Maintenance Schedule ▷ March 18, 20:00 – March 19, 00:00 (UTC-5)
Patch Notes and Shop Update.
- Balance Adjustments
- System: Employee / Gear Search Function
- Maximum Eternium Capacity and Daily Supply Adjustments
- Co-op Battle: Demolition Worm’s Floating Island Season 12
- New Counter Pass – Vanguard Exorcist Nicole Primer
- Returning Awakened Employee – New Age Naielle Bluesteel, The Elemental and the Beast Shepherd & Lurcher, Minerva Karin Wong
- Returning Operator – Sasha Gagarina, Sysop, Merlin
- Danger Close – Regenerated Knight
- Challenge Stage – Night of Redemption
- Substream Event – The Inheritor
Balance Adjustments

New Counter Pass – Vanguard Exorcist Nicole Primer
Improvements and Changes
1. The operator buff duration will be added.
2. From the [Log] option in stories, the speaker icon will be added for the lines that have voices, allowing CEOs to listen to the lines again.
3. Improved the stability of HanaTalk in the Friendly Match.
1. Fixed an issue when accessing the [Operator Collection] from the recruit banner, the description would display the pre-update version.
2. Fixed an issue where the management UI abnormally appeared.
3. Fixed an issue where some of the options would not appear on the selection list when using the Gear Tuning [Option Selection] function.
4. Fixed an issue where Veronica, Hilde: Siegfried Type, and Kallen Kozuki would ignore the opponent’s knockback RES effect and would knockback opponents.
5. Fixed an issue where opponents in the rear were pushed forward by Veronica.
6. Fixed an issue where a Collaboration employee’s CRF Assessment information was not displaying as it should have.
7. Fixed an issue where the yellow dots would not display after checking one of the Limited Time Deal Packages.