Reverse 1999 – Complete Tier List Overhaul!
New Additions
- Argus [S/A+/S+] – A heavily debated character – a lot of people will point at Argus’ low damage output and claim she’s bad, not understanding how truly overpowered her debuff is. So long as you refresh the duration every 3 rounds, you’re granting your team an effectively permanent +55-70% DMG Bonus (debuff+Insight 1) and +43% Crit DMG (effective Crit DMG, since it is a -Crit DEF buff) against a single target. For bossing, this is extremely strong, and for Raids we consider her on the level of someone like Isolde. In more general content and in 3-man teams her lacking damage output and the single-target nature of her debuff may hinder her however.
- Tuesday [S/S/S] – As the first new [Poison] character after an entire year of radio-silence on the archetype, Tuesday saves the entire niche. Allowing [Poison] to Crit, generating [Poison] off other’s debuffs, stopping its duration counter and increasing ally Crit Rate, Tuesday is a lot more versatile than expected at first glance.
- Barbara [A/A+/A] – A surprisingly solid addition to the 5-star roster, her main appeal is her [Visiting Dreams] status allowing her to generate cards for allies and manipulating the ranks of cards in the action field. She greatly benefits characters that want to cast a lot of Incantations or are reliant on Incantations.
Core Adjustments
New category: Sub Carry – Some older characters have begun floating in between roles, primarily dealing damage but either bringing that damage in a way that is supportive or simply having supportive additions to their kit. Please note that while Supports can deal a lot of personal damage, we are looking at the core of their kit here.
Category Shifts:
- 37 from Damage Dealer to Sub Carry.
- aliEn T from Survival to Support.
- APPLe from Survival to Sub Carry.
- Bunny Bunny from Damage Dealer to Sub Carry.
- Click from Support to Sub Carry.
- Druvis III from Damage Dealer to Sub Carry.
- Ezra Theodore from Survival to Support.
- Horropedia from Support to Sub Carry.
- Kanjira from Damage Dealer to Sub Carry.
- Leilani from Damage Dealer to Sub Carry.
- ONiON from Support to Sub Carry.
- Pioneer from Support to Sub Carry.
- Regulus from Damage Dealer to Sub Carry.
- Shamane from Support to Sub Carry.
- Tennant from Survival to Sub Carry.
Adjustments Overall (N/A)
- 37 [From A to A+] – Moved to the Sub Carry category. One of the premier options in the sub carry category, 37 floats perfectly between Damage Dealer and Support especially with the amount of Follow-Up Attacks in the current meta. Her problem still remains reliance on Portraits and her Ultimate just generally being kind of mediocre.
- An-An Lee [From S to A+] – One of the main AP-positive Supports, AAL has hovered quietly along the top of the Support meta since 1.0, however an entire year later and she’s slowly showing her age. Still, she continues to find small niches such as CC teams or Upgrade teams where she sits comfortably.
- Avgust [From A to A+] – Essentially a mini Mercuria without the hassle of actually playing Mercuria. Provides a bunch of free stats with flexible use based on placement and access to some really cool niches.
- Bkornblume [From A+ to A]
- Desert Flannel [From B to A] – Adheres to her role by providing very good offensive buffing and healing besides her own bit of damage.
- J [From A to S] – Moved to Sub Carry category. We judged him to harshly, honestly, he has great Mass DMG, chunky shields, applies a lot of [Burn] and has some really fun and solid teams.
- John Titor [From B to C] – Honestly just doesn’t do anything lol.
- Kanjira [From C to B] – Moved to the Sub Carry category. Quite alright as [Poison] and Crit support but is set on a very strict rotation.
- La Source [From C to B]
- Leilani [From C to B] – Moved to the Sub Carry category. Does well with Darley Clatter to cheat out Ultimates in teams oriented around characters like Melania and Kaalaa Baunaa.
- Lorelei [From A+ to S] – In her most common teams she’s granting +20% DMG Dealt passively for the entire team while also providing great Crit DMG buffs and high personal DMG output.
- Matilda [C to D] – Stop being so stingy with your portraits girl…
- Mercuria [A+ to S] – Argus essentially smoothens out Mercuria’s usability at P0, however, Mercuria is now dependent on a Support core between her and Argus to be used in teams outside of Marcus and maybe Lucy teams, so take that how you will.
- Pickles [From A+ to A] – Unfortunately, after some discussions regarding his use, Pickles’ niche in full dispelling isn’t enough to justify his placement. Besides that, while very AP-positive, he may feel clunky to use due to his [Clarified Topic] stacking.
- Sotheby [From B to A] – With Tuesday introduced, Sotheby enjoys a little bump. Her options are still limited, but widened greatly compared to before now that she can actually function in her role as [Poison] applier.
- Tennant [From B to A] – Moved to the Sub Carry category. Deals a surprising amount of damage while capable of protecting the team with shields and damage reduction while also shredding enemy Reality DEF.
- Twins Sleep [From A to B] – While their Crit DEF shred is very powerful, they fall in a similar category as Baby Blue where their debuffs are split between two Incantations. In addition, since they’re a 3-star, they lack a lot of the stats of other characters.
Adjustments Global (1.8):
- Raid: 37 [From S to A+] – Moved to the Sub Carry category – Great in Isle Master but lacking in Gold and Opera – Can function in Opera under Windsong or maybe Jiu but kind of hard to make work.
- Raid: Avgust [From A to A+].
- Standard: Baby Blue [From B to C] – Very hard to properly make use of in general content and there’s just much better options available.
- Raid: Baby Blue [From B to A] – Still not very great but good in Opera and functional in Isle Master.
- Standard: Blonney [From A to B] – Struggles to keep up in content where she’s unable to generate her Ultimate quickly and generally doesn’t follow the standard Carry template.
- Raid: Charlie [From B to A] – Does decent in Opera and Gold – Can work in Isle Master in certain teams.
- Standard: Dikke [From A to B] – Just kind of struggles to perform as a solo-healer later on – Great for the early stages of the game and for Story though.
- Standard: Eagle [B to C] – With a new damage ceiling comes a new tough battle for low-stars to overcome – At this point Eagle is only really used in Opera or for her [Sense Weakness] debuff.
- Raid: Kanjira [From C to B] – Moved to the Sub Carry category – Quite alright as [Poison] and Crit support but is set on a very strict rotation.
- Standard: Leilani [From C to B] – Moved to the Sub Carry category – Does decent damage and can be used on her own as a great low-rarity Sub Carry.
- Standard: Matilda [C to D] – Stop being so stingy with your portraits girl…
- Raid: Matilda [From C to D].
- Raid: Medicine Pocket [From A+ to S] – Great healer with great defensive options in [Daze] and [Sturdiness] with a very consistent +DMG Taken debuff to boot.
- Raid: Ms NewBabel [From A to B] – Doesn’t do much in the currently available Raids.
- Standard: Nick Bottom [D to C].
- Standard: Regulus [From A to A+] – Moved to the Sub Carry category.
- Standard: Shamane [From A+ to A] – Moved to the Sub Carry category – Has a very annoying nearly dead card and cannot cycle his Ultimate as quickly without the extra AP.
- Raid: Sonetto [From A to B] – Doesn’t do much in Raid due to [Control] Immunity.
- Standard: Sputnik [From D to C] – Better than aliEn T.
- Standard: Sweetheart [From A to B] – Due to new damage ceilings and a general shift in teambuilding Sweetheart, reliant on BoN, falls out of favor for a bit.
- Raid: Sweetheart [From A to B] – Doesn’t do much in the currently available Raids.
- Standard: Twins Sleep [From B to C] – Pretty much the same reason as Baby Blue.
- Raid: Voyager [From A+ to A] – As someone who doubles as a damage dealer and a crowd control support, she doesn’t really work in these available Raids as you need either a full support or a full carry.
- Standard: X [From A to B] – Quite niche and while, when he’s good he’s really good, when he isn’t there isn’t much argument for his usage.
Adjustments CN (2.1)
- Standard: 37 [From A to A+] – Moved to the Sub Carry category – Good at what she does but remains a bit of a struggle to find a place for given the great full Supports we’ve gotten in characters like Mercuria and Kakania.
- Raid: 37 [From A to S] – Moved to the Sub Carry category – Great in all 3 Raids.
- Standard: A Knight [From A+ to A] – Kind of like, the baseline carry at this point, smack dab in the middle of the power grid with no particular gimmick while still doing decent damage both on ST and Mass.
- Standard: An-An Lee [From S to A+] – Just doesn’t do as much as newer Supports, even in Standard content there are better options.
- Raid: An-An Lee [From S to A] – Great in a traditional sense but with her most spammed ability as a single-target nuke, she doesn’t really function in a Raid season built around Mass DMG.
- Standard: APPLe [From C to D] – He falls through the ranks just like thing he’s based on.
- Standard: Baby Blue [From B to C] – Very hard to properly make use of in general content and there’s just much better options available.
- Raid: Baby Blue [From A to B] – Doesn’t do much here and there are better options available.
- Raid: Blonney [From A to B] – Entirely single-target characters don’t work in Mass oriented seasons.
- Raid: Bkornblume [From A+ to A] – Doesn’t do well in Mass DMG oriented fights – Still good in Isle but there’s better options.
- Standard: Centurion [From A to A+] – Still does fairly decent especially if you’re in need of a more versatile carry.
- Raid: Charlie [From A to B] – Does okay in Isle Master but doesn’t really function in Gorgon or Bellows – Reminder that the Special Modifiers are not counted into tiering.
- Standard: Cristallo [From B to C] – We have so many better options for a sustainer at this point.
- Standard: Darley Clatter [From B to C] – Doesn’t really do anything in 3-man content.
- Raid: Darley Clatter [From A to B] – Moved down as a consequence of tiering adjustments.
- Raid: Diggers [From B to C] – Doesn’t do anything in Raids.
- Raid: Jessica [From A+ to S] – Does great in Raids that require Mass DMG and plays nice with Tuesday.
- Standard: J [From A to S] – See: Overall J changes.
- Raid: J [From A to S] – See: Overall J changes.
- John Titor [From B to C] – Honestly just doesn’t do anything lol.
- Standard: Kakania [From A+ to S] – Despite being better in long content, Kakania’s quick ATK buff and considerable damage output make her a lot better than most other sustain supports.
- Raid: Kanjira [From C to B] – Moved to the Sub Carry category – Works better in Raids and doubles as a Crit and Poison Support which is great with Tuesday.
- Standard: Leilanli [From C to B] – Moved to the Sub Carry category.
- Standard: Lorelei [From A+ to S] – Great Crit Support with amazing passive buffs who is also freely gotten to P5, essentially the new Sonetto.
- Standard: Medicine Pocket [From A+ to S] – Great healer with great defensive options in [Daze] and [Sturdiness] with a very consistent +DMG Taken debuff to boot.
- Raid: Melania [From S to A+] – Just isn’t favored in Mass DMG oriented fights which is this entire patch.
- Standard: Mercuria [From A to A+] – Works great with Lucy and Marcus, struggles for relevancy at P0 in other teams unless played at a top level but if you pull it off she’s fine.
- Raid: Mercuria [From A to S] – Easier to keep stacked in her standard Raid teams and the Argus + Mercuria Support core allows her to be used comfortably in other teams as well, though that’s partly reliant on Argus being present.
- Standard: Mondlicht [From C to D].
- Standard: Ms Moissan [From C to D].
- Standard: Nick Bottom [From C to D].
- Standard: Oliver Fog [From B to C] – Defensive buffers aren’t really favored when our Sustain options are so extremely good.
- Raid: Oliver Fog [From B to C] – See Standard CN changes.
- Standard: Pickles [From A+ to A] – Just doesn’t do as much as newer Supports but remains relevant for his AP-positivity and dispel.
- Raid: Pickles [From A+ to A] – His playstyle isn’t really favoured in Raid and Necrologist is just a straight upgrade.
- Standard: Regulus [From A to A+] – Moved to the Sub Carry category – Her [Restless Heart] is clunky, yes, but [Dodge] remains one of the best defensive options in the game and Regulus deals decent damage on the side.
- Raid: Regulus [A to A+] – Moved to the Sub Carry category – Does decent Mass DMG and has a great Ultimate for the current Raids (especially for if you can’t stack Isle Master properly).
- Standard: Shamane [From A+ to A] – Moved to the Sub Carry category – Has a very annoying nearly dead card and cannot cycle his Ultimate as quickly without the extra AP.
- Raid: Shamane [From A+ to A] – Moved to the Sub Carry category – Has a very annoying nearly dead card while he does decent Mass DMG its just.. – there’s better options really.
- Standard: Semmelweis [From S to A+] – Still excellent but has a hard time (funnily enough) lowering the HP of her team if a normal healer isn’t present – Just kind of lacks a team at the moment, but does work as a hypercarry Support.
- Raid: Semmelweis [From S to A+] – See Standard CN changes.
- Standard: Sonetto [From A to B].
- Raid: Sonetto [From A to B].
- Standard: Sotheby [From A to A+] – Somehow she worms her way back up, and that somehow is Tuesday.
- Raid: Sotheby [From A to A+] – See Standard CN changes.
- Standard: Spathodea [From A+ to S].
- Standard: Twins Sleep [From B to C] – While their Crit DEF shred is very powerful, they fall in a similar category as Baby Blue where their debuffs are split between two Incantations – In addition, since they’re a 3-star, they lack a lot of the stats of other characters.
- Standard: Voyager [From A+ to A] – There are just better options and Voyager has mostly been relegated to being a Crowd Control bot in annoying Limbo stages (a valid niche tbf).
- Raid: Voyager [From A+ to A].
- Raid: Zima [From B to C].
What’s your Reaction?
Feel like you guys are treating Knight a bit unfairly in standard. AP positive, good Penetration ratios and good self-buffs, working well with most crit DMG buffers lately. Centurion isn’t any better than him in standards, no idea why he is a tier lower than Centurion while being in the same tier with Lilya / Charlie at P0.
Knight isnt bad, it is garbage, like ms newbadbel
Well, characters are competing for the very2 limited slot.
And the new Tier list standard keep getting higher and higher as the S+ characters is even more busted than the previous.
A Knights attacks are getting more and more overshadowed as character with better incantations and ultimate pops. Also mobs HP feels getting slightly more beefier.
At least Centurion still pops out some good numbers from her single target burst. But even then, I personally rate Centurion low.
Please add “should you pull” topics to the site
There are “should you pull” topics every time a charachter is about to come out on the global server. You can find it on the top of the “Home” page under “New Content”. Right now “Should You Pull J/Tuesday/Barbara” are all up, and Argus will come out when her banner is near.
That’s not what he meant, idiot.