New Battle Pass Character – Judy Swift

- Type: Counter
- Role: Sniper
- Deployment cost: 3
- Attack type: Ground
- Movement type: Ground
Basic Attack – 1 Valid Hits
- Fires a Frostflake arrow, dealing damage to the target.
Passive: Serenity Prayer – 2 Valid Hits
- Unaffected by ASPD increase nor decrease. Basic Attacks inflict 1 stack of [Chill]. When her HP falls below 40% for once per deployment, she makes a short leap towards the allied ship and fires Frostflake arrows, inflicting 3 stacks of [Chill] to damaged targets.
- Lv5: Resets Ultimate CD when casting Passive attack
Passive 2: Amethyst Snow – 2 Valid Hits
- Enters a rapid firing stance for 12s after using ultimate and enhances Frostflake arrows. During the stance, become immune to hitstun from Special Skills or Lower, attack range increases, and casts enhanced attacks with 2 valid hits. Enhanced attacks deals no damage to targets exceeding its valid hit count, and inflicts 1 stack of [Chill] to damaged targets. The stance ends when targets fall out of range.
- Lv5: Applies Sure Fire to enhanced attacks.
Ultimate: Aurora Snow Blossom – 3 Valid Hits – 48s CD
- Creates enhanced Frostflake arrows with Phantom abilities, dealing AoE damage to the target and nearby enemies. Does not deal damage to targets exceeding its valid hits, damaged targets are inflicted with 3 stacks of [Chill].
- Lv5: Ultimate inflicted [Chill] stacks changes to 8.
Here is her skill cut-in!

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