Maintenance Schedule – November 22, 14:00 ~ 16:00 (UTC+9)

Patch Notes and Shop Update.


  • Challenge Stage – Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger
  • Returning Awakened Employees – Maestra Nequitia and Singularity Shin Jia
  • New Employees – Laika and Félicette
  • Returning Operators -Sigma, Moena and Jung Dain
  • Black Friday Payback
  • Event Currency Drop Event – Proof of Heart
  • Danger Close – Knight of the Lake
  • New Raid Boss Season – Inhibitor

New Episode – Little, Vincent

[Little, Vincent] will be live after the November 22 update.

New Employee – Laika

Laika is a cheap soldier DPS that has synergy with Felicette but, unfortunately, her damage output is lacking even if you try to make use of the synergy – other Soldiers simply out-damage her and also bring more to the table.

Her only advantage is being cheap to use and that she will do her job if you lack stronger Soldier Rangers.


  • PVE (Early) – C
  • PVE (Late) – C
  • PVP (GBL) – B
  • PVP (SEA) – B

New Employee – Félicette

Felicette is a 3-cost Defender for Soldier teams, but with extra survival against counter teams, and for that she’s really average when running into non-counter comps. Even Felicette’s buff does not bring her tanking ability up that much.

It’s better to avoid using her unless you’re Soldier main or you want to pull her for collection reasons.


  • PVE (Early) – B
  • PVE (Late) – B
  • PVP (GBL) – B
  • PVP (SEA) – B

New Skin – Midnight Allure – Elizabeth Pendragon

New Skin – Grumpy Little Witch – Félicette

Balance Patch – Nehemoth Ray (Awakened):

  • Pitch-Dark Savior (Passive)
    • Passive Backline counter now includes Rangers
    • Passive Backline counter fixed CD 50s >> 35s
  • Advance of the Demon Lord (Ultimate)
    • Changed Ultimate to enter the enhanced state after casting rather than upon cast.
    • Ultimate Enhanced attack knockback distance increased by 2x
    • Ultimate buff duration 12s >> 16s
    • Ultimate self SPD decrease 60% >> 30%
    • Ultimate buff is no longer cancelable

Activity Pledge #19 – Orca

Skill Cut-in Trophies

  • Additional Skill Cut-in trophies are added. 
  • Every Cut-in trophies are Live2D. 
  • Through the achievement reward after reaching Tactical Update level 3 of a certain unit. 

List of Applicable Units

  • Evolved One
  • Replacer Queen
  • Replacer King
  • Nehemoth Ray
  • Asmodeus Rosaria le Friede
  • Ministra
  • Six Wings Na Yubin
  • Six Wings Lee Jisoo
  • Six Wings Amy Firstwing
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