New Character -SSR Moran

SSR Nikke Moran, the leader of the small underworld organization known as Peony Association, joins the battlefield.
The more HP Moran losses, the stronger her defense becomes.
She taunts the enemies continuously, and increasing her HP to survive whenever it drops to a certain point.

  • Class: Defender
  • Weapon: Dragon Head (AR)
  • Code: Electric
  • Manufacturer: Tetra Line
  • Special Recruit duration: From 12:00:00, January 25, 2024 to 4:59:59, February 8, 2024 (UTC+9)

Recruit Rules:

  • You can use Gems (Free/Paid) or Advanced Recruit Vouchers to recruit in Special Recruit (Ordinary Recruit Vouchers cannot be used).
  • There is a 4% chance of acquiring SSR Nikkes in Special Recruit and a 2% chance of acquiring SSR Moran.
  • You can get Gold Mileage Tickets when recruiting in Special Recruit.
  • You can exchange 200 Gold Mileage Tickets for Moran in the Mileage Shop.
  • When Special Recruit ends, unused Gold Mileage Tickets will not disappear.
  • In the version update after Special Recruit ends, Moran will be available in Ordinary Recruit, Social Point Recruit, and from Mold items. (Unavailable in New Commander Special Recruit and Ordinary Recruit (Tutorial).)

Special Costume: Sugar Wild Backyard

  • The attire she often wore during her time in the underworld.
  • Sugar: Wild Backyard can be obtained from a February Mission Pass. You may check the New Commodities information below to find out how.

New Events

  • New Story Event: DIRTY BACKYARD
    • Event duration: From 12:00:00, January 25, 2024 to 4:59:59, February 8, 2024 (UTC+9)
    • Moran is unjustly accused as the perpetrator of a murder that unfolded in Fog Hollow of the Outer Rim.
    • As a result, her reputation in the Outer Rim plummets, and her standing in Underworld Queen becomes precarious.
    • Determined to unravel the truth and clear her name, Moran enlists the help of Sugar, one of the Scavengers. Together, they head toward Fog Hollow to uncover the intricacies of the case.
    • Players can enter the DIRTY BACKYARD event page and complete stages to win event items, which can be used to exchange various rewards such as Recruit Vouchers and skill enhancement materials in the Event Shop.
    • Item exchange in the Event Shop will end at 4:59:59 on February 8, 2024 (UTC+9).
    • Challenge Stage
      • Event duration: From 12:00:00, January 25, 2024 to 4:59:59, February 8, 2024 (UTC+9)
      • Challenge Stage is available in DIRTY BACKYARD. Challenge the difficult boss stages to obtain various development materials!
  • 7-Day Login Event PASSIONATE PEONY
    • Event duration: From 12:00:00, January 25, 2024 to 4:59:59, February 8, 2024 (UTC+9)
    • Log in on any 7 days during the event and get rewards. Get Recruit Vouchers and development materials when you log in for 7 days straight.
  • Archives D-OUTSIDERS
    • Story Event D-OUTSIDERS is now available in Archives.
    • Participate in DIRTY BACKYARD to obtain Memory Films for unlocking story events in Archives.
    • Opening time: 12:00:00, January 25, 2024
    • How to enter: Lobby → Outpost → Command Center → Recollection → Archives

Coordinated Operation

  • Form a team of five Commanders and challenge Boss Chatterbox H.S.T.A. together! Players can either team up with friends and union members or join the challenge through automatic matching. Defeat the boss and get Broken Cores to exchange for Gems and development materials in Recycling Shop!
  • Event duration: From 12:00:00, February 2, 2024 to 4:59:59, February 4, 2024 (UTC+9)
  • How to join: Lobby → Event → Coordinated Operation

New Commodities

  • The new characters’ package will be updated after 12:00:00, January 25, 2024.
    • Sale duration: From 12:00:00, January 25, 2024 to 4:59:59, February 28, 2024 (UTC+9)
    • Please check them out in Lobby → Cash Shop → Limited-Time Package.
  • February Mission Pass
    • Event duration: From 00:00:00, February 1, 2024 to 23:59:59, February 29, 2023 (UTC+9)
    • After purchasing the February Premium Pass, complete daily missions to level up and obtain rewards such as Recruit Vouchers and Mold items. Win Sugar’s special costume Wild Backyard
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