Eversoul Patch Notes March 06-27 – Honglan (Peerlees)
Eversoul Patch Notes for the next 3 weeks are out! Honglan (Peerless), Guild Raid Charite, ESS Aki and more!
Eversoul Patch Notes for the next 3 weeks are out! Honglan (Peerless), Guild Raid Charite, ESS Aki and more!
Eversoul Developer Notes are here! Honglan (Peerless) Art Revealed, Roulette Adjustments, Eden Alliance changes and more!
Eversoul Patch Notes for next 3 weeks are here! New variant soul – Rose (Prominence), New Events, ESS Cath, Guild Raid Rudra and more!
Eversoul 1st Anniversary Event!, New Soul Weiss, Catherine Radiance Rerun, Balance Patch, Throwback Raid Chloe and more coming in upcoming weeks!
Another Eversoul Developer Note Revealing Weiss Bond Illustration, Extending Mephistopheles (Dawn) Banner & Town Changes!
Eversoul Balance Patch for Mephistopheles (Dawn), Linzy (Thanatos), Edith, Kanna and Dora is here!
Translation of Player Interview of Eversoul PD Kim Cheol-Hee is here! Some exciting reveals inside!
Latest ES Dev Note is here! Info about next Balance Patch Chars, Mephi potential buffs and more discussed!
Eversoul Patch Notes for January 9 and 16, 2024!
Eversoul Patch Notes for Jan 2 are here! Chaos Mephistopheles, 2nd Anniversary Events and more coming!