PVE Tier List Update
Eve Meitner

PVE (Late) – SS—>SSS
PVP Tier List Update
It is time for regular PVP tier list maintenance. The primary objectives of this update are to:
- Adjust ratings for characters and operators to reflect shifts in operator meta
- Adjust ratings for characters with new alternium reactors (they’re pretty bad)
The CounterSide PVP tier list has been updated and changes were made to reflect the current state of PVP meta. This blog post provides some commentary on changes made to the ratings.
Operator Commentary
Sasha Gagarina
Owing to the exorbitant costs involved in building operators, it generally takes some time for a new operator to make its way into the meta. Now that everyone has had some time (and operator buffs!) to build their own Sashas, the queue has since swelled to a migraine-inducing amount of Sasha comps.
Sasha has become the dominant PVP operator, overtaking even Sysop. An earlier tier list adjustment made preliminary adjustments for the obvious expected beneficiaries of Sasha, but her performance has exceeded our every expectation. Sasha is surprisingly flexible and players developed a wide variety of playstyles. Every team has to figure out a solution to both aggressive Sasha decks and slower builds that just use her to trade ranger DPS with frontline and DP refund.
As Sasha becomes more prevalent in the queue, the meta shift is being felt across the character pool. Notably, defenders and slower-paced backline carry units are finding it difficult to withstand the overwhelming tempo advantage made possible through Sasha’s buffs, and especially struggle against more aggressive Sasha comps.
Conversely, this increases the relative value of striker frontline tanks. Striker frontline tanks are becoming increasingly necessary to withstand the overwhelming anti-defender damage output inherent to Sasha comps.
We expect Sasha’s ladder presence to rise even higher in the coming months as more players make the transition to the undisputed best PVP operator in the game.
ASSR Commentary
This month’s tier list adjustment largely serves the purpose of capturing the changes in the new Sasha meta. The majority of the changes can be attributed to the operator commentary above. ASSR commentary for characters will only be provided for those characters that require further elaboration.
Avenger Mordred
For a highly specialized dedicated anti-striker damage dealer, Avenger Mordred (Mordred) is surprisingly bad at killing many of the more expensive (problematic) strikers. As she is essentially useless outside of this specific niche (and disabling Shepherd and Lurcher), her rating was lowered to be in line with Kostroma Mavka.
Kubera Alice
Kubera Alice’s (Alice) rating was largely attributed to her projected increase in performance following the release of the operator Sasha. It was initially believed that Sasha’s viability as an operator can largely be attributed to Alice, a belief which has since been disproven.
Alice’s rating has been adjusted to more accurately reflect her place in the meta. Alice-Sasha comps output some of the highest burst damage possible in the game, but Alice’s weaknesses ultimately limit her viability as a PVP unit.
Awakened Seo Yoon
Awakened Seo Yoon’s (ASY) Alternium Reactor provides a simple damage buff. Given a little time to stack her buff, ASY now becomes a competitive backline damage dealer option and may even find herself in S tier as her place in the metagame solidifies.
Awakened Jisoo
Lee Jisoo is worse than we thought.
This change is an adjustment to her preliminary rating assigned at the time her reactor was nerfed. For a more complete commentary, see November’s blog post