Source: You can the original patch notes here.

New character – Irina

Irina is a Dark Tank who wields massive gauntlets.

She specializes in increasing allies’ Critical Resistance, debuffing enemies, and controlling the battlefield.

You can watch her introduction video here:

New character – Hazel

Hazel is a Lightning Priest who wields a relic.

She specializes in healing and buffing her allies, but also teleporting them to safety. She actually was an SR rarity character back in the beta, but seems the devs changed their mind about her and upgraded her to SSR.

You can watch her introduction video here:

Other updates coming with this patch

  • Main Story chapters 33-35 released
  • New mode added – Branches of the Forest
    • You unlock it at level 55,
    • You can farm materials needed for Stigma Awakening here.
  • Real Time PVP new season will start this patch,
  • New event – Crown of Nothingness,
  • New event – Festival of Dice.
What’s your Reaction?

2 Comment

  1. Haqim

    Wheres the english correction text ?

    1. yes

      yes i also looking for this!

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