Reverse 1999 CN – Patch 2.2 Overview
Patch 2.2, marks the another Main Story update in Reverse: 1999. To celebrate this occasion, Bluepoch made a special stream and set up a heft of freebies.
Please keep in mind that this blog post will feature spoilers from the 1.9 “Vereinsamt”, 2.0 “Floor It! To The Golden City!” and 2.1 “The Haunted Highway, Route 77” patch stories. If you do not want to be spoiled on any plot points, it’s best to turn back now.
This update takes the story-line started in 2.0 to Brazil as Vertin and her crew chases after Zeno and Kimberly. Let’s check out the new content in this blog!
Patch 2.2: Tristes Tropiques
The first thing we see is the new patch trailer. We are introduced to Kimberly (a recurring antagonist) who has found herself under the moniker of “Anjo Nala” as she is in the process of, against her will, killing Vertin. The Timekeeper and her ensemble of Lilya and Sotheby have chased the clues left behind by Zeno in previous patches all the way to Brazil, where they are looking to find an UTTU writer in the aftermath of the 9th Storm. Additionally, the military organization yet again rears its ugly head, as Admiral Igor has put his hands in yet more mysterious pies.
This story takes place in the 1990s, after Sonetto has returned to the Foundation to deal with the 9th Storm and its logistic problems. Vertin is investigating a lead, the 1.5 “Revival of the Uluru Games” story is said to happen in-between.
We are then introduced to two new 6-star characters, one 5-star and even a 4-star:
Anjo Nala – 6✦ Beast
Anjo Nala, also known as Kimberly, will feature as the True Limited character of this patch. She is a Beast Afflatus character with a unique mechanic of signing a [Treaty] with another ally, siphoning their Moxie and granting them Afflatus-based buffs in the process. Anjo Nala puts heavy emphasis on gaining Moxie, inflicting debuffs/crowd control and performing powerful follow-up attacks. Due to being a True Limited character, her banner will run in both Phase 1 and 2 of the update.

Insight: Contracting Oath
- Upon entering combat, select one ally to enter into a [Treaty]. Anjo Nala and the ally targeted by [Treaty] gain bonuses based on each other’s Afflatus (the ally targeted by [Treaty] cannot gain or use their Ultimate, any Moxie gained is redistributed to Anjo Nala). Anjo Nala has an increased Moxie limit.
Spirit and Meat [Spirit – Intellect]: Increases ATK and Max HP.
Form and Shadow [Beast – Plant]: Increases Crit DMG and Reality DEF. Bone and Blood [Mineral – Star]: Increases Crit Rate and Mental DEF.
- Upon entering combat, increases Crit DMG.
- When the ally targeted by [Treaty] actively casts an Incantation, Anjo Nala reduces the duration of [Joyous]. Depending on the type of [Treaty] formed, triggers one of the following effects:
Spirit and Flesh [Spirit – Intellect]: Casts [Satisfying Meal] (extra action).
Form and Shadow [Beast – Plant]: Anjo Nala gains additional Moxie. Bone and Blood [Mineral – Star]: Casts [Angel’s Invite] (extra action).
Incantation 1: Satisfying Meal
1-target attack. Deals Mental DMG. Inflicts [Admiration] to the target. If the caster is in the [Joyous] state, reduces its duration. Deals additional Mental DMG based on the number of [Neg Status] effects on the target.
[Admiration]: Reduces DMG Dealt. Transforms into [Charmed] when it reaches a certain amount of stacks. [Charmed]: Cannot act. Decreases ATK. Anjo Nala’s ATK increases by the same amount.
Incantation 2: Twin’s Phantom
Self-channel. Enters the [Joyous] state. When the channel ends, cast [Angel’s Invite]. If Anjo Nala is already in the [Joyous] state, decrease its duration.
[Joyous]: Channel (idea is that you reduce Joyous as quickly as possible to cast [Angel’s Invite] more).
Extra Incantation: Angel’s Invite
Mass attack. Deals Mental DMG. Inflicts [Admiration]. If cast when the [Joyous] channel ends, inflicts [Charmed] instead and deals a “huge amount” of additional Mental DMG.
Ultimate: Step Into The End of a Beautiful Dream
Self-channel. Both Anjo Nala and the ally targeted by [Treaty] enter a channeling state. At the start of the next round, decreases the current HP of the ally targeted by [Treaty]. Then, the ally and Anjo Nala cast their respective Ultimates. Anjo Nala launches a Mass attack. Causes enemies to enter random [Neg Status] states. Deals Mental DMG. This attack deals additional damage based on the number of different [Neg Status] among all enemies.

Lopera – 6✦ Beast
Lopera will be the featured 6-star in Phase 2 of the patch. She is also of the Beast Afflatus, and is Bluepoch’s first proper foray into the [Bullet] mechanic and a reintroduction of position based effects that Avgust started back in 1.8. She is all about providing damage buffs to allies through [Bullet]s and her Array, and granting allies large amounts of additional Crit DMG.

Insight: Proficiency in Miscellaneous Subjects
- When Lopera triggers [Bullet] effects, increases her Moxie and recovers a certain percentage of Lost HP for the ally with the lowest Current HP.
- When entering combat, increase Crit DMG.
- Upon entering combat, increases own Moxie and depending on the number of Beast, Spirit, and Intellect characters, increase own Moxie further.
Incantation 1: Double Trump Card
1-target attack. Deals Reality DMG. Transforms own [Burning Bullet] into [Incantation Bullet] / [Ultimate Bullet], then distributes it to characters in front / behind her.
[Burning Bullet]: Inflicts [Burn] status when an attack hits. [Incantation Bullet]: Increased Incantation Might when attacking. [Ultimate Bullet]: Increased Ultimate Might when attacking.
Incantation 2: Winning Chip
Self-channel. Gains [Burning Bullet] and enters [Ready to Fire].
[Ready to Fire]: If in this state at the end of the round, cast [Find the Bullseye].
Extra Incantation: Find the Bullseye
1-target attack. Deals Reality DMG. Grants all allies [Straight to the Point]. If the target has a certain amount of [Burn] stacks, [Straight to the Point]’s effects are greatly enhanced.
[Straight to the Point]: Increase Crit DMG based on Lopera’s Crit DMG.
Ultimate: Miscellaneous Studies of Alchemy
Self buff. Creates the [Crucible Armory] Array. When a [Bullet] effect is triggered, it does not deplete, leaving at least one stack. Excess Crit Rate is converted at a set rate into Crit DMG; this conversion rate increases with the number of [Bullets].

Mr. Duncan – 5✦ Beast
Mr Duncan is the 5-star featured on Ano Nala’s banner, Surprisingly, he is also of the Beast Afflatus, and follows in Lopera’s footsteps by being heavily focused around [Bullet]s. He can provide allies with various [Bullet]s from his [Veteran’s Arsenal] when he crits or kills an enemy, use them to [Counter] for allies and increase his own Ultimate damage based on the amount of [Bullet]s carried.

Insight: Military Background
- Whenever allies trigger a certain amount of [Bullet]s, Mr. Duncan gains [Etiquette].
[Etiquette]: Increases Ultimate Might, can stack, disappears after casting Ultimate.
- Upon entering combat, increase Crit Rate.
- When Mr. Duncan’s attacks Crit or defeat an enemy, all allies gain a bullet from the [Veteran’s Arsenal]. When Mr. Duncan Crits a certain number of times, he gains Moxie.
[Veteran’s Arsenal]: Includes [Acid Bullet] and [Shrapnel Bullet]. [Acid Bullet]: After attacking, reduces the target’s Reality DEF. Can stack. [Shrapnel Bullet]: Deals additional Genesis DMG based on ATK.
Incantation 1: Deadly Ditty
Mass attack. Deals Reality DMG to 2 enemies. When attacking enemies who have HP below a certain percentage, deals additional Genesis DMG based on the caster’s ATK.
Incantation 2: Battered Invention
1-target counter. The caster gains several [Bullets] and enters [Quick Draw].
[Quick Draw]: Before receiving an attack, if the caster has [Bullet]s, the caster launches a [Rapid Counter-Fire] attack. [Rapid Counter-Fire]: Single-target attack. Deals Reality DMG to the enemy attacking this character.
Ultimate: A Veteran’s Regards
1-target attack. Deals Reality DMG. This attacks Crit Rate is increased based on the number of [Bullet]s the caster has.

White Rum – 4✦ Intelligence
White Rum is our new 4-star character, not featured on any banner. They are not of the Beast Afflatus, instead subscribing to Intelligence, and their kit heavily focuses around the Shift/Repositioning mechanic that Pioneer started back in 2.0. They gain different buffs depending on if they move forward or backwards, cast certain extra Incantations and they deal additional damage with their Ultimate depending on the amount of spaces moved with it. In addition, we will receive one copy of White Rum for free during the patch.

Insight: Privateer Permit
Insight I: When this character’s position changes, gain a stack of [Rousing Morale] for every space backward White Rum moves and gain a stack of [Sturdiness] for every space forward White Rum moves. Insight II: When entering battle, increase DMG Reduction.
Incantation I: [Fire Portside Cannons]
Mass attack, deals Reality DMG to all enemies and moves White Rum backward.
Incantation II: [Prepare to Board]
Self channel. Enter [Naval Boarding] status; if White Rum is already under the [Naval Boarding] status, increase White Rum’s moxie. [Naval Boarding]: Automatically cast [Fire Portside Cannons] at the start of every round, causing White Rum’s moxie to increase. Dispels after casting Ultimate.
Ultimate: [Steer Toward the Ocean? Steer Toward the Sky!]
Can only be cast if White Rum is in the [Naval Boarding] state. Moves White Rum all the way to the front, deals Reality DMG and inflicts [Daze] on all enemies. This attack’s damage increases according to how many spaces forward White Rum moves. If White Rum moves forward at least one space, this attack ignores a set percentage of [Daze] resistance.
There will also be a new series of skins coming along in the patch for 37, Marcus, Shamane, Vila, Yenisei, and Poltergeist, while several other skins from earlier patches will rerun. In special luck is 37 this time around, who gets the second Ultimate skin after Regulus!
Roar Jukebox: Yenisei
UTTU (Free): Poltergeist
Paid Garment: Shamane
Paid Garment (Advanced): Marcus
Paid Garment (Advanced): Vila
Paid Garment (Unique): 37

Patch 2.2: Main Events
Besides the new characters and skins will be several new game modes, one of which seemingly being a very exciting new type of end-game content! Similarly, a new Mane’s Bulletin Raid boss makes its debut, and a cute “gacha within a gacha” system appears.
“Beneath the Mask” appears to be a Manus Vindictae related end-game piece of content wherein you use up to 8 characters with in-combat switching mechanics to battle through waves of enemies.

Mane’s Bulletin returns with the familiar Hypothesis of Exhibition and Gold in the Cave Raid fights, this time joined by a new behemoth to tackle: Fog of War, a boss we previously saw during the 1.9 Vereinsamt patch story.

The following appears to be a funny side-event wherein you can ‘gacha’ for various types of critters and do activities with them in and around your Wilderness, a gacha within a gacha if you will. Completing tasks related to this also provides material rewards!

New Anecdotes are also here! This time, 37 and Mesmer Jr take center stage as their respective stories unfold.

Patch 2.2: Other Events
To celebrate getting over 19,990,000 downloads in China, 10x Unilogs will be distributed (at this time to Chinese accounts only, Global will receive this when the patch launches here). Also, as is standard for new True Limited characters, players logging in during the event will receive one free 10 pull to use on Anjo Nala’s banner.

- Anjo Nala’s Story Puzzle, likely a small-time story-based event similar to what we received with Melania and Tooth Fairy’s respective mini events.
- Lopera’s Story Event, which appears to be a “choose your own adventure” type of minigame, as the text in the bottom right reads as possible ‘decisions’ that one can pick from for different outcomes.
- White Rum’s mini event is a tile-breaker minigame similar in gameplay to Candy Crush and similar types of games. According to the front page of the event, we can get copies of White Rum from this (assuming you don’t get them during pulls). In addition, it appears that this is played against other people, though whether this is a PVP puzzle game event or if it’s against AI NPCs is unknown at this time. It also has an auto-chess like feature.

- A free 6-star! This is a log-in event that will provide you with a random 6-star from the standard pool that you don’t already own. if you own at least 1 copy of every 6-star already, it does grant you a random Portrait.
- There is also a free 5-star! This one is pickable, and we’ve seen this event before during the 1.4 celebration. This time around, any 5-star up until “Vereinsamt (1.9)” is available from this selector.
- A free unlock of a previous Roaring Jukebox after unlocking level 10 of this patch’s Jukebox. The details on this are unclear, but it appears that one can build it up to receive any of the normal Roaring Jukebox rewards including one of the previous Roaring Jukebox skins!
- Lots of other log-in and simple mission event rewards;
- New Suitcase Lobby background;
- A new Wilderness set under the theme of “Tropical Splendor”.

Translation credits go to Linnnon, our newest Reverse: 1999 staff member!
Special thanks to Gordan for organizing all the patch info~