Reverse 1999 patch 1.6 reveal!
Six weeks already had passed and the next major patch coming to Reverse 1999 has been revealed – and with this patch, we’re going to China!
You can watch the 1.6 promo video here:
Full livestream:
Three new characters will be released with the 1.6 patch:
6☆ Mineral – Jiu Niangzi

Here is her Insight 2 art:

And here are her skills:
Skill 1 – Down Another Cup
1-target attack. Deals Reality DMG. If the caster has [Wine Pulp], consumes an amount to deal extra Reality DMG per stack consumed.
Skill 2 – Within My Palms
Self buff. Gains [Wine Pulp] and [Ecstasy]. Enter the [Drunk] state. At the start of the round, if the caster is in the [Drunk] state, cast the corresponding rank Down Another Cup on the enemy with the lowest HP.
- [Drunk]: Cannot use skills. Dispelled if the carrier is attacked by Ultimates or when struck with effects that limit actions.
- [Ecstasy]: When using Down Another Cup, increase [Wine Pulp] consumption. If insufficient stacks are present, consume all stacks.
Ultimate – Wine Accident
Mass attack. Deals Reality DMG. Increases damage when less enemies are struck. Consumes [Wine Pulp] if more than a certain amount is present to the increase Penetration Rate. If not enough [Wine Pulp] is present, gain [Ecstasy] and an amount of [Wine Pulp].
Insight: Steady Concentration
- Upon entering combat, gain an amount of [Wine Pulp]. When the round ends, gain an amount of [Wine Pulp] corresponding to the amount of buffs on allies.
- Upon entering battle, damage dealt increased.
- At the start of the round. If the caster has [Wine Pulp], gain a random buff.
6☆ Beast – Getian

Here is his Insight 2 skin:

And here are his skills:
Skill 1 – A Different Kind of Bone
1-target attack. Deals Reality DMG and inflicts [Bone Omen].
- [Bone Omen]: Decreases Reality DEF. When the carrier is attacked, they take extra Genesis DMG.
Skill 2 – Mysterious Appearance
Self buff. Enters [Bone Reader] state and gains an amount of [Eureka].
- [Bone Reader]: At the end of the round, consumes an amount of [Eureka] to cast [Commandment]. If not enough Eureka is present, consume all stacks. Dispelled when Eureka reaches 0.
- [Commandment]: Mass attack. Deals Reality DMG to all enemies with [Bone Omen] (this attack does not count as a follow-up attack).
Ultimate – I Walk, I Am, Therefore I See
Mass debuff. Opens [Domain of Prophecy] and gains an amount of [Eureka]. Inflicts [Bone Omen] on all enemies.
- [Domain of Prophecy]: Field Effect. Increases Crit DMG. Further increases Crit DMG for Reality DMG. Field Effect / Ritual: Only one of this kind of effect can be present, no matter who casts it (enemy or ally).
- Upon entering combat, gains an amount of Moxie corresponding to the number of Reality DMG units present. While within [Domain of Prophecy], the [Commandment] attack has increased Crit Rate and Crit DMG.
- Increase damage dealt upon entering combat.
- When the round starts, inflicts [Fossilization] on a random enemy for an amount of turns. At the end of the round, Ge Tian gains an amount of [Eureka] if he is within [City of Prophecy].
5☆ Star – Yenisei

Here is her Insight 2 skins:

And here are her skills:
Skill 1 – Woman Of Action
1-target attack. Deals Mental DMG. If cast at rank 2/3, decrease enemy DMG Dealt.
Skill 2 – The Language of Water
1-target heal. Grants [Sturdiness]. Also heals the ally with the lowest HP. If cast at rank 2/3, also grants the ally with the lowest HP [Sturdiness].
- [Sturdiness]: When the caster is attacked, DMG Taken Reduction +25% (-1 stack after trigger).
Ultimate – The Current Knows All
Mass buff. Grants [Shield] and [Immunity] to all allies. Grants an amount of [Current] to self.
- [Shield]: Blocks certain DMG for a certain duration.
- [Immunity]: Immune to [Stats Down], [Neg Status], and [Control] statuses.
Insights: Overprotective
- Upon entering combat, gain an amount of [Current]. Upon using a rank 2/3 debuff incantation, consume an amount of [Current] to gain Moxie.
- Upon entering combat, increase healing rate.
- Upon using a healing incantation, consume an amount of [Current] to grant [Empower Incantation] to self.

Quite a lot of skins will be added with this patch, here’s the list:
FREE An-An Lee skin (login reward)

FREE Zima skin (UTTU)

Druvis Skin

A Knight Skin

Balloon Party Skin

- UTTU and the rest of the usual content,
- Theft of Rimet Cup rerun,
- New Anecdotes Chapters: Zima and aliEn T,
- Three Doors game mode update,
- Mane Post (raids) update,
- NEW roguelite game mode: Echoes in the Mountain.
Wilderness update
- Wilderness has now day and night cycles,
- Players can share Wilderness codes and layouts.
- 1.1 Wilderness theme rerun,
- Skins: Charlie, Centurion, Regulus, Sotheby, X.
Hey guys. Please fix this:
1) Ezra’s fragile debuff INCREASE damage taken by enemies by +25% and NOT decrese it (like in your description)
2) Psychube “The Carat of the Heart” gives 16 Crit Rate at level 60 (not 18%) and its better to use crit RATE wording instead of crit HIT wording (it may confuse like its somthing different but its not).
3) “Silent and Adoring” psychube provides +50% Genesis damage for follow ups. Your description says its “instant” damage increased. What is that “instant” wording? Its unclear and confuses peaple – its just Genesis damage, guys.
I agree