Eversoul – Player Interview of PD Kim Cheol-Hee

Please note that is a Machine Translation with inputs from Player Hyun.

Original Korean Interview.

First, I started by apologizing for the sudden visit without prior notice, as it could have caused inconvenience. Although it’s understandable that the incident upset users, it’s important to separate that from our discussion here.

The meeting was attended by PD Kim Cheol-hee, myself, and the business team leader.

1. The modeling quality has improved significantly; is there a specific reason?

Previously, we outsourced the work, but now everything is created in-house. Characters like Weiss, Mephi (Dawn), Wheri, and Sakuyo (Inferno) are all produced by our company.

2. Can you explain why a recent illustrator (ankkoyom/92-ink) left the team?

The person in question has been with us since the early days of Eversoul but had to leave due to health issues. Currently, they are working on a freelance basis as they cannot physically come to the office. We share a close personal relationship, even attending fan events together.

3. Why is the illustration quality often criticized?

Simply put, it’s because they weren’t drawn well.

4A. Arena rework discussions have been ongoing since the third quarter. Why hasn’t there been any news?

The Arena is a double-edged sword. We did plan a major rework, considering that PvP is crucial for motivation. However, just as users are divided on their preferences, so are the developers. There have been many debates, and we’ve decided to postpone any changes for more thorough consideration. It’s not that we don’t know what to do; it’s just that we need to think carefully.

4B: Why not allow users to pick their opponents in the Arena instead of using this inconvenient random system?

While it might seem convenient, it could lead to situations where User A continuously targets User B (similar to clashes in championship love battles), making it difficult to adjust hastily. Although it seems simple, there are risks involved, so we’re considering feedback but are still in discussions.

5. Many people are tired of the competitive content between users.

While many may dislike it, there are also those who don’t. However, I agree that there are indeed a lot of people who dislike it.

6. The excessive catering to new characters and the difficulty of the abnormal mechanics are exhausting many players. What’s your take on this?

We’ve been supporting and investing in older characters to maintain relevance. However, relying solely on older teams can make the game boring. For instance, Daphne is still the dominant tank in PvE. Is it healthy for 2025 content to revolve around her? While we’re not suggesting all old characters become obsolete, the balance is challenging.

7. Many users want the development of a roguelike content. What are your thoughts?

After the poor reception of Labyrinth Allstars, we are cautious. However, we are still tinkering with it, as we put a lot of effort into it. We are taking criticisms into account as we work on it, but we’re being very cautious (like dipping toe in water).

8. Why is the story of Chaos/Variant limited to only four episodes?

These characters already have fairly complete backstories, making it hard to add more. Newer characters are given more introductory content to help players connect with them, but creating full narratives is labor-intensive. Balancing existing and new characters in the main story is tricky.

9. Can we get more illustrations in the bond stories?

While I can’t make a firm promise, I agree it seems a bit lacking. Although we can’t provide them at the level of new characters, we’ll look for ways to increase satisfaction. I’ll consider it very positively.

10. Was the cancellation of various promotions related to the second anniversary due to the airport disaster?

The marketing part was handled by Kakao Games, so I don’t know the specifics. But from what we received, yes, that was the reason. We had requested articles on community webzines and KakaoTalk promotions, but all were rejected and canceled. The live broadcast was almost postponed, but we pushed through because the surprise for Mephi (Dawn) would have lost its impact if delayed further, and the voice actors were already there.

Honestly, the tragedy caused the entire schedule to get messed up, and I wasn’t sure how to react, so I was a bit flustered and went back and forth.

The business team leader mentioned that the PD really put their heart into preparing for the 2nd anniversary, and the schedule was set, but everything got canceled, and they even received criticism for it. He felt it was a bit unfair.

11. Will you consider doing the canceled plans later?

Unfortunately, no. Other games have marketing schedules lined up, and we can’t ask them to move aside for Eversoul. It’s partly due to our lack of preparation and the unprecedented nature of the situation, leaving us unsure of how to respond. We felt frustrated and even debated the apology letter, worrying it might seem like we were blaming the disaster, so we opted for a vague statement, which may have seemed evasive. We were stressed and confused, so we appreciate you coming today.

12. Why was there a delay in the notice regarding the 9/11 (2023) abuse incident?

As it involved player-to-player issues, we were cautious about taking a stance without clear facts. Premature announcements could lead to misunderstandings.

13. Could you at least announce that discussions or investigations are underway?

We’ll explore faster, more efficient communication between the development and operations teams to facilitate quicker notices.

14. Regarding Mephi (Dawn)’s quality:

If asked why it wasn’t done well, I can only apologize.

– Touch interactions:

Although the posture and body shape are different, it’s fair to say we referenced the original. It’s not well done, but surprisingly, it was newly created. However, the design was flawed. We plan to revise it on the 23rd.

Q: Instead of keeping Mephi’s Touch Interaction 1 as is, wouldn’t it make sense to use her second interaction as the first for Awakened Mephi and create a new second interaction?

A. Would users miss the current first touch if it’s removed?

Q. Probably not. Users tend to appreciate any positive character reactions.

A. That makes sense. I’ll take note of it.

– Referring to Mephi (Dawn) by her full name in outings:

We’ll address and correct this promptly.

– Skill effects and animations:

I have no excuse for why it wasn’t done well. Alterations could lead to mixed reactions, so changes are unlikely.

– Origin skin:

It’s similar to the skill animations. I can only say the planning was flawed, but we’ll be more mindful in future event costumes. If we change it, people might say the old one was better. It’s challenging to please everyone.

– Performance:

Making her overpowered could upset players who join after her pickup period. For the same reason, we’re considering keeping Kurumi Tokisaki out of the Winning Teams. This is a sensitive topic, and any buff we implement would be irreversible, making this decision risky.

15. Will the immortality gimmick for Linzy (Thanatos) be adjusted?

I haven’t fully analyzed it yet.

16. Compensation for the Iridescent Crystals (potential crystals) spent on Larimar?

We’ll consider it.

17. Why are the updates for Battlefront Content delayed?

While updates have been steady every two months, we’ll try to expedite the releases if desired.

18. Are there plans to provide more support for new users?

We’re considering it. The 1.5-anniversary jump event is always available, and we assumed it was sufficient. I admit we might have underestimated the issue. We’ll investigate and improve support if necessary.

19. Can the release schedule for balance patches and stories be more regular?

The main story was originally supposed to release with Mephi (Dawn), but delays have been frequent. We’re frustrated too and can only promise to strive for better. Regarding the suggestion to release Weiss first, we hadn’t considered it. We thought it natural to release the anniversary character on the anniversary.

20. There’s feedback that the benefits of the Manon Pack are lacking.

We’ll incorporate good suggestions if we receive any.

21. Thoughts on the Origin 5 Transcendence skin?

The Origin 5 Transcendence skin package offered during reruns isn’t too expensive. The time-limited nature ensures it benefits those who achieve Origin 5 Transcendence within the pickup period. I know some people will be disappointed, but since you can get it later if you reach O5 then I hope players don’t feel too upset.

22. Why are there three Variant characters in the first quarter roadmap?

We’re currently out of characters ready for immediate release. If all goes as planned, the second quarter will see more new characters, not just one.

23. What’s with Larimar’s facial modification?

We’re tweaking it until we’re satisfied, but it’s challenging.

24. When will Garnet Carrot be removed?

Although the visuals are ready, removing the carrot creates unnatural movements during touch interactions, requiring a complete overhaul. I initially thought it was simple, but it wasn’t.

25. Why was the roadmap suddenly removed?

I created both the broadcast PPT and roadmap, but while making the last one, I realized I was repeating myself during broadcasts and thought it unnecessary. Lack of time also played a part.

Q. Was the removal related to schedule delays?

A. No, the presence or absence of a roadmap doesn’t affect schedule delays.

Q: Can we at least see things summarized clearly?

A: I understand that desire. I’ll consider simplifying it, as seen on the Japan server.

26. Can we reduce random gimmicks?

They result from developers being overly immersed in the concept. Abrupt changes could cause new issues, so we’ll continue making it easier, as with the Catherine ESS.

27. Can you respond to suggestions left on the official café with a confirmation that they were checked?

I wasn’t aware of this, but I’ll look into it. I receive reports compiled by the operations team from various community platforms, including suggestions. Therefore, please rest assured that the suggestions are well received, and don’t think they are being ignored.

28. Can’t you indicate when a bug has been fixed?

Initially, I used to include every minor detail in the patch notes, but this led to a lot of criticism about the game having too many bugs. So, I gave up on that. Personally, I thought it would be recognized as a sign of diligent work, but it turned out it was better to avoid mentioning them than to get criticized for every small fix.

29. What is the fundamental direction this game is aiming for?

This question feels a bit odd. Eversoul is Eversoul. Comparing it to other games highlights their unique features, but Eversoul has its own identity. It’s difficult to classify it strictly as “idle” or anything else.

30. There’s talk that the shop scroll bug occurs elsewhere. Is this true?

I wasn’t aware of that. Please report it.

31. Why is the main story progressing slowly?

The same writer handles bond stories, event stories, and the main story, which causes delays. Their performance has improved, but the burden has grown as well. As for why the main story feels inconsistent, I can only apologize for our shortcomings.

32. Raids feel like content only for those who play them actively. Are there any improvement plans?

We’ve been thinking of various ways. I also want more people to enjoy it, but it seems too inaccessible. Adding absolute evaluation rewards or expanding achievement packages are gestures to improve accessibility. The goal is to clarify objectives and increase new entries.

33. Many users feel burdened by competitive content, yet the development team seems to encourage competition. What are your thoughts?

That’s why we created the Super Challenger tier in Alliance Operations. We wanted to separate competitive and personal content, letting people engage in what they prefer.

34. Please add a function to rest all spirits with a 50% fatigue level.

Some users like to micro-control, so this isn’t a clear solution.
Q. Why not let users choose to rest only spirits with 0% fatigue or fill the rest slot completely? Those who want to batch rest at 50% fatigue likely don’t micro-control.
A. I hadn’t considered that, but it sounds like a great idea. I’ll discuss it with the development team and quickly decide on a direction.

35. Isn’t it time to change the Prize Exchange Event?

You’re right. The event accompanying the release of Rosé and Honglan variants in Q1 won’t follow the Prize Exchange format. We’re looking for new methods, hoping they’ll be well-received.

36. Are there plans to introduce growth systems beyond Overclocking?

If players could infinitely grow stronger based on investment, it would widen the gap for new users. This policy isn’t perfect, but it’s a complicated issue.

Q: What about expanding the +5 level gain per Origin?

A: That would worsen the gap and make it impossible for new players to catch up. While the concern about endgame players losing motivation is valid, we’re unsure of the solution.

37. The “Unicat” content feels too difficult and demanding for a weekly rotation. Can the difficulty be lowered?

I think it’s wrong to stress over not clearing level 600. Users should feel okay clearing up to level 500 if their setup is lacking. We could segment levels more finely so users can clear up to what they can manage, with rewards not differing significantly.

Q. How about setting the maximum rewards for clearing level 400, like in event raids?

A: That aligns with my thinking. We’re considering restructuring the reward and level systems so players can earn max rewards at certain levels.

38. Requirements to increase Town level is too high. Any plans to adjust this?

I haven’t maxed mine either. Even after using everything I’ve saved, it wasn’t enough. I’ll look into it.

39. Players with fully upgraded Artifacts lose value with additional pulls. Any thoughts?

I’m unsure what to do. Compensating for previous losses isn’t feasible. We’re considering systems like targeted summoning to address this issue, but it’s challenging to balance fairness for those already affected.

40. Can the reliance on Origin artifacts be reduced? Please limit options exclusive to Origin.

Finding a suitable balance is tough, but we could work on easing the reliance.

41. Was the non-functioning Immortality mechanic of Linzy (Thanatos) intentional? Is there a QA team?

Yes, we have a QA team. Regarding Immortality, I questioned this thoroughly, and the response was it was included as part of the concept. However, I criticized that if it’s included, it should at least work properly. As for Larimar, she’s indeed stronger than intended, but the “Sentence” mechanic was purposeful.

42. Are there plans to refresh the list of spirits sold in the shop?

No current plans. The Awakening Shop was introduced as an alternative, not to overhaul the existing one.

43. Was skipping the Q&A during the live session related to the airport incident?

No, it’s unrelated. We opted for a cleaner finish as the voice actor was present. However, reflecting on the aftermath, it seems necessary to pre-collect questions and respond, as unprepared remarks had unintended consequences, making me more cautious.

44. Please allow editing Manor presets from outside the territory.

This feature will be added soon.

45. Are there plans to improve accessibility by fixing raid levels?

This is the first time hearing such a suggestion, so we’ll need to consider it. Level disparities from Ark levels and artifact grades complicate this, and users who invested time and money might object to others catching up for free.

46. Is the Weiss illustration final?

The final version came out yesterday, so no, that wasn’t the final version. Similar issues arose with Mephistopheles (Dawn)’s Artifact illustration, where preliminary designs were mistaken for final ones. This led to effects being implemented prematurely. While it was an error, it was also frustrating.

(Illustrator and Effector are different persons, Effector needs Illustration to come out first to work on the effects. Illustrator made a rough draft for confirmation and passed it on which Effector thought was final draft and worked off it)

Q. Can illustrations be revised later if a provisional version or lower quality is released

A: For smaller assets like Evertalk illustrations, adjustments are unlikely. For prominent assets, minor tweaks are made if necessary, but they’re often not announced to avoid backlash like “the earlier version was better.”

47. Are there plans to further utilize the significantly improved 3D modeling?

We’ve created MMD and VTuber models and want to explore more, but haven’t found a fitting example.
Q. What about adding dance animations to certain commands, like in other games?
A. It’s intriguing, but MMD’s difficulty and low accessibility make it challenging. It’s disappointing but worth considering.

48. Instead of just a sticker for reaching bond level 40, could there be more varied rewards?

We’re exploring ways to enhance the emotional and prestige elements of such milestones. While sweeping character-wide changes are unlikely due to workload, gradual additions could be feasible.

Q. Would gradual implementation be acceptable?
A. It could be manageable over time.

49. Is there a chance to reuse the World Raid Partner function?

The accessibility is too low, and each character has their own unique abilities, making it really difficult. Honestly, we put a lot of effort into it, but it didn’t get much positive feedback, so it’s disappointing.

Even in World Raid, They don’t really want to use it, so I’m not sure if players would like it if it was used elsewhere.

Q. You mentioned you’re working on creating some roguelike content—how about trying to apply it there?

A. It could be fun, but if the two most poorly rated features are combined… hahaha.

50. Are there plans to overhaul the existing modeling to match the recent updates?

Internally, we refer to the old models as 2.0 and the newer ones as 3.0. However, due to the sheer volume, it seems impossible to do a full overhaul.

Q: Even if it’s gradual?

A: Yes. It might be better to focus on making the costumes more aesthetically pleasing. After all, the existing characters already have their costumes sorted. In fact, some people really liked the Erusha costume.

Q: Since the Bunny Girl character was such a hit, don’t you think it would be better to focus more on popular characters?

A: Yes, I regret that decision. Please look forward to Season 2.

51. Jade is the main character for the event on January 23, yet hasn’t received any buffs. Why is that, and why did Edith get a buff instead of Jade?

Balance patches are rolled out sequentially. While Jade is on the list with Adrianne for future adjustments, she didn’t make the January 23rd update.

Q: When can we expect the next balance update?

A: I haven’t received any specific details, so I don’t know.

52. Are you conducting proper market research? (Implying they’re not doing it well)

You could view it that way (that I’m not doing it properly), but it’s not accurate to say that Blue Archive succeeded just because of the Bunny Girl. I believe there were many factors that came together to make it successful, so it feels a bit unfair to say that it failed just based on that. Personally, I really like the White Rabbit character from it.

53. Are you planning to put effort into the details of the panties?

If I go into too much detail, the age-rating would increase, and that would make it unfeasible. Honestly, I do love that aspect, and it’s something I wish for, but it’s been really close with skins like the upcoming Mephi (Dawn) Origins skin and Wheri , so it seems impossible.

Q: Is it true that the Wheri model was briefly modified for that reason?

A: No, that was actually an error.

54. This is something that has been building up and has finally come out—there are complaints that despite saying we would keep working hard, there hasn’t been any real progress. Some are saying that we should stop making empty promises.

Most of the things I said I would do, I’ve either already done or am actively working on. I do my best to keep my word, but there was one schedule that I wasn’t able to meet. So when people ask why it was delayed, there’s nothing I can say—it’s not something I can fix by just talking. The delay happened, and I have no excuses. I sincerely apologize.

The reason communication wasn’t smooth this time was because I was in a situation where it was difficult to actively engage. That’s why I’m actually grateful that you reached out.

55. I’m sorry for suddenly showing up without prior notice. But do you have plans to set up a formal communication event or meeting in the future?

There’s nothing set up yet, but after today’s conversation, I think it was a good idea. I feel relieved, and it was helpful to hear many good things. While it’s not that I’ve been praised recently, there were times when I felt a bit unfairly treated, which made me somewhat passive. After talking today, I feel better about it and think that maybe we should try holding an event like this.

Q: What about holding an official meeting like you did during the 0.5th anniversary?

A: Honestly, I didn’t think it went very well. Only 50 people could attend, and many were disappointed. I think the collaboration café event was better. I didn’t expect there to be a second round. People could buy the goods online, so I didn’t expect much, but it was refreshing to see people who kept coming back.

56. Speaking of the collaboration café, do you plan to use the Tsum Tsum stickers separately in the future?

I originally planned to use them, but since some players have already collected every single one, I’m not sure. However, I do plan to implement them as in-game stickers.

57. Since the collaboration café event was such a great experience, do you have any plans for similar offline events this year?

No plans yet. I’m still figuring things out and don’t know exactly how to proceed.

58. Is all the promotion handled by Kakao?

Yes. Even the digital billboard in Gangnam during the launch was handled by Kakao Games. We just focused on development.

The business team leader asked me to remind you that this Q&A was not an official company comment, so please take that into account. They also requested that I not share the recorded video, so I’m only posting it in writing. I didn’t expect anyone to come here to the café, so I’m very grateful for your visit. I hope you continue to support EverSoul and that we can improve communication moving forward.

If you have any questions about the content here, I’ll try to answer as much as I can. However, I don’t have any information outside of what was mentioned, so please understand.

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3 Comment

  1. Kanade

    I would like to send my condolences, and prayers to the families of the 179 people who lost their lives in the recent airport disaster.

  2. Kanade

    Concerning question 53. Would it be possible for an add-on to be offered that would allow for more “fan service”
    Offering an add-on would allow the age restriction to remain the same, while at the same time allow for more ecchi content.
    I understand that creating an add-on would require a lot of work, not just for creating the add-on but for creating / altering character art.
    Although the add-on could, at first, be limited to future characters, and then maybe one or two existing characters have updated art.

    On a different note what are the possibilities of a PC client?
    I understand that Eversoul works with emulators like Google Play Games, Blusestacks, and LD Player, but a true PC client would remove a lot of the problems with using an emulator.

  3. Аслан

    Здравствуйте когда добавят русский язык

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