Maintenance Time
Region | Asia Southeast Asia | Europe | America (East) | America (West) |
Time Zone | (UTC+9) | (UTC+1) | (UTC-5) | (UTC-8) |
Starting Time | 1/31 08:50 | 1/31 00:50 | 1/30 18:50 | 1/30 15:50 |
Ending Time | 1/31 11:30 | 1/31 03:30 | 1/30 21:30 | 1/30 18:30 |
Update Maintenance Compensation
- Suspendium x1,000 & Compressed Rak Hot Deal Summon Ticket x10
- Compressed Rak Hot Deal Summon Tickets can be used through the [Hot Deal Summon] button on the left side of the main Lobby.
Update Summary
- New Teammate SSR+ ‘[Punisher] ‘Ren’
- New Teammate SSR ‘[Compressed] Rak’
- New Summon: ‘Compressed Rak Hot Deal Summon’
- New Event: ‘Anaak’s Red Forget-me-not’ Story Event
- New Event: ‘Anaak’s Red Forget-me-not Check-in’
- New Event: ‘Red Forget-me-not Event Mission’
- New Event: ‘Red Forget-me-not Event Exchange Shop’
- New Event: ‘Compressed Rak’s Growth Mission’
- New Event: ‘Element Training’
- New Event: ‘[Daughter Slayer] Vivi Event Boss Battle’
- ‘[Daughter Slayer] Vivi Event Boss Battle’ will be available from 2/7.
- New Event: ‘Climb the Tower! Minigame & Event Mission’
- ‘Climb the Tower! Minigame’ will be available from 2/7.
- New Products
- Changes and Improvements
- Updates Hoaquin’s Illustration
- Other bug fixes
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