Reverse: 1999 1st Anniversary Summary
“VEREINSAMT”, or Reverse: 1999’s Patch 1.9 marks the game’s 1 year Anniversary in China. Along with the usual recipe expected from Reverse’s updates, this special patch brings tons of freebies, a new game mode and QoL updates.
New Characters
We will only know for sure how some of these skills work once they’re live, especially in Lucy’s case.
Lucy – 6✦ Intellect (Limited)
Insight: Initial Transmission
1: When the caster gains Moxie or an ally gains Moxie/Eureka, the caster gains an amount of [Energy]. After allies have accumulated an amount of [Energy], generate a [Sublimation] of your choice.
- [Sublimation]: Sublimate an incantation of your choice (this is what is used to upgrade her skills).
2: Increase Crit Rate upon entering combat.
3: After casting Ultimate, increase enemy DMG Taken for a certain amount of turns. After an enemy is defeated or the caster casts Ultimate, gain an amount of [Energy] and [Data Decryption]. After reaching an amount of these stacks, release [Kinetic Energy Conservation].
- [Data Decryption]: Increases ATK (stackable).
- [Energy]: Increases Pen Rate.
- [Kinetic Energy Conservation]: Mass Reality DMG, consumes [Energy] to gain Pen Rate (Follow-up Attack).
Skill 1
1-Target Reality DMG. Consumes an amount of [Energy] to deal additional Reality DMG.
Sublimated Skill 1:
- Mass Reality DMG (2 enemies). Deals full DMG to primary target and 50% DMG on the secondary target. Consumes an amount of [Energy] to deal additional DMG.
Skill 2
Mass Reality DMG. Consume certain layers of [Energy] to attack one more target. If there are less than 3 targets, deals extra reality DMG.
Sublimated Skill 2:
- AoE Reality DMG, with extra Genesis DMG scaling to ATK. Consume certain layers of [Energy] to attack one more target. If there are less than 3 targets, deals extra reality DMG.
Ultimate: Self Improvement
Gain [Pragmatism] for an amount of rounds. Gain [Data Decryption] and generate [Charge Bomb].
- [Pragmatism]: Attacking a certain Afflatus does something (this is very unclear) with the DMG Dealt.
- [Charge Bomb]: Gain an amount of [Energy] before attacking.
Follow-Up Attack(?) [Kinetic Energy Conservation]: Mass Reality DMG, consume [Energy] to increase Penetration rate.
Sublimated(?): Mass Reality DMG. If target is lower than a certain percentage, deals extra reality DMG. This attack ignores Dodge and will not trigger Counters. Consume [Energy] to increase Penetration rate.
NOTES: (by Gordan)
Reading into it this seems the most likely situation:
- Insight 3 generates a Versatile card like Vila does under the [Rusalka] state.
- This card is called [Kinetic Energy Conservation] and is the “””FUA”””.
- Because its a card and can be upgraded by [Sublimation] its also considered Skill 3.

Banner: From May 16 to June 27 (Entire Patch 1.9)

Kakania – 6✦ Plant
Insight: Psychoanalysis
1: A percentage of DMG Dealt to allies is instead dealt to Kakania. Kakania’s DMG Taken will be stored as [Empathy] and [Empathy] is capped at a percentage of Kakania’s Max HP.
- When [Empathy] reaches its max value she no longer takes DMG for allies.
2: Increases Max HP upon entering combat.
3: When [Empathy] reaches a certain percentage of Kakania’s Max HP, heal all allies for a percentage of Kakania’s Max HP. This also activates after Kakania takes a certain amount of DMG.
- When healed, deal damage to all enemies based on the current amount of [Empathy] (not a Follow-Up Attack).
Skill 1:
1-Target Mental DMG. Deals additional damage based on amount of [Empathy].
Skill 2:
1-Target Buff. Restores a certain percentage of Max HP. When used on allies, the caster loses a percentage of their Max HP and applies [Psychic Comfort] to the target.
- [Psychic Comfort]: Increases ATK by a percentage of the amount of [Empathy] at the time of its application.
1-Target Mental DMG. Consumes all [Empathy] to deal extra Genesis DMG. Starts recording all allied DMG Taken this round with [Superego].
- [Superego]: At the end of the round, restore a percentage of DMG Taken.

Banner: From June 6 to June 27

Semmelweis – 6✦ Mineral (FREE*)
FREE*: Semmelweis can be obtained for free by logging in during Patch 1.9. After that, she will be added to the standard summon pool.
Insight: Blood-Drinking Habit
1: Upon entering combat, lose a percentage of Current HP and gain an amount of Moxie.
2: Increases DMG Dealt upon entering combat.
3: After casting Ultimate, lose a certain amount of Current HP and gain an amount of Moxie.
- [Wild]: If the caster is still in this state at the end of the round, automatically cast [Reveal the Truth].
- [Reveal the Truth]: Deal Reality DMG.
Skill 1
1-Target Reality DMG. Lose a certain amount of Current HP to deal additional Reality DMG.
Skill 2
1-Target Buff. Apply [New Blood] to the target. Increase the DMG Dealt of all allies for an amount of turns.
- [New Blood]: Increases Crit Rate.
Mass Buff. All allies lose a certain amount of Current HP. Activates the [Blood Red City] Array for a certain amount of rounds. The caster enters the [Wild] state for a certain amount of turns.
- [Blood Red City]: Allies take reduced DMG. When attacking, lose a certain amount of Current HP to deal additional damage (there is a limit to this).

Lorelei – 5✦ Star (FREE*)
FREE: Available through the new game mode “A Series of Dusks”. Lorelei won’t be added to the gacha. So far, the only thing revealed about her are her insights and art.
Insight: Ode To The Heart
1: At the beginning of the round, depending on the type of Incantation most present in your hand, one of the following effects will occur.
- Attack Incantations: Ally DMG Dealt increased.Buff Incantations: Ally Crit Rate increased.Debuff Incantation: Ally DMG Taken reduced.
3: After using Ultimate, if a Crit, return an amount of Moxie.

Six new skins will be added to the game:
- Mesmer JR: “A Day to Rest” (FREE, UTTU)
- Desert Flannel: “Call of the Wild” (Roar Jukebox)
- Voyager: “New Journey” (Paid)
- Jessica: “Voyage From Your Bed” (Paid)
- Regulus: “Take Off To The Future” (Paid, possibly limited)
- Sonetto: “Overlapping Worlds” (FREE, obtained by completing Chapter 7 tasks)
All the skins from patch 1.2 and 1.3 will receive new sfx.
Furthermore, Eagle will get a skin obtained through the collab with Lawson. (“Weekend Excursion”) (So that’s technically seven new skins?)

Other Updates
- New Main Story Chapter 7: Vereinsamt (Song of Loneliness);
- New Game Mode: “A Series of Dusks”;
- New “3 Doors” Chapter;
- Players can now pick songs to play on the main menu;
- New Anecdotes: Eagle and Semmelweis;
- New Mane’s Bulletin;
- New UTTU;
- Old events will now be added permanently to the game, including their side-puzzles. Players who have never finished these events or have never played them can still earn first-time rewards. For Patch 1.9, “The Theft of the Rimet Cup” will be added, and its Wilderness Set will also be permanently available in the shop;
- “Promise of Water” banner, a banner where the player can pick which character they want as the rate up. Also, there’s a pack with a 6-star selector and 10 summons in the shop (available 6-stars go up to Getian, and also include Semmelweis);
- New Wilderness set “Silver Fantasy”;
- Wilderness terrain can now be customized to match all the surrounding terrain of the same type (Goodbye not matching water!);
- Characters can now interact with each other in the Wilderness if they’re close together;
- Free Matilda portray to all players who log in during Patch 1.9;

EN Can Not Read
I believe this for CN version right? Any speciation on when it comes to global?
Around october the 26th.
Holy fucking shit they’re spoiling us thank you devs
cannot wait for them to make the old events permanent
will old uttu skins be available as well with old events becoming permanent?