The tier list has been fully reworked from the scratch!
Check it out here – https://www.prydwen.gg/eversoul/tier-list
For better and cleaner view we have opted to split tierlist into 4 Role Based Categories (DPS, Tanks, Buffer & Sustain, Debuffers) to properly present information in current stages of meta and diverse content.
Furthermore to facilitate easier teambuilding, Tierlist page now features Tags under the char portrait – which is used to display Soul’s Secondary Role if any marked in [] (Along with some important/major ones having recieved a rating on the same.) Besides that, They feature Team Wide/Multiple Allies Buff | Enemy Debuffs in that format. eg – Talia’s Atk / Def / Mana ▲ | Acc ▼ mean she increases allies Attack, Defence and Mana while decreasing enemy Accuracy. [ Self Buffs, CC and effects such as Shield / Taunt / Cleanse / Dispel will be available as filters in Characters page in addition].
All tierlists assume Origin Ascension and a tleast Leg+ Artifacts (Eternal for Honglan and Rebecca).
The PVE Early and Endgame tierlist has been merged into PVE due to significant overlap and the boundary between them becoming an issue with more and more content.
Guild Raid tierlists are specific to their boss mechanics.
Special markings:
To easier spot characters that are worthy of further investment (Origin +5 Ascension and Origin Artifact) we’ve marked them with a $ icon & # icon in top left corner of their card. Check the High investment tab for more information.
We will be revising Filter System from scratch to accommodate current meta needs and adding skill rotations to the website in upcoming days so players have more information for their team building accessible easily!
If you have any feedback regarding the Character placement, please comment or drop a message in our discord server – https://discord.gg/prydwen