New Substream – Counters Legacy

The new substream, [Counters Legacy], revolves around the story that unfolds when two new teachers are appointed to Counter Academy, the administration’s Counter training school.
The two teachers introduce a new system to the Academy’s simulation training. As Naielle, the self-proclaimed best Counter in the Academy, participates in and plays through the new simulation system, the story progresses through the ensuing commotion.
New Awakened Employee – New Age Naielle Bluesteel

Another Awakened employee teased during the 1.5th Anniversary broadcast last August will be updated in December. As many of you may have guessed, the protagonist is New Age Naielle Bluesteel.
While the existing Naielle is a Striker that excels on the frontline with powerful attacks and Special Skill, the Awakened employee New Age Naielle Bluesteel will be released as an Awakened Defender who utilizes Iron Wall and debuffs to contribute to both the survival and attack of her allies.
We ask for your continued support for Naielle Bluesteel as she returns as an Awakened employee with a new story.
New Employee – Mad Sister Cindy Looper

Cindy Looper, the charming member of the Holy Curia who mercilessly dispatches C.O.s with a chainsaw created by her Watch returns to meet the CEOs in a new appearance.
Mad Sister Cindy Looper is being prepared as a Ranger with an all-around attack. Her long attack range allows Cindy to consistently attack her opponents at a safe distance.
Mad Sister Cindy Looper can be recruited through Normal Recruitment.
New Christmas Seasonal Episode – The Holy Night Chocolate Mousse Cake Incident

A new Seasonal Episode is coming soon this Christmas.
The new Christmas Seasonal Episode, The Holy Night Chocolate Mousse Cake Incident, is about the story of Claudia Nelson’s journey to create a special cake for Christmas.
We hope you will all watch to see what kind of miracle will happen for the nun who chases miracles and the people she meets along her journey to complete the chocolate mousse cake.
New Skin – Miracle Patissier – Claudia Nelson

A new skin for Claudia Nelson will be added to coincide with the new Christmas Seasonal Episode.
The new skin [Miracle Patissier – Claudia Nelson] is a Premium Skin that includes exclusive Skill Cut-in and effects, acquirable for all CEOs through the event in December.
Permanent Daily Resource Challenge
We plan to revamp the daily resource challenges, which were previously only available on specific days of the week, but can be entered at any time starting in December.
While the daily resource challenges allowed CEOs to acquire necessary resources such as credits and enhancement modules, we have determined that the limitation of only being available on specific days made it difficult to obtain needed resources immediately.
Therefore, we will be making the daily resource challenges permanently available, allowing CEOs to acquire resources through the desired challenge at any convenient time.
◆ Target Challenge Dungeons
- Chloe’s Credit Search (Credit)
- Chloe’s Gear Material Search (Advanced Gear Material)
- Kim Hana’s Performance Evaluation (Special Appraisal)
Simplification of Material Items
Along with the permanent activation of daily resource challenges, we will also be simplifying material items.
CounterSide has a variety of materials required for the creation of specific ships, gears, and supplies.
Many CEOs have requested improvements as many found the process of acquiring and producing multiple materials to be cumbersome.
The development team has actively reviewed the opinions and decided to merge or delete some material items.
First, the quantity of Fusion Core Fragments and S-APT Cores required to make Fusion Cores is the same, so we will delete the Fusion Core Fragments and exchange the fragments you have for S-APT Cores.
In cases where Fusion Core Fragments were previously required, the same quantity of S-APT Cores will now be used instead.
In addition, Special Catalysts, Conversion Approvals, and Training Gear Materials will be deleted and replaced with credits, and Standard Gear Materials will be exchanged for one Advanced Gear Material for every three.
Finally, ship materials such as High-elasticity Armor and Ship Charge will be unified into High-elasticity Armor, making it easier to create the desired ships.
◆ Material Item Exchange
Supply Operation Revamp
Supply Operations will also be revamped along with the permanent daily resource challenges and the simplification of some material items.
First, supply operations that allow you to obtain credits, gear materials, special catalysts, conversion approvals, and ship materials, such as [Profit Creation], [Military Supply Acquisition], and [Investigation Activities] will be removed.
Furthermore, the rewards for stages in the [Riot Suppression] supply operation that allow you to obtain Appraisals will be changed to ship materials.
Other than that, [Talent Recruitment] to obtain unit data and [Covert Ops] to obtain Info, Tuning Binaries, and ship-type materials will be maintained, but the Loot [Ship Component] will be replaced with a unified High-elasticity Armor.
◆ Items to be Removed
- Profit Creation (Credit)
- Military Supply Acquisition (Gear/Gear Material)
- Investigation Activities (Special Catalysts / Ship Materials /Conversion Approvals)
◆ Changes
- Appraisal rewards in [Riot Suppression] supply operation changed to ship materials.
- Loot [Ship Component] in [Covert Ops] changed to a unified High-elasticity Armor.
Today’s Deal Item Overhaul
In December, we plan to revamp the items available in [Today’s Deal], which many CEOs utilize.
The [Today’s Deal] offers a variety of goods, ranging from resources necessary for hiring employees, such as Classified Employment Contracts and Employment Contracts, to materials needed for ship and employee development, such as ship materials and Appraisals.
However, there has been a discrepancy between the difficulty of obtaining items through gameplay and the prices and perceived value of items sold in the [Today’s Deal].
As a result, some CEOs may feel that purchasing certain items, especially those sold for Quartz, is a waste of resources.
To address this, we plan to remove some Quartz items from the [Today’s Deal] and add more useful items, making the [Today’s Deal] a more effective way for CEOs to acquire the resources.
With the revamp of Resource Challenge, material items, Supply Operation, and [Today’s Deal] items, we hope that CEOs will find CounterSide easier and more enjoyable to play.
◆ Items to be Removed
– Ship Charge (Quartz / Credit)
– Heavy Covering (Quartz / Credit)
– Superconductor (Quartz / Credit)
– Conversion Approval (Quartz / Credit)
– Special Catalyst (Quartz / Credit)
– APT Core (Quartz)
– S-APT Core (Quartz)
– Enhancement Module (Quartz)
– Advanced Gear Material (Quartz)
– Nano Precision Enhancement Module (Quartz)
– Basic Training Data (Quartz)
– Prime Training Data (Quartz)
– Tuning Binary (Quartz)
– Normal Ship Schematics (Quartz)
– Special Ship Schematics (Quartz)
– Black Box Fragment (Quartz)
– Eternium Propellant (Quartz)
– Ship Material (Quartz)
– Prime Ship Material (Quartz)
– Appraisal (Quartz)
– High Appraisal (Quartz)
◆ New Items
– S-Fusion Core (Quartz)
– Set Binary (Quartz)
– Relic Binary (Quartz)
– Eternium (Credit)
– Precision Enhancement Module (Credit)
– Special Appraisal (Credit)
– Fusion Core (Credit)
◆ Price Change
– Fusion Core (Quartz)
Addition of Branch Dive Skip Function
With the addition of more Dive Measured Coordinates, the time required to clear branch dives that appear when completing branch missions has increased.
While World Map dives have value where CEOs can clear high-difficulty exploration coordinates, we have determined that the increasing clear time of branch dives, which appear continuously, is a burden on CEOs.
Therefore, we will improve the existing Sweep function, which allows you to directly challenge the boss, by changing it to a skip function, allowing you to conveniently obtain dive rewards.
We hope that the addition of the branch dive skip function will alleviate the burden that CEOs feel from repeatedly performing branch dives.
World Map Raid
While it won’t be updated in December, we are preparing for an improvement to the World Map Raid, targeting January 2025.
With the boss level of the World Map Raid increasing to 190, many CEOs have expressed that the fatigue from raiding has increased. To alleviate the inconvenience felt by CEOs, our development team is considering ways to improve the World Map Raid.
First, we are considering adding a raid wipeout function that many CEOs have requested.
The raid wipeout function is planned to activate after achieving a designated minimum damage for the season, and then instantly deal damage based on the highest damage dealt within the season.
However, as this is a function that does not currently exist in CounterSide, a thorough examination of the feasibility of development is necessary after the planning is complete.
Therefore, we ask for your understanding that we will provide more detailed information on the possibility of adding the wipeout function in the next developer’s note.
In addition to the raid wipeout function, we are also preparing to reduce the amount of Info consumed to enter the raid.
The reduction in the amount of Info consumed will only apply when supporting a raid that someone else has requested support for, and the amount of Info consumed will decrease when dealing damage to the raid boss exceeds the designated minimum damage.
The Info reduction will be applied differently depending on the level of the raid boss, and specific numbers will be provided later.
Observation Mode – Draft Pick and Ban
We regret to inform you that the update schedule for the [Observation Mode – Draft Pick and Ban] feature, previously announced for November, has been changed.
[Observation Mode – Draft Pick and Ban] was designed to allow you to observe not only the battles themselves, but also the ban/pick strategies of other CEOs.
However, we have discovered a bug during the development process, and we are working to fix it. The update is now scheduled for early January.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and we will strive to provide a more complete observation mode.
Regarding the Global Unified Squad Tournament
In our 1.5th Anniversary broadcast, we mentioned that we were preparing to hold a Global Unified Squad Tournament with the Korea server within the year.
Since then, we have adjusted the update cycle of the Global server as quickly as possible, but there is still a difference in the Squad Tournament seasons and employee pool between the Korean and Global servers.
Additionally, since the two servers use separate servers, we have determined that it is necessary to secure sufficient time for feature development and testing.
Therefore, instead of hastily proceeding with the unified Squad Tournament this year, we would like to postpone the schedule and provide you with a more stable condition.
We sincerely apologize to all CEOs around the world who were looking forward to meeting each other in the Global Unified Squad Tournament.
We are planning to launch it by the 2nd Anniversary, and we will provide more detailed information once development is complete.
Regarding Appreciation Kit
Since we informed you about the Appreciation Kit in September, many of you have inquired about the preparation process.
We have finished producing physical samples of the kit, and we will etch the names of our CEOs to deliver them.
Check the completed samples below for the reference.
◆ Appreciation Kit

◆ Coffin Company Emergency Ready Bag

◆ Appreciation Plaque

◆ A5 Illustration Frame

◆ Coffin Company Insignia

◆ Counterside Design Pen & Metal Badge

Once all samples are complete, we will engrave your name based on the information you provided and deliver the kit to you.
We apologize for the time it is taking to create a high-quality appreciation kit that you will be satisfied with, and we will do our best to deliver the kit as soon as possible.
Also, if any of the CEOs who are eligible for the appreciation kit have not yet submitted the shipping information, please refer to the notice at the link below and submit your shipping information.
▷ [ LINK ] to the announcement.