AFK Journey Patch Notes (1.3.1 – VN Server)
Major Updates
- Adding a new Celestial hero: Elijah & Lailah, the Celestial Twins, who will be released on January 15 at 00:00 UTC. You can acquire them through Stargaze Station and Guild Store.
- The Chains of Eternity season will officially launch after the update for servers that have been active for at least 35 days. To unlock the season, you must reach Level 240 with your Hands of Resonance and complete New Journey. Once these conditions are met, a quest will become available in Holistone, guiding you to the season region and starting you on a new story: Shattered Loop!
- Note: The minimum number of days a server must be open to enter a season has been reduced from 40 to 35 days. After the update, ongoing Starter Story modes will be immediately settled on some servers that will start the new season earlier. Once a server has entered the season, the pace of Starter Story will be quickened so that players can experience the new season faster.
- Adding the Peaks of Time: Waves of Intrigue on January 6, 00:00 UTC. If you missed the Waves of Intrigue season, you’ll be able to access it in this mode after completing The Last Leg quest, allowing you to collect plenty of map resources as you play through the season storyline. If you have participated in Waves of Intrigue, your progress will carry over to Peaks of Time, so you can pick up right where you left off. Your previous Fish Collection progress will also carry over, and your Rustport Fishing Level will automatically be maxed to boost your Fish Collection progress.
- Adding Chains of Eternity Season AFK Stages and introducing a series of optimizations:
- Adding a daily limit for AFK rewards. Once the limit is reached, your AFK rewards will stop increasing for the rest of the day. The limit will increase daily.
- Adding the continuous AFK Proxy Battle feature. You can now initiate a Proxy Battle on the AFK Stages page instead of the Defeat pages.
- Replacing the Multi-Team AFK Stages in Starter Story and Infinite Quest with Single-Team AFK Stages.
- Adding Chains of Eternity Season Legend Trials that grant amazing rewards.
- Adding Chains of Eternity Season Dream Realm.
- The following bosses will be removed: Skyclops, King Croaker, Alpha Bear, and Necrodrakon.
- New bosses will be introduced: Illucia the Unveiler, Plague Creeper, Thalassa, and Crazed Shellbrute.
- Redesigning Dura’s Trials. The 6 treasure trials will each feature 2 modes: Dawnrise and Nightmare. You can obtain Sweep Rewards in Dawnrise trials, while Nightmare Trials are one-time challenges. Additionally, the Featured Heroes of each treasure trial will gain new special skills.
- Updating seasonal progression features, including Season Resonance Level, Season Equipment, Season Artifacts, and Season Faction Talents. Progression features from the Waves of Intrigue season will no longer be available.
- Introducing two types of Exclusive Equipment Reset: one allows you to reset the level of a selected hero’s Exclusive Equipment to 0 and the other allows you to only reset +16 to +25 levels. Both will return your invested Twilight Essences. Exclusive Equipment Resets are available through Season Handbook Milestone Rewards, Season Store, and Season Settlement.
- Adding Level 2 Enhance Force skills for Mirael and Walker. You can obtain the upgrade materials for free from Season Handbook Milestone rewards. Enhance Force skill upgrades will be gradually made available for Soren, Atalanta, Satrana, and Salazer in subsequent version updates.
- Introducing Timeless Recruitment. The featured heroes are the previously released heroes you have missed out on (you did not log in during the hero’s Rate Up Recruitment since character creation) between Sinbad and Sonja’s Rate Up Recruitments.
- Adding a new Esperia Monthly feature: You can unlock the Season Handbook Milestone Rewards of the following weeks in advance by subscribing to the Classic Gazette or Premium Gazette.
- Adding Rosy Cosmetics to Mystical House and moving Velvet Store from the Emporium to Rosy Cosmetics.
Experience Improvements
- Increasing the stat boosts for enhancement levels +16 to +20, offering higher overall stats for Exclusive Equipment within the +16 to +25 range.
- Enhancing the Rivalry Stats of Paragon heroes. Check in-game descriptions for details.
- Adding two new Rivalry Stats: “Intimidation” and “Inspiration” for Paragon heroes. Check in-game descriptions for details.
- Adding the skip battle feature for certain modes such as Honor Duel and Dura’s Trials.
- Adding a new Arena map to replace the Arena V – Special map.
- Adding illustrations to skill descriptions to indicate the frontmost enemy’s position.
- Replacing the separate Stamina counts for each hero in Battle Drills with a unified Stamina system.
- Increasing Friend limit from 60 to 100.
- Optimizing hero stats in plot-related battles to portray the story more vividly.
- Season Faction Talents can be used in world battles (except for story battles).
Combat Mechanics
- Dream Realm Boss: Snow Stomper
- Adjusting the silence effect of Silent Blizzard, allowing it to ignore Unaffected and Invincible. About This Adjustment: We noticed that players often needed to challenge the Snow Stomper multiple times to achieve a satisfying result due to significant discrepancies in the final outcomes. This is primarily because some heroes can ignore the silence effect of the Silent Blizzard skill during the Unaffected state (e.g. Lily May, Shakir, and certain Artifact Skills), allowing them to cast skills other than normal attacks. Consequently, the final outcome heavily depends on whether the heroes can successfully ignore the silence effect with their Unaffected state. Therefore, we have optimized the silence effect with the season update to address this issue.
- Dream Realm Boss – Crystal Beetle
- Fixing the issue where Crystal Beetle would recover Energy on hit, which affected the casting frequency of its key skills. As a result, we have slightly increased Crystal Beetle’s Energy recovery rate to maintain a similar Ultimate casting frequency as before. Your formation strategies won’t be affected.
- Salazer – Lash of Bantus
- Fixing the issue where Salazer’s Spirit Shackles failed to deal damage correctly to enemies with more than 70% HP.
- Soren – Silent Fury
- Fixing the issue where Repel Sweep, triggered through Deflecting Swing, could sometimes extend the target’s stun duration even when they did not collide with a wall.
- Vala – Phantom of Oakenfell
- Fixing the issue where Vala’s Ultimate sometimes attacked other enemies even when the target marked by Notice Beforehand was within range.
- Lucca – Stalwart Fighter
- Optimizing the animation of Lucca’s Exclusive Equipment Skill: Unshakeable Ties during battle preparation. The actual effect remains unchanged.
- Hugin – Maverick Smith
- Fixing the issue where Hugin’s Exclusive Equipment Skill: Steelbound Kinship would attempt to grant a shield to an ally that cannot be selected and failed. Now, Hugin can grant shields properly.
- Dead Tide Warriors
- Reducing their Ultimate’s damage and healing amount. When they are enemies, their Ultimate will go on a 5-second cooldown after the duration ends.
- Dead Tide Guards
- Reducing their Ultimate’s damage and healing amount. When they are enemies, their Ultimate will go on a 5-second cooldown after the duration ends.
- Artifact – Enlightening Spell
- Optimizing the time when Enlightening Spell takes effect. Now, Enlightening Spell won’t be interrupted by the control effects applied at the start of a battle.
Honor Duel
- Fixing the issue where Mythic Eironn could cast his Ultimate when a battle started even when he was equipped with the Breeze Rider Artifact.
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