Q: Keep playing the same modes can get a bit dull. Will there be any new modes this season? Also, newer servers sometimes have to wait up to 40 days for the season to open, while older servers don’t face this issue, which impacts the experience for new players. Will this be improved?
We’ll introduce new modes throughout the season. Currently, we have three main directions planned:
- Guild Social: We’ll be adding and updating modes similar to the newly released Clashfronts to enhance your social experience in the game.
- Fun Festivals: Each season will feature different holiday events that offer a variety of fun and entertaining modes.
- Daily Activities: We’ll develop more engaging daily content revolving around battles and map features.
While designing new features, we’ll ensure they won’t be too grindy so you have time to enjoy all the new content. Since the launch of the Asia-Pacific servers, we’ve noticed the season time gap issue among the servers. To address this, we plan to speed up the pace of Starter Story in upcoming updates.
Q: The current Guild administration system isn’t quite user-friendly. Are there any plans for optimization? Also, is there a possibility of adding a Guild decoration feature?
We’ll be rolling out optimizations for the Guild system, including increasing the word limit for Guild announcements, reducing the cooldown for Guild mails, and updating various administrative features. Additionally, we’ll also introduce new Guild modes that offer more rewards for all participating players. While we’re considering the decoration feature, due to limited development resources, it may not be our top priority at the moment.
Q: There are too few events that offer Temporal Essences. Are there any plans to add more ways to get them?
Regarding rewards, our approach is to gradually increase them as we introduce new events or modes, rather than directly modifying the existing rewards. The same goes for Temporal Essences. For example, in the new Clashfronts event, we’ve included Stellar Crystals and Guild Medals as rewards. We’ll also consider adding more Temporal Essence rewards in upcoming events or modes. To help with the difficulty in acquiring Temporal Essences, we plan to make the following adjustments:
- Introduce items that can reset Exclusive Equipment.
- Adding hero-based Temporal Essences for certain existing heroes in some events or stores.
Q: There are only a few modes in the game that require collaboration among players. Will we see more coop modes in the future?
Yes. There will be a new team battle mode in Version 1.2.3, and we’ll also include more collaboration and assisting features in upcoming modes and events. For example, Corrupt Creature is a mode that allows players to fight alongside each other. We intend to further develop it and optimize the teaming experience.
Q: Currently, there is a severe power imbalance among certain heroes. Are there any plans for a balance change? I also hope that Chippy and Hammie could join the battle! It would be great to see more character bonds and learn more about their stories.
While we won’t be weakening any heroes, we’ll empower underperforming heroes accordingly during the seasons. Please be assured that we take the balance of hero power very seriously, as it forms the cornerstone of the game. As for Chippy and Hammie, given their popularity, we are exploring the possibility of allowing them to fight alongside players in the future. Although they won’t be directly deployed to the battlefield, they will become playable in some additional content. More character bonds and stories will be revealed as the plot of the new season unfolds. Please stay tuned!
Q: My ranking is falling behind because the current drop rate of Season Magic Charm is too low. Can this issue be addressed?
Based on player feedback and our observations, we introduced the Magic Charm crafting feature in the previous update, and we’ve added more Charm Essences in the recent patch to support it. We’ll continue to monitor the situation moving forward. In the next season, we plan to optimize the sources of Magic Charms to improve your hero development experience and reduce the impact of bad luck in competitive ranking features.
Q: Can we have the option to adjust battle speed and enable Auto Battle before combat? Currently, the overall pace of the game feels a bit slow. Is it possible to introduce the 3x/4x speed feature, as well as a Skip Battle feature for Dream Realm?
The 3x/4x speed feature is already in development and will be gradually rolled out across existing modes. We’re also aware of the demand for a Skip Battle feature in Dream Realm. However, to ensure a balanced experience for both new and veteran players, we are carefully working on the best solution.
Q: I hope the stores will feature a wider variety of Cosmetics and hero skins, as well as more ways to use Pal-Coins, Omni-Acorns, and Dolly Tickets.
New Cosmetics and hero skins will be continuously released. The new Velvet Store this season is part of our efforts to provide more new cosmetics in the future. Additionally, we’ll also add more cosmetics and social-related features to the Friendship Store. As for Omni-Acorns and Dolly Tickets, we’re working on introducing more ways for you to use them.
Q: New players are disappointed about missing the Rate Up Recruitment events for powerful heroes. Are there any adjustments planned to address this?
We plan to address this issue by making the previously featured heroes available in the Season Store. On top of that, we are exploring solutions to improve the hero development experience for new players, returning players, and those who missed the Rate Up Recruitment events.
Q: Are there any upcoming crossovers?
Yes, we are preparing a limited-time crossover event to offer a more diverse gaming experience. The event will come with new characters, new storylines, and new modes.