SSR Bay, the cheerleader who performs in all kinds of sports competitions and celebrations, joins the battlefield.

Bay specializes in enhancing her allies’ survivability.

She increases and recovers her own Cover HP, thereby acquiring an even sturdier cover.

At the same time, she distributes the damage taken by all Nikkes and her cover to help her allies survive.

  • Class: Defender
  • Weapon: Victory Fanfare (RL)
  • Code: Fire
  • Manufacturer: Tetra Line
  • Special Recruit duration: From the end of the April 11, 2024 maintenance to 23:59:59, April 24, 2024 (UTC+9)

Recruit Rules:

  • You can use Gems (Free/Paid) or Advanced Recruit Vouchers to recruit in Special Recruit (Ordinary Recruit Vouchers cannot be used).
  • There is a 4% chance of acquiring SSR Nikkes in Special Recruit and a 2% chance of acquiring SSR Bay.
  • You can get Gold Mileage Tickets when recruiting in Special Recruit.
  • You can exchange 200 Gold Mileage Tickets for Bay in the Mileage Shop.
  • When Special Recruit ends, unused Gold Mileage Tickets will not disappear.
  • In the version update after Special Recruit ends, Bay will be available in Ordinary Recruit, Social Point Recruit, and from Mold items. (Unavailable in New Commander Special Recruit and Ordinary Recruit (Tutorial))

Temporary Participating Nikke

  • During the Special Recruit, you have the chance to temporarily add Nikkes in the Pick Up Recruitment in your squad for the Union Shooting Range.
  • Temporary participation duration:
  • Bay: From the end of the April 11, 2024 maintenance to 23:59:59, April 24, 2024 (UTC+9)

New Events

  • New Story Event: ONE MORE TIME
    • Event duration: From the end of the April 11, 2024 maintenance to 23:59:59, April 24, 2024 (UTC+9)
    • In the qualifying round of the Ark’s cheerleading championship,
    • Bay attains the lowest score in the squad’s history.
    • To achieve first place in the cheerleading championship, Bay practices hard with Clay.
    • Players can enter the ONE MORE TIME event page and complete stages to win event items, which can be used to exchange various rewards such as Recruit Vouchers and skill enhancement materials in the Event Shop.
    • Item exchange in the Event Shop will end on April 24, 2024 at 23:59:59 (UTC+9).
  • Challenge Stage
    • Event duration: From the end of the April 11, 2024 maintenance to 23:59:59, April 24, 2024 (UTC+9)
    • Challenge Stage is opened in ONE MORE TIME. Challenge the difficult boss stages to obtain various development materials!
  • 7-Day Login Event COLORFUL CHEER UP
    • Event duration: From the end of the April 11, 2024 maintenance to 23:59:59, April 24, 2024 (UTC+9)
    • Log in on any 7 days during the event for rewards. Get Recruit Vouchers and development materials when you log in for 7 days straight.
  • Archives RED ASH
    • Story Event RED ASH is now available in Archives.
    • Participate in ONE MORE TIME to obtain Memory Films to unlock story events in Archives.
    • Opening time: From the end of April 11, 2024 maintenance
    • How to enter: Lobby → Outpost → Command Center → Recollection → Archives
  • Weekend-Only FULL BURST DAY Event
    • Event duration: From 5:00:00, April 20, 2024 to 4:59:59, April 22, 2024 (UTC+9)
    • During the FULL BURST event on weekends, players can obtain an additional reward in Interception and Simulation Room.

Side Story

  • Side Story is a permanent gameplay mode, where you can explore stories from different perspectives that extend from the main storyline, is now available.
  • Learn more about the lores of Nikkes through this story-driven and fully-voiced gameplay mode.
  • Condition to join: Clear Main Chapter Normal Stage 6-15
  • How to enter: Lobby → Outpost → Command Center

Union Raid

  • Union Raid will begin on April 19 at 12:00:00 (UTC+9)! Challenge the Boss with your Union members, collect Union Chips, and exchange rewards!
  • Raid duration: From 12:00:00, April 19, 2024 to 23:59:59, April 24, 2024 (UTC+9)
  • Condition to join: Union should be in Lv. 3
  • Please note that players are unable to remove Union members or leave the Union during Union Raid.

Coordinated Operation

  • Form a team of five Commanders and challenge Boss Land Eater P.S.I.D. together! Players can either team up with friends and union members or join the challenge through automatic matching. Defeat the boss and get Broken Cores to exchange Gems and development materials in Recycling Shop!
  • Event duration: From 12:00:00, April 19, 2024 to 23:59:59, April 21, 2024 (UTC+9)
  • How to join: Lobby → Event → Coordinated Operation

New Commodities

  • New character packages will be available after the April 11, 2024 maintenance.
  • Sale duration: From the end of the April 11, 2024 maintenance to 23:59:59, April 24, 2024 (UTC+9)
  • Please check them out in Lobby → Cash Shop → Limited-Time Package.
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