Honkai: Star Rail 2.5 reveal stream summary!

Have you missed the recent stream? No worries! We’ve got a summary for you!

Release date

The 2.5 patch of Honkai: Star Rail will be released on the 10th of September.


Here’s the official trailer for the upcoming patch:


You can rewatch the whole stream here:


  • New character – Feixiao
  • New character – Lingsha
  • New character – Moze
  • Upcoming Banners
  • New Events
  • Other updates
  • Codes

New character – Feixiao

Feixiao is a 5-star Wind element character who follows the Path of The Hunt.


The Xianzhou Yaoqing’s Merlin’s Claw and one of the Seven Arbiter-Generals. Her personality is unrestrained and frank, dashing and straightforward. She is skilled in all forms of martial arts and has honed herself into a supreme weapon. She is widely adored by Xianzhou soldiers and civilians alike as “The Great General.” However, she bears the burden of the Moon Rage affliction. If she were to hunt down all the abominations in her limited lifetime — Then the only enemy Feixiao has would be herself.

Combat Role

Feixiao is a DPS character who unleashes Ultimates via the Flying Aureus. The team can accumulate Flying Aureus stacks when attacking. Additionally, after a Party unit delivers an attack, Feixiao can launch a follow-up attack on the target as well.


Here are her skills revealed during the stream:

BasicBoltsunderDeals Wind DMG to a single enemy.
SkillWaraxeDeals Wind DMG to a single enemy and launches a Follow-Up attack at the same target right after.
UltimateTerrasplitConsumes 6 points of “Flying Aureus” to activate.

Deals Wind DMG to a single enemy.

The Ultimate has two modes: in one you do more damage when the Toughness Bar on the enemy is present and in the other when it’s depleted. Each mode uses a different weapon.
TalentThunderhuntFeixiao gains 1 point of “Flying Aureus” every certain number of attacks done by allies and she can activate her Ultimate once 6 points are reached. Max 12 stacks can be stored.

After Feixiao’s teammates attack an enemy target, Feixiao immediately launches a follow-up attack against the primary target, dealing Wind DMG and increasing the damage dealt to the enemy.
TechniqueStormbornAfter using Technique enters a special state. While in the stage, pulls in enemies within a certain range, and increases this unit’s movement speed. After entering battle, gains some points of “Flying Aureus.”

New character – Lingsha

Lingsha is a 5-star Fire element character who follows the Path of Abundance.


The new Cauldron Master of the Xianzhou Luofu’s Alchemy Commission. An intelligent and quick-witted Vidyadhara healer. She has a sharp sense of smell and often uses this to diagnose illnesses, as well as utilizing incense to calm the minds of others. She is adept at dealing with complicated social relationships. Though she might be fuming inside, her expression would remain calm and serene.

Combat Role

Lingsha is a healer character that summons an incense beast to aid her Party. The incense beast will trigger follow-up attacks when acting and restore the entire Party’s HP while also dispelling debuffs. Additionally, Lingsha can also increase the Break DMG enemies sustain.


Here are her skills revealed during the stream:

BasicVotive IncenseDeals Fire DMG to a single enemy.
SkillSmoke and SplendorDeals Fire DMG to all enemies and restores HP for all allies.
UltimateDripping MistscapeInflicts “Befog” on all enemies. While in “Befog,” targets receive increased Break DMG.

Then, deals Fire DMG to all enemies and restores HP for all allies.
TalentMistdance ManifestWhen using Skill, summons Fuyuan who lasts for a certain number of actions. If he’s already summoned, increase the number of his actions instead.

When taking action, Fuyuan launches follow-up attack, dealing Fire DMG to all enemies. Then, dispels 1 debuff from all allies and restores their HP.
TechniqueWisps of AuroraAfter using Technique, immediately summons Fuyuan at the start of the next battle and inflicts “Befog” on all enemies.

New character – Moze

Moze is a 4-star Lightning element character who follows the Path of The Hunt.


A Shadow Guard of the Yaoqing. He is reticent and silent, always acting on his own. As an expert in intelligence services and other affairs that must remain obscure, Moze rarely shows himself before others. The moment he shows his true capacities is usually the moment for his enemies to face death. He has a wealth of knowledge regarding methods of assassination and seems to have an extraordinary obsession with tidiness and cleanliness.

Combat Role

Moze is a DPS character that can mark an enemy as “Prey” and cause his Party to deal Supplemental DMG on “Prey” enemies when attacking. Additionally, Moze can also deliver follow-up attacks after his Party attacks the “Prey” multiple times.


Here are her skills revealed during the stream:

BasicHurlthornDeals Lightning DMG to a single enemy.
SkillFleetwinged RaidMarks a designated single enemy target as the Prey and deals Lightning DMG to it (also Moze gains 9 points of Charge).
UltimateDash In, Gash OutDeals Lightning DMG to an enemy target, and launches a follow-up attack against this target.
TalentCascading FeatherbladeMoze will enter the Departed state while a Prey exists on the field.

After allies attack the Prey, Moze additionally deals Lightning DMG and consumes 1 Charge.
TechniqueBated WingsAfter using his Technique, Moze gains Stealth. While Stealth is active, Moze cannot be detected by enemies. Increases the DMG Moze deals when he enters combat by attacking enemies while in Stealth mode.

Upcoming Banners

First Phase

For the first time ever, we’re getting a special triple rerun banner – featuring Robin, Black Swan, and Kafka. You can pick any of them as your target!

Second Phase

In the second part, the rerun will feature just a single character – Topaz!

New events

New Planar Sets

Two new Planar Sets will be added to the game with the 2.5 patch – sadly we don’t know what are they doing yet.

Special gift

Other updates

  • New Trailblaze main story mission will be released – Finest Duel, Under The Pristine Blue,
  • The usual 10 free pulls login event will be available,
  • A new weekly boss will be added – Shadow of Feixiao – who drops new materials,
  • Casual Mode will be added which makes battles easier.


Here are three codes revealed with the stream:

Each gives 100 Stellar Jades and some other goodies!

What’s your Reaction?

1 Comment

  1. Eh

    Seems like a meh update honestly

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