New Character – Nao

  • Type: Counter
  • Role: Supporter
  • Deployment cost: 4
  • Attack type: Ground
  • Movement type: Ground

Basic Attack – 2 Valid Hits

  • Deals AoE damage to an enemy in front using a hammer. Casts Enhanced Attacks while in the [Perfect Preparation] state. Enhanced attacks resets Special Skill Buff duration.

Passive: Demigod Blacksmith. – 2 Valid Hits

  • Basic attacks grants 1 stack of [Quenching], which increases CRIT by 30 (Up to 600). Scoring CRIT Hits while in the [Quenching] state converts the state to [Perfect Preparation]. [Perfect Preparation]: Does not fall under the [Quenching] state. Reduces Special Skill CD by 4s when attacking. Removed after casting Special Skill.
    • Lv5: Gains 10 stacks of [Quenching] upon deployment.

Special skill: Reenactment Liquor – 2 Valid Hits – 38s CD

  • Deals AoE damage by splitting flames in front. Continuosly grants allied Counters including self +7.5% ATK, +7.5% DEF. (Max 60%, Summons excluded). This effect decays by 7.5% every 4s until it wears off.
    • Lv5: Gain 60% Melee DMG RES, 60% Ranged DMG RES when casting skill (Reduced by 10% every 3s).

Ultimate: Giant’s Hammer – 3 Valid Hits – 52s CD

  • Gathers energy of the flame into the hammer and grants allied Counters excluding self +60% Melee DMG RES, +60% Ranged DMG RES (Summons excluded). This effect decays by 10% every 3s until it wears off. Then drops down the hammer, dealing AoE damage. Damaged targets are stunned for 4s.
    • Lv5: Gains the [Perfect Preparation] state after casting.

Here is her skill cut-in!

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