Ancient Ritual] effects enhanced: Increases Moxie limit and increases Moxie gained through casting or combining Incantations.
[Poison Curse]: Considered [Poison]. Each time [Poison Curse] is resolved, the target takes more damage from Poison Curse this round.
Skill 1: Ghastly Advice

1-target attack. Deals Mental DMG. If the target is under the effect of [Poison Curse], convert an amount of [Poison] stacks on the target into [Poison Curse] (has a max).
Skill 2: Witch’s Thanks

1-target attack. Deals Mental DMG. If the target is affected by both [Poison] and [Poison Curse], after hitting, triggers [Poison Curse] an amount of times depending on the amount of [Poison] stacks on the target.
Ultimate: Good in Fire, Good in Shadow

Self-channel. Enters the [Ancient Ritual] state.
[Ancient Ritual]: All enemies are considered to have triggered [Poison Curse] a number of times this round (this amount equals the number of turns this channel has lasted). The Channel doesn’t have a duration, lasting for as long Willow has Moxie to spend. Once all Moxie is consumed, casts [Dance of Frenzy] and end the channel.
[Dance of Frenzy]: Mass attack. Deals Mental DMG. After attacking, depending on the number of [Poison Curse] on the targets, deal additional Genesis DMG.

I don’t understand her ultimate. How does she consume moxie?
I’m not sure too, but I’m guessing she spends at least one per round after taking actions. So she’ll always start the next round with 0 moxie, and if she does not take an action, her channeling would end because there’s no moxie left to consume. Again, I might be wrong