There will be a balance readjustment for Souls on the upcoming update on Jan 23.
The rebalancing will include not only Linzy (Thanatos), Dora, Kanna, and Edith,
but also Mephistopheles (Dawn), from collecting your feedback.
Please check below for further details,
and please note that the details below are subject to change.
Mephistopheles (Dawn) – Recusant of Causality
Previously, Mephistopheles (Dawn) is made as a damage dealer that can have a high peak point by growing the Idea level, however, she was not as strong as our intentions, for her preparation time was too long and the condition was hard to meet.
Therefore, we have readjusted her skill effects to make her growth of Idea level more faster to perform her full performance.
Additionally, since her performance was lower than the intention in the Guild Raid, we made an overall adjustment rather than simply distributing the additional damage from Idea level to level 1.
■ Main Skill – Code: Fate Break
We have a lot of feedback from her main skill that it was hard to use her main skill due to the characteristic of the skill – prioritizing the enemy with the lowest hp – that occasionally targets the tanker. Thus, we have changed the targeting condition to the enemy with the highest ATK to make her to target enemy damage dealers effectively.
Additionally, we have empowered the power of ‘Idea Level: I’ state since we considered that her power in the state was not as strong as our intention.
Level | Before | After |
Lv1 | Channels the condensed power of the ark to pierce through the enemy with the lowest HP, dealing damage equal to 300% of ATK and stunning them for 3 sec. | Channels the condensed power of the ark to pierce through the enemy with the highest ATK, dealing damage equal to 380% of ATK and stunning them for 3 sec. |
■ Sub Skill – Ark Discharge
– First, we intended to deal massive damage as an initiator skill, and gradually become stronger by enhancing the power of normal attack and Speed, however, the power was too weak in “Idea Level:I” state, and the preparation was too long. Thus, we have improved her.
– By removing the preparation time of “Balance Break” debuff, now Mephistopheles (Dawn) will deal more damage to her target.
Level | Before | After |
Lv1 | Slashes the nearest enemy with her wing to deal damage equal to 175% of ATK while granting the “Accelerate” buff to herself, increasing normal attack damage by 20% and Speed by 5% (stacks up to 5 times). When this buff reaches 5 stacks, her normal attack deals additional damage equal to 50% of ATK and inflicts a stack of “Balance Break” debuff on the target, decreasing their DEF and Physical/Magic Resistance by 2% (stacks up to 10 times) for 8 sec. | Slashes the nearest enemy with her wing to deal damage equal to 235% of ATK while granting the “Accelerate” buff to herself, increasing normal attack damage by 40% and Speed by 10% (stacks up to 3 times). When this buff reaches 3 stacks, her normal attack deals additional damage equal to 50% of ATK and inflicts a stack of “Balance Break” debuff on the target, decreasing their DEF and Physical/Magic Resistance by 20% for 8 sec. |
Lv3 | If “Idea Level” is III, deals additional damage equal to 100% of ATK. If “Accelerate” is at 5 stacks, deals additional damage equal to 300% of ATK. | If “Idea Level” is III, deals additional damage equal to 100% of ATK. If “Accelerate” is at 3 stacks, deals additional damage equal to 300% of ATK. |
■ Sub Skill – Anti Plot
– Readjusted the shield amount to gain a higher amount than before, without changing based on HP.
– Added a CC-immune effect to the shield to give her more “freedom” when she has a shield.
Level | Before | After |
Lv1 | Folds her wing to deliver a single, piercing strike to the nearest enemy, dealing damage equal to 220% of ATK and gaining a shield equal to 150% of ATK for 12 sec. Her Physical/Magic Resistance is increased by 30% while the shield is active. | Folds her wing to deliver a single, piercing strike to the nearest enemy, dealing damage equal to 220% of ATK and gaining a shield equal to 25% of her max HP for 12 sec. Her Physical/Magic Resistance is increased by 30% and she becomes immune to crowd-controlling effects while the shield is active. |
■ Passive Skill – Code: Idea
– The “Tracking Causality” buff from incapacitating enemies wasn’t effective in increasing the Idea Level unless delivering the final blow with ultimate or main skill. Thus, we have increased the gaining speed and effect of “Tracking Causality”.
Level | Before | After |
Lv1 | All attacks trigger without cooldowns. Starts battle with the “Idea Level I” buff, which increases her damage dealt by 20% and decreases her total damage received by 20%. | All attacks trigger without cooldowns. Starts battle with the “Idea Level I” buff, which increases her damage dealt by 30% and decreases her total damage received by 30%. |
Lv2 | Can gain stacks of the “Tracking Causality” buff under certain conditions, which increases her Crit Rate by 3% per stack (stacks up to 10 times). At 3 or more stacks, the buff evolves to “Idea Level II”, increasing her damage dealt by 30% and decreasing her total damage received by 30%. Every time an enemy is defeated, she gains a stack of “Tracking Causality”. | Can gain stacks of the “Tracking Causality” buff under certain conditions, which increases her Crit Rate by 6% per stack (stacks up to 10 times). At 3 or more stacks, the buff evolves to “Idea Level II”, increasing her damage dealt by 40% and decreasing her total damage received by 40%. Every time an enemy is defeated, she gains 2 stacks of “Tracking Causality”. |
Lv3 | The buff evolves to “Idea Level III” when “Tracking Causality” reaches 10 stacks, increasing her damage dealt by 40% and decreasing her total damage received by 40%. | The buff evolves to “Idea Level III” when “Tracking Causality” reaches 10 stacks, increasing her damage dealt by 50% and decreasing her total damage received by 50%. |
■ Ultimate Skill – Code: Rebellion
– By increasing the base damage, the skill can more effectively incapacitate the enemies with low HP.
– Improved the ultimate skill to gain “Tracking Causality” buff faster with it.
Level | Before | After |
Lv1 | Channels the condensed power of the ark to strike the enemy with the lowest HP with each of her wing blades, dealing damage equal to 400% of ATK and stunning them for 4 sec. | Channels the condensed power of the ark to strike the enemy with the lowest HP with each of her wing blades, dealing damage equal to 495% of ATK and stunning them for 4 sec. |
Lv2 | Grants a stack of “Tracking Causality”. Grants another stack upon defeating an enemy with this skill. If “Idea Level” is II or higher, deals additional damage equal to 200% of ATK and grants another stack of “Tracking Causality”. | Grants 2 stacks of “Tracking Causality”. Grants another stack upon defeating an enemy with this skill. If “Idea Level” is II or higher, deals additional damage equal to 200% of ATK. |
■ Artifact Skill – Idea Protocol
– Previously, the power was too low when the grade of the Artifact was low, and the required grade for main – main – ultimate – main combo was too high. Thus, we have readjusted them.
– We have increased the overall power of the skill, for simply distributing the pre-existed effects by level may cause problems in some sections where the effects are lower than before. Additionally, we have adjusted the issue that the effect of Legendary+, Origin provides not growing effects but new effects.
Grade | Before | After |
Epic (Default) | Recovers HP and Mana by 40% each time “Idea Level” goes up. Also recovers 2500 Mana when battle begins. | Recovers HP and Mana by 70% each time “Idea Level” goes up. Also recovers 2500 Mana when battle begins. Additionally, increases all allies ATK by 15% when the “Idea Level” becomes II, and increases all enemies’ receiving damage by 10% when the “Idea Level” becomes III. |
Epic+ | Recovery amount from “Idea Level” increase changes to 50%. | Recovery amount from “Idea Level” increase changes to 75%. |
Legendary | Recovery amount from “Idea Level” increase changes to 60%. | Recovery amount from “Idea Level” increase changes to 80%. |
Legendary+ | Recovery amount from “Idea Level” increase changes to 70%. Also increases all allies’ ATK by 25% when “Idea Level II” is triggered. | Recovery amount from “Idea Level” increase changes to 85%. Also increases all allies’ ATK by 25% when “Idea Level II” is triggered, and increasing amount of all enemies’ receiving final damage changes to 15%. |
Eternal | Recovery amount from “Idea Level” increase changes to 80%. | Recovery amount from “Idea Level” increase changes to 90%. |
Eternal+ | Recovery amount from “Idea Level” increase changes to 90%. | Recovery amount from “Idea Level” increase changes to 95%. |
Origin | Recovery amount from “Idea Level” increase changes to 100%. Also increases all enemies’ total damage received by 20% when “Idea Level III” is triggered. | Recovery amount from “Idea Level” increase changes to 100%. Also increases all enemies’ total damage received by 25% when “Idea Level III” is triggered. |
Linzy (Thanatos) – Reaper of the Black Night
– Removing the buff condition of “Thanatos’s Whisper” that empowers main, sub skill. Now the buff only needed to buff the ultimate skill.
– Changed the way of applying “Thanatos’s Whisper”, now she doesn’t have to use “Ultimate Skill – Thanatos” as a coup de grace.
– Massively empowered her initiating damage and survivability.
■ Main Skill – Telos
– Removed the “Thanatos’s Whisper” in the empowering condition from level 3, and the life leech is increased.
Level | Before | After |
Lv3 | Damage changes to 300%. If “Thanatos’s Whisper” is active, she also inflicts “HP Drain” on the affected targets for 12 sec, absorbing 1.5% of their max HP every 2 sec (damage per tick does not exceed 100% of her ATK). | Damage changes to 300%. She also inflicts “HP Drain” on the affected targets for 12 sec, absorbing 2.5% of their max HP every 2 sec (damage per tick does not exceed 100% of her ATK). |
■ Sub Skill – Psyche
– Removed the “Thanatos’s Whisper” condition, and increased the default damage (the final damage of level 3 is the same as before), and the additional detonation now contains stun effect.
Level | Before | After |
Lv1 | Strikes the nearest enemy with the sword, unleashing a deathly energy to deal damage equal to 150% of ATK and stun them for 2 sec before pushing them back. After a 2 sec delay, the concentrated energy detonates, dealing damage equal to 100% of ATK to the target and enemies within 3m of the target. | Strikes the nearest enemy with the sword, unleashing a deathly energy to deal damage equal to 170% of ATK and stun them for 2 sec before pushing them back. After a 2 sec delay, the concentrated energy detonates, dealing damage equal to 170% of ATK to the target and enemies within 3m of the target and stuns them for 2 sec. |
Lv2 | Damage changes to 160%, and the delayed detonation damage changes to 110%. | Damage changes to 190%, and the delayed detonation damage changes to 190%. |
Lv3 | Damage changes to 170%, and the delayed detonation damage changes to 120%. If “Thanatos’s Whisper” is active, the delayed detonation damage changes to 250% and activates any passive effects of allies that are triggered by enemy incapacitation. | Damage changes to 210%, and the delayed detonation damage changes to 210%, and activates any passive effects of allies that are triggered by enemy incapacitation. |
■ Sub Skill – Styx
– Removing the “Thanatos’s Whisper” condition, and the “Invincible” effect will remain as long as she is in the zone of death.
– The radius is expanded to engage the enemies of the back line more effectively.
– With the change of the effect of “Ekstasis”, the “Ekstasis” effect will no more be provided in the zone.
Level | Before | After |
Lv1 | Unleashes a flurry of strikes powerful enough to slice through space itself around the nearest enemy, dealing damage equal to 140% of ATK to enemies within a 3m radius and pulling all enemies toward herself while creating a zone of death. The zone of death lasts for 8 sec, restoring her HP by 10% of max HP, granting her a stack of “Ekstasis”, and dealing damage equal to 60% of ATK to enemies in the zone every 2 sec as long as she remains within the zone. | Unleashes a flurry of strikes powerful enough to slice through space itself around the nearest enemy, dealing damage equal to 140% of ATK to enemies within a 3.5m radius and pulling all enemies toward herself while creating a zone of death. The zone of death lasts for 8 secs. While in the zone, gain “Invincible” buff every 2 secs that lasts for 3 secs, recovering 10% of her max HP, and inflicting 60% of ATK to enemies in the zone. |
Lv3 | Damage changes to 160%, and zone damage changes to 70%. If “Thanatos’s Whisper” is active, she also becomes “Invincible” for 6 sec from the moment of zone creation. | Damage changes to 160%, and zone damage changes to 70%. She becomes immune to crowd controlling effect if she has “Invincible” effect. |
■ Passive Skill – Ekstasis
– Decreased the max stack, and increased default effect to make it more effective in the low Artifact grade.
– Following to the changes of “Thanatos’s Whisper”, the Speed increasing effect is added to “Ekstasis” buff.
– “Thanatos’s Whisper” effect is no longer affected by the “Ekstasis”, and transfered to “Thanatos” skill.
– Slightly increased the damage of normal attack to empower the combo after “Styx” and “Telos”.
Level | Before | After |
Lv1 | Her normal attack hits all enemies within a 270-degree arc of her field of view, dealing damage equal to 140% of ATK and granting her a stack of the “Ekstasis” buff, which increases her Crit Rate by 2% and decreases her total damage received by 2% (up to 20 stacks). | Her normal attack hits all enemies within a 270-degree arc of her field of view, dealing damage equal to 140% of ATK and granting her a stack of the “Ekstasis” buff, which increases her Speed by 2%, Crit Rate by 5% and decreases her total damage received by 5% (up to 10 stacks). |
Lv3 | When “Ekstasis” reaches 20 stacks, she gains “Thanatos’s Whisper”, which increases her Speed by 20% and enhances all of her skill effects. | Normal attack’s damage changes to 200%. |
■ Ultimate Skill – Thanatos
– Now she will not lose “Ekstasis” when used while she has “Thanatos’s Whisper” effect from the 3 level effect.
– After 30 sec of battle starts she gains “Thanatos’s Whisper” effect, and the effect is activated again after 60 sec when she uses “Thanatos”.
Level | Before | After |
Lv3 | Damage to the central target changes to 444%, and the diminishing damage per meter changes to 44%. If “Thanatos’s Whisper” is active, the damage to the central target is multiplied by 4.4, and all “Ekstasis” stacks are consumed. | Damage to the central target changes to 444%, and the diminishing damage per meter changes to 44%. She gains “Thanatos’s Whisper” effect 30 sec after the battle begins, and if she has the effect when she uses “Thanatos”, increases the damage to the central target changes x4.4 and consumes “Thanatos’s Whisper”. The lost “Thanatos’s Whisper” is gained again after 60 sec. |
Dora – Almighty Teddy
– The shield condition for activating procs is removed, and she is redesigned to be effective in the STR Souls’ party.
– By removing the handicap that she consumes her HP to activate skill, increased her survivability.
■ Main Skill – Bear Paw-ah Punch
– By removing the activating condition, we improved her usability.
Level | Before | After |
Lv1 | Puts all her might into a punch that deals damage equal to 220% of ATK to the nearest enemy. The punch deals additional damage equal to 160% of ATK and stuns the enemy for 2 sec if Dora has a shield. | Puts all her might into a punch that deals damage equal to 380% of ATK to the nearest enemy that ignores 50% of the target’s DEF and stuns the enemy for 3 sec. |
Lv2 | Damage changes to 240%, additional damage changes to 170%. | Damage changes to 410%. |
Lv3 | Damage changes to 260%, additional damage changes to 180%. Additional 180% damage is dealt if she has the “Bear With Me” buff. | Damage changes to 440%. If the skill is landed as a critical hit, deals additional 220% of ATK damage. |
■ Sub Skill – Bear Knuckles
– Removed the condition of “Bear With Me” and barrier, and changed the skill to deal massive damage to immobilized target.
Level | Before | After |
Lv1 | A punch full of torque deals damage equal to 180% of ATK to the nearest enemy. The punch deals additional damage equal to 100% of ATK if Dora has a shield. | A punch of full torque deals damage equal to 280% of ATK to the nearest enemy that ignores 50% of the target’s DEF, and inflicts the target “Dizzy” effect. If she deals damage with “Bear Knuckles” again against the target with “Dizzy” effect, stuns the target by for 3 sec and decreases the target’s Physical Resistance by 15%. |
Lv2 | Damage changes to 190%, additional damage changes to 105%. | Damage changes to 305%. |
Lv3 | Damage changes to 200%, additional damage changes to 110%. Additional 110% damage is dealt if she has the “Bear With Me” buff. | Damage changes to 330%. If she deals damage with “Bear Knuckles” again against the target with “Dizzy” effect, deals additional 200% of ATK damage and the skill is landed as a critical hit. |
■ Sub Skill – Bear With Me
– Removed the effect that consumes her HP, and added synergy effect with STR based Souls.
Level | Before | After |
Lv1 | Become the Bear! Receives true damage equal to 30% of max HP. Crit DMG increases by 70% for 24 seconds and gets a shield that absorbs damage equal to 30% of max HP. | Spreading the energy of the Bear! Grants her “Bear With Me” buff for 24 sec that decreases receiving damage by 30% and increases Crit DMG by 80%. Additionally, grants all STR Souls a shield that absorbs damage equal to 30% of max HP. |
Lv2 | Crit DMG increase changes to 80%. | Crit DMG increase changes to 90%. |
Lv3 | Crit DMG increase changes to 90%. ATK increases to 20%. | Crit DMG increase changes to 100%. Increases ATK by 20% and DEF by 20% of all STR Souls including herself. |
■ Passive Skill – Bearly Alive
– Changed the skill to be powerful when allies are near, instead of when she has a shield.
Level | Before | After |
Lv1 | No armor stands in the way of a furious bear. All of Dora’s attacks ignore 25% of enemy DEF. If dora has a shield, DEF increases by 30% and Crit Rate increases by 30%. | Bear among the horde shows off a magnificent visage! When there are any allies within 3.5m near Dora, increases Dora’s DEF by 80% and Crit Rate by 40%. Additionally, if she has “Bearly Alive” buff, she deals additional 100% of ATK damage by normal attack and increases her Speed by 20% for 8 sec. |
Lv2 | DEF increase changes to 40%. | DEF increase changes to 90%, and Crit Rate increase changes to 45%. |
Lv3 | DEF increase changes to 50%, Crit Rate increase changes to 40%. | DEF increase changes to 100%, Crit Rate increase changes to 50%. |
■ Ultimate Skill – Bearfoot Stomp
– Changed the skill to be more effective against the enemies in the front line.
Level | Before | After |
Lv1 | Enlarged Dora tramples the nearest enemy and enemies within 2.5m around it, dealing damage equal to 260% of ATK and stunning them for 2 seconds. If Dora has a shield, deals additional damage equal to 160% of ATK. | Enlarged Dora tramples the nearest enemy and enemies within 3m around it, dealing damage equal to 380% of ATK and stunning them for 3 seconds. Deals additional damage equal to 190% of ATK to the main target that ignores all DEF. |
Lv2 | Damage changes to 280%, additional damage changes to 170%. | Damage changes to 410%, additional damage changes to 205%. |
Lv3 | Damage changes to 300%, additional damage changes to 180%. Deals additional 180% damage if she has the “Bear With Me” buff. | Damage changes to 440%, additional damage changes to 220%. The additional damage becomes 3m radius AoE if she has “Bear With Me” buff. |
■ Artifact Skill – Bearminator
– Redesigned her Artifact skill to improve her power and provide benefits to allies.
Grade | Before | After |
Epic (Default) | Adds an effect to “Bearly Alive” which increases Physical/Magic Resistance by 10%. When using “Bear With Me”, adds a barrier effect equal to 20% of max HP for 24 seconds. The effect cannot be canceled. | Increases Physical/Magic Resistance by 10%. If ally STR Soul is in the radius of “Bearly Alive”, increase the ally’s Physical/Magic Resistance by half of the main amount. If she gains increasing Speed effect from “Bearly Alive” buff, also increases her damage output by 20%. |
Epic+ | Physical/Magic Resistance increase changes to 15%. | Physical/Magic Resistance increase changes to 15%. |
Legendary | Physical/Magic Resistance increase changes to 20%. | Physical/Magic Resistance increase changes to 20%. |
Legendary+ | Physical/Magic Resistance increase changes to 25%. Barrier effect changes to 30% of max HP. | Physical/Magic Resistance increase changes to 25%. If she gains increasing Speed effect from “Bearly Alive” buff, also increases her damage output by 30%. |
Eternal | Physical/Magic Resistance increase changes to 30%. | Physical/Magic Resistance increase changes to 30%. |
Eternal+ | Physical/Magic Resistance increase changes to 35%. | Physical/Magic Resistance increase changes to 35%. |
Origin | Physical/Magic Resistance increase changes to 40%. Barrier effect changes to 30% of max HP. | Physical/Magic Resistance increase changes to 40%. Additionally, she becomes immune to crowd controlling effect when she has “Bearly Alive”. |
Kanna – Bullet Princess
– Reduced her complexity of procs, and excessive dependence on “Angelic Shot” and “Devil Shot” stacks.
– Redistributed her firepower from her Artifact effect into her default skill effect, and changed her Artifact skill’s effect.
– Now she will show off her firepower a little earlier.
■ Common
– Range of normal attack and sub skill is increased.
■ Main Skill – Bullet Barrage
– With the reduction of stack limit, changed the “Shot” stack effect to additional damage.
Level | Before | After |
Lv1 | Kanna fires from Angel Gun and Devil Gun over the nearest enemy’s head, dealing damage equal to 230% of ATK by unleashing a barrage of bullets on the target and other enemies within a 3m radius. Also applies 2 stacks of “Angel Shot” and “Devil Shot”. | Kanna fires from Angel Gun and Devil Gun over the nearest enemy’s head, dealing damage equal to 250% of ATK by unleashing a barrage of bullets on the target and other enemies within a 3m radius. Also deals additional 150% ATK damage per “Angel’s Touch” or “Devil’s Touch” stack. |
Lv2 | Damage changes to 245%. | Damage changes to 270%. |
Lv3 | Damage changes to 260%. Activates the effects of “Angel Shot” and “Devil Shot”, regardless of their number of stacks as long as the main target is hit with the attack. | Damage changes to 290%. The skill is guaranteed as a critical hit if the target has both “Angel’s Touch” and “Devil’s Touch”, and deals additional 200% ATK damage. |
■ Sub Skill – Angelic Pierce
– The complex level 3 effect of the previous skill is changed to additional damage effect.
Level | Before | After |
Lv1 | Kanna fires a powerful shot with Angel Gun at the nearest enemy, dealing damage equal to 120% of ATK to enemies within a 2.2m wide and 11m long area. Also applies 2 stacks of “Angel Shot”. | Kanna fires a powerful shot with Angel Gun at the nearest enemy, dealing damage equal to 160% of ATK to enemies within a 2.2m wide and 11m long area. Also applies 2 stacks of “Angel Shot”. |
Lv2 | Damage changes to 130%. | Damage changes to 175%. |
Lv3 | Damage changes to 140%. If “Angelic Pierce” activates “Angel Shot” on the main target, then “Devilish Scatter” is also instantly activated without delay, applying 3 stacks of “Devil Shot”. | Damage changes to 190%. Deals additional 120% ATK damage if the target has “Devil’s Touch”. |
■ Sub Skill – Devilish Scatter
– The complex level 3 effect of the previous skill is changed to additional damage effect.
Level | Before | After |
Lv1 | Kanna scatters explosive rounds at the nearest enemy with Devil Gun, dealing damage equal to 120% of ATK to enemies in an 11m, 30-degree arc. Also applies 2 stacks of “Devil Shot”. | Kanna scatters explosive rounds at the nearest enemy with Devil Gun, dealing damage equal to 160% of ATK to enemies in an 11m, 30-degree arc. Also applies 2 stacks of “Devil Shot”. |
Lv2 | Damage changes to 130%. | Damage changes to 175%. |
Lv3 | Damage changes to 140%. If “Devilish Scatter” activates “Devil Shot” on the main target, then “Angelic Pierce” is also instantly activated without delay, applying 3 stacks of “Angel Shot”. | Damage changes to 190%. Deals additional 120% ATK damage if the target has “Angel’s Touch”. |
■ Passive Skill – Angel & Devil
– The previous 6-stack requirement is reduced to 4 stacks, to make her effective earlier.
– According to the change of stack requirement and Artifact effect, the duration and power are readjusted.
– The effects become less complex.
Level | Before | After |
Lv1 | Kanna’s normal attack inflicts her target with 1 stack of “Angel Shot” and “Devil Shot” each. When “Angel Shot” and “Devil Shot” reach 6 stacks from Kanna’s attacks, they activate the following effects and expire. “Angel Shot” – Charms the target for 5 seconds. If the target is immune to Charm, deals damage equal to 240% of ATK instead. This effect is influenced by “Devil’s Touch.” “Devil Shot” – Inflicts the target with the “Devil’s Touch” debuff for 12 seconds, which increases the target’s total damage received by 15% and allows Kanna to deal 40% additional damage against the target. | Kanna’s normal attack inflicts her target with 1 stack of “Angel Shot” and “Devil Shot” each. When “Angel Shot” and “Devil Shot” reach 4 stacks from Kanna’s attacks, they activate the following effects and expire. “Angel Shot” – Deals 120% ATK damage and inflicts “Angel’s Touch” debuff for 15 seconds, and chamrs the target for 5 seconds. “Devil Shot” – Deals 120% ATK damage, and inflicts “Devil’s Touch” for 15 seconds, and increases the target’s total damage received by 25% for 12 seconds. |
Lv2 | Kanna’s normal attack additionally restores 500 Mana. | Kanna’s normal attack additionally restores 500 Mana. |
Lv3 | Every skill activated by the level 3 “Angelic Pierce” and “Devilish Scatter” effects additionally restores 750 Mana for Kanna. | Increases her Speed by 25% for 9 sec when she attacks the target with “Angel’s Touch” with her normal attack, and when attacks the target with “Devil’s Touch” with her normal attack, increases her damage output by 25% for 9 sec. |
■ Ultimate Skill – Rampaging Bullet
– Reduced the excessive dependence on “Shot” effects, and increased the base effect.
– The nuking capacity of previous version with stacks of “Angel Shot” is reduced, however, added a new damage-increasing debuff that can be stacked with “Devil Shot”. Thus, the overall damage and synergy with party are improved.
Level | Before | After |
Lv1 | Kanna barrages the enemy with the lowest HP with Angel Gun and Devil Gun, dealing damage equal to 300% of ATK to the target and other enemies within a 3m radius. Also applies 3 stacks of “Angel Shot” and “Devil Shot”. | Kanna barrages the enemy with the lowest HP with Angel Gun and Devil Gun, dealing damage equal to 300% of ATK to the target and other enemies within a 3m radius. Also charms the targets for 3.5 sec and increases their receiving damage by 15% for 24 sec. |
Lv2 | Damage changes to 320%. | Damage changes to 330%. |
Lv3 | Damage changes to 340%. Activates the effects of “Angel Shot” and “Devil Shot” as long as the main target is hit with the attack. | Damage changes to 360%. Changes the duration of charm to 5 sec and increasing receiving-damage effect changes to 20%. |
■ Artifact Skill – Emotional Trigger
– Redesigned the skill by adding Mana recovery effect to make her skill activate more frequently.
Grade | Before | After |
Epic (Default) | All activated effects and their durations are increased by 20% when “Angel Shot” and “Devil Shot” are 6 stacks. Also, Kanna’s ATK increases by 15% when battle begins. | Increases Kanna’s ATK by 15%. Recovers 200 of Mana when she uses “Angelic Pierce” or “Devilish Scatter”. Additionally, when “Bullet Barrage” hits agains “Evil Soul”, reduces the groggy gauge with the 5-sec duration charm type effect. |
Epic+ | Activated effects and their durations increase by 25%. | Recovers additional 425 of Mana when she uses “Angelic Pierce” or “Devilish Scatter”. |
Legendary | Activated effects and their durations increase by 30%. | Recovers additional 650 of Mana when she uses “Angelic Pierce” or “Devilish Scatter”. |
Legendary+ | Activated effects and their durations increase by 35%. ATK increase changes to 20%. | Recovers additional 875 of Mana when she uses “Angelic Pierce” or “Devilish Scatter”. Additionally, the amount of ATK increasing effect changes to 20%, and when “Bullet Barrage” hits agains “Evil Soul”, reduces the groggy gauge with the 7.5-sec duration charm type effect. |
Eternal | Activated effects and their durations increase by 40%. | Recovers additional 1100 of Mana when she uses “Angelic Pierce” or “Devilish Scatter”. |
Eternal+ | Activated effects and their durations increase by 45%. | Recovers additional 1325 of Mana when she uses “Angelic Pierce” or “Devilish Scatter”. |
Origin | Activated effects and their durations increase by 50%. ATK increase changes to 25%. | Recovers additional 1550 of Mana when she uses “Angelic Pierce” or “Devilish Scatter”. Additionally, the amount of ATK increasing effect changes to 25%, and when “Bullet Barrage” hits agains “Evil Soul”, reduces the groggy gauge with the 10-sec duration charm type effect. |
Edith – Knight of Lilies
– Reduced the burden of deploying by reducing the buff stack requirement of main and ultimate skill.
– By improving her hard-to-control proc condition of Artifact effect, make her to always engage the battle with full condition.
– Redisigned to rend out the enemies in the front line.
– Removed the activation delay of “Riposte” depending on the state of “En Garde”, and it now has a fixed cooldown. Following to the change, the level 3 effect of previous sub skills will now have different effects.
■ Main Skill – Moulinet
– Changed to AoE skill and reduced the buff stack requirement. Additionally, empowered the effectiveness when used against the single target.
Level | Before | After |
Lv1 | Edith launches a sword blast to the nearest enemy, dealing damage equal to 240% of ATK and stunning them for 3 seconds. Additional effects come into play depending on the number of buffs she has. 4 or more: Deals 1.5x damage. 6 or more: Deals 2x damage and removes 2 of the target’s buffs. 8 or more: Deals 2x damage, removes 2 of the target’s buffs, and guarantees a critical hit. | Edith launches a sword blast with 3m wide & 1.8m long to the nearest enemy, dealing damage equal to 240% of ATK and stunning them for 3 seconds. Additional effects come into play depending on the number of buffs she has. 4 or more: Deals 1.5x damage to the main target. 6 or more: Deals 2x damage to the maint target and removes 2 of the target’s buffs. 8 or more: Deals 3x damage to the main target, removes 4 of the target’s buffs, and guarantees a critical hit. |
Lv2 | Damage changes to 260%. | Damage changes to 260%. |
Lv3 | Damage changes to 280%, and removes 3 “En Garde” stacks if she has 6 or more buffs. | Damage changes to 280%, and recovers 2000 of her Mana when she has more than 6 buffs. |
■ Sub Skill – Remise
– Removed the effects related with “En Garde”, and changed to the crowd controlling skill against the enemies in the front line.
Level | Before | After |
Lv3 | Damage changes to 200%, additional damage changes to 120%, and removes 3 “En Garde” stacks if she has a speed buff. | Damage changes to 200%, additional damage changes to 120%, and decreases the target’s Speed by 20% for 12 sec if Edith has any Speed buff. |
■ Sub Skill – Fente
– Removed the effects related with “En Garde”, and changed to the massive damage dealing and DEF decreasing skill against the enemies in the front line.
Level | Before | After |
Lv3 | Damage changes to 240%, removes 2 “En Garde” stacks if she has a DEF or Physical/Magic Resistance buff. | Damage changes to 240%, and if she has DEF or Physical/Magic Resistance buff, deals additional 120% ATK damage that fully ignores the target’s DEF and decreases the target’s DEF by 25% for 12 sec. |
■ Passive Skill – Riposte
– Changed to a skill with a fixed cooldown.
– Following to the change above, the duration of defensive effect, radius and power of counter attack is enhanced. Also, she grants a temporal shield.
– Added an ATK decreasing effect against enemy hit by the counter attack to take less damage from the enemies near her.
Level | Before | After |
Lv1 | Edith gains a “Riposte” buff when battle begins. If she is hit while this buff is active, her Physical/Magic Resistance increases by 50% for 6 sec, she deals damage equal to 140% of ATK to targets within 2.5m, the “Riposte” buff is removed, and she gains 10 “En Garde” stacks. “En Garde” stacks decrease by 1 every 2 sec. When all “En Garde” stacks are gone, she gains the “Riposte” buff again. | When Edith takes damage, she increases her Physical/Magic Resistance by 50% for 8 sec, and deals 170% of ATK damage to targets within 3m, and decreases their ATK by 20% for 8 sec. (10 seconds cooldown) |
Lv2 | Damage changes to 150%. | Damage changes to 185%, and gains a shield equal to 180% of her ATK for 8 sec. |
Lv3 | Damage changes to 160%, changes skill order to “Fente” when “Riposte” activates. | Damage changes to 200%, changes skill order to “Fente” when “Riposte” activates. |
■ Ultimate Skill – Attaque au fer
– By reducing the buff stack requirement and increasing the Mana recovery, make her more effective to use her combo, and increased her maximum power to be more effective as a main damage dealer and ultimate specialized damage dealer in Raid and Evil Soul Subjugation.
Level | Before | After |
Lv1 | Edith strikes the nearest enemy with a series of thrusts and then finishes off with a powerful blow, dealing damage equal to 350% ATK. Additional effects come into play depending on the number of buffs she has. 4 or more: Deals 1.5x damage. 6 or more: Deals 2x damage and restores 3000 Mana. 8 or more: Deals 2x damage, restores 3000 Mana, and guarantees a critical hit. | Edith strikes the nearest enemy with a series of thrusts and then finishes off with a powerful blow, dealing damage equal to 350% ATK. Additional effects come into play depending on the number of buffs she has. 2 or more: Deals 1.5x damage. 4 or more: Deals 2x damage and restores 5000 Mana. 6 or more: Deals 3x damage, restores 5000 Mana, and guarantees a critical hit. |
Lv2 | Damage changes to 375%. | Damage changes to 375%. |
Lv3 | Damage changes to 400% and damage increases by 3x if she has 10 or more buffs. | Damage changes to 400% and damage increases by 4.5x if she has 7 or more buffs. |
■ Artifact Skill – Corps-a-corps
– The ATK increasing effect based on “En Garde” state is changed to conditionless common effect.
Grade | Before | After |
Epic (Default) | Her ATK increases by 6% if “En Garde” is active. Effect is doubled if “Riposte” is active. | Her ATK increases by 6%. If “Riposte” is activated, increases additional 6% ATK for 15 sec. |
Epic+ | ATK increase changes to 9%. | ATK increase of both effects changes to 9%. |
Legendary | ATK increase changes to 12%. | ATK increase of both effects changes to 12%. |
Legendary+ | ATK increase changes to 15%. Speed increases by 25% for 6 seconds upon being hit. | ATK increase of both effects changes to 15%. Speed increases by 25% for 15 sec when “Riposte” is activated. |
Eternal | ATK increase changes to 18%. | ATK increase of both effects changes to 18%. |
Eternal+ | ATK increase changes to 21%. | ATK increase of both effects changes to 21%. |
Origin | ATK increase changes to 24%. Speed increase upon being hit changes to 40%. | ATK increase of both effects changes to 24%. Speed increase upon being hit changes to 40%. |
This is the end of today’s announcement.
Currently, we are planning to rebalance more Souls, however, they are not included in this upcoming update.
We will additionally notify them as soon as we are prepared.
Please note that the content above are subject to change.