Due to business adjustments, we regret to announce that the mobile game Counter: Side will be transferred to Studio Beside for operation starting May 16, 2024. To ensure that Counter: Side players can continue enjoying the game, after the update on March 12, you can apply for Service Transfer and transfer your data to a Studio Beside account. After a successful transfer, Studio Beside will continue to accompany your adventures starting May 16!

Apply for Service Transfer:

  • Click on [Apply for Account Transfer] in the Game Lobby or Game Settings to obtain your Transfer Code.
  • Save your Transfer Code via screenshot, and participate in the Next Step Event Mission to receive rewards.
  • Download and run the CounterSide serviced by Studio Beside after the Service Transfer application period ends.
  • Log into the new account and enter your Transfer Code to complete the transfer.
  • Adventure knows no end, footsteps never halt. The flames of battle in Counter: Side will continue to burn, as the legendary tales of all CEOs persist.

Service Transfer Schedule

  • On March 11, 2024 (Monday) at 10:00 GMT+7, the recharge channels and new user registrations will be temporarily closed. The original game server will continue running until May 10.
  • After closing recharge on March 11, Quartz x5000 will be sent as in-game compensation.
  • Following the update on March 12 (Tuesday), Service Transfer can be applied. Please securely store your Transfer Code, as lost codes cannot be recovered.
  • On May 10, 2024 (Friday) at 10:00 GMT+7, the original server will be shut down, and you will no longer have access to the game.
  • On May 16, 2024 (Thursday), the CounterSide operated by Studio Beside will be launched.
  • If you refuse the Service Transfer, you will not be able to continue playing the game after the update on March 12, 2024.
  • Upon completion of the transfer on May 16, 2024, all game data of CEOs, recharge history, and other associated rights and obligations will be transferred to Studio Beside.
    • Studio Bside Co., Ltd.
    • Address: 경기 성남시 분당구 판교역로 182 6층
    • Business Contact: co*****@st*********.com
  • If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our official support team.
What’s your Reaction?

3 Comment

  1. Tuan Anh

    Steam still block region

    1. Alpha

      Gimana ni ga bisa di transfer

  2. Ryuu

    Is there any possible way to obtain the code after the game closed for good?

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