Please know this is MTL Translation, so there might be some mistakes.

  • 2D Art traces incident between Onyx, Chaotic Linzy and Catherine – It was just a minor incident.
  • Arena Updates: Plans to shuffle soon.
  • New Frontline Release: Scheduled for the near future.
  • Kayrin Modeling Changes: There’s a lot to be done, and I apologize for the delay.
  • Expansion of the Lord’s Castle: This will be addressed.
  • Twin Skins: Scheduled for release soon.
  • Erusha Relationship Story: Currently in preparation. It was intended to be revealed but was held back.
  • Bankuyo: Created anew.?
  • Baek Jong-won Collaboration: I would love to do it. Please reach out.
  • Japanese Voice Acting Speed: Due to faster pick-up speeds in Japan, we can’t expedite this further.
  • Resting Changes: If the upcoming changes don’t work, we will consider implementing automatic rest.
  • Chaos-type Reprints: Planned.
  • Tsuru P: Please keep working hard!
  • Battlefront? Continuous Battle Mode: This will be added.
  • Kim Cheol-hee PD Packages: Please buy more.
  • Jacqueline Relationship Story: Set for next year; it was intended to be revealed today but couldn’t.
  • Kakao Emoticons: They come out so well that I’m wondering how to use them more.
  • PC Client: I have ideas in mind, but due to the small team size, we haven’t been able to implement them yet. However, we will make an effort.
  • Bellana??: Preparations are underway. Please look forward to next year.
  • Hazel Costume: No plans for this.
  • World Boss Rewards Overhaul: In preparation; we believe the current rewards are weak, so please wait a little longer.
  • Collaboration Details: I can’t say anything; I know nothing (but everyone seems to know).
  • Main Character Gender Selection Feature: No plans to add this. It would require significant changes.
  • Otoha Reprint: Why?
  • Challenge Mode Daily Pass: A good idea! I think the business team will consider it.
  • Mana Crystal Acquisition: This will be reviewed.
  • April Fool’s Kim Cheol-hee Raid: Haha…
  • Awakening Mephi: Not sure.
  • Wheri Illustration: There will be an illustration in the October calendar.
  • Relationship Story Stone Normalization: Under consideration. I personally think it would be fine to remove it quickly, even without rewards.
  • Recent Spirit Event Inclusion: It’s challenging to immediately include newly released spirits in events; we aim for a slight delay.

Additional Information

  • Art Book Release: Not scheduled.
  • Merchandise: I’m unsure when the next release will be. I will consider selling it alongside offline events.
  • Maze Corridor Update: Coming soon.
  • More Coupons, Please: Are you serious?..
  • Future Offline Plans: None at the moment.
  • Merchandise Shipping: It will be bundled, and I’m not fully aware of the details.
  • Gunggi: Only cats will continue to be featured. Gunggi is a cat, but we may introduce new yokai content.
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