November 28th Surprise Livestream Summary
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQS6w-hb2AE
Thank you Hyun for providing the translations from KR!
X-Mas Event Skins

Event: Super Smash! Labyrinth All Stars (12/7 – 12/14)
- Monsterville not yet ready, so this is a placeholder event
- This is a 1-floor dimensional labyrinth content
- Every boss that’s been released from guild raids, seasonal events, ESS etc. will be out as enemies
- Three entries per day
- Up to 5 additional entries by spending 300 everstones for each entry
- Total of 5 difficulty stages – until you clear, you can forfeit and try different difficulties
- Once you defeat all the bosses and clear, entry is used up and rewards are given
- You need to clear previous difficulty stage to clear next stage
- You may select 5 souls for entry, and you cannot change your team until you defeat all the bosses within the stage
- Things will reset per combat; so if a Soul dies during a combat, she will be back in next combat
- Edith is required in your team. If you do not own Edith, a hire is available
<Training Points>
- You earn training points for each difficulty stage clear
- You may select buffs that are only applicable within <Super Smash! Labyrinth All Stars> content using the training points (ATK/DEF/HP)
- You can reset used training points to select different buffs for free
- You cannot change or reset buffs during an attempt
- You earn training points from additional entries purchasable with everstones as well
- For each difficulty stage clear, you earn (2h) Resource Bundle (incl. mana dust, mana crystal, and gold)
- Stage 1: 1x (2h) Resource Bundle
- Stage 2: 2x (2h) Resource Bundle
- Stage 3: 3x (2h) Resource Bundle
- Stage 4: 4x (2h) Resource Bundle
- Stage 5: 5x (2h) Resource Bundle
- Additionally, upon clearing all 5 stages, <Super Smash! Labyrinth All Stars> sticker will be given
Guild Raid
Dark Knight (12/7 – 12/14)
- Max town level extended from 17 -> 20
- Lvl. 18 reward: 500 town coins, large cafe 1x, rest slot 1x
- Lvl. 19 reward: 500 town coins, large library 1x, savior statue 1x (town pts +1000, idle gold +15/min, idle dust +20/min buff)
- Lvl. 20 reward: 500 town coins, large cathedral 1x, rest slot 1x
- Town items that do not give town points will be moved from <Normal> to <Decoration> category
- Lord’s castle floors 6 and 7 will be added
- [Savior Information] tab will be added to player profiles
- [Savior Information] tab has various information about the player that the player can choose to show/hide [previous guild raid / ESS achievements are not retroactively updated]
- You may opt in to completely hide either the default tab or savior information tab. Hidden tab will not be viewable by other players
- If both tabs are open for view, the [Profile] tab will be shown first
- [Profile] tab’s default profile will be removed. The information from there is now viewable in [Savior Information] tab instead
- On account creation, [Profile] tab will be hidden by default
- Touch interaction added for Mephistopheles in Ark menu.
- Keepsake filter function added to Keepsake equip pop-up window
- Information from result screen after losing combat will be revamped
Other Information
- Teasing new Demon soul coming soon™️
- Idol skins are finished, but music videos are not; hoping to be done by 1st year anniversary!
- Prim illustration will be fixed
- Faction gates will be updated, but not yet; because you will need to use rare souls , planning depths style – probably once there are enough souls for each faction
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