Reverse: 1999 – Character Rework Preview

With the newest Mane’s Bulletin edition on Reverse: 1999 CN, patch 2.1 implemented a special mode where players can test possible changes to old characters. In this batch, a total of 16 characters had their kits revisited.

It’s worth mentioning that this is still a test, and if the feedback is positive, the changes will be implemented outside this special mode. We don’t know if these changes will arrive early to Global version as QoL features are wont to, or if we will have to wait until Patch 2.1 or 2.2 to experience them.

(Special thanks to Gordan, who translated and organized the data)


  • Excess Crit Rate is converted into Crit DMG.
  • [Aerial Maneuvers] will now also trigger a Follow-Up Attack if it critically hits, just like [Crosswind Takeoff]. In addition, when Lilya’s Follow-Up Attacks critically hit, she gains a layer of [Focus – Follow-Up].
  • [Focus – Follow-Up]: Upon casting [A Small Trick], all layers of [Focus – Follow-Up] are consumed, increasing the Reality DMG of the attack by +75% for every removed layer.


  • After using a basic Incantation, Moxie -1. This attack then deals an additional +80% Reality DMG. If this is a 1-target attack, the Critical DMG of the attack will also be increased by +25%.
  • After casting [Reality Show Premier] or critically striking, Centurion gains +1 Moxie.
  • Whenever you lose Moxie, all allies gain a layer of [Focus – Fortitude]. Each layer of this increases Crit Rate and DMG by +2% (max 15 stacks).


  • [Restless Heart]: Now also provides +1 AP.
  • After casting [Sleepless Rave], grants +1 Moxie to adjacent allies.

Druvis III

  • [Circle of Life]: DMG Heal +10%, Leech Rate +10%, DMG Dealt +20%, DMG Dealt +1% per 100 of Druvis’ ATK. Finally, +50% Penetration Rate against targets affected by [Petrify].


  • At the start of the battle, gain [Blood of Immortality].
  • [Blood of Immortality]: Max HP +20%, DMG Dealt +25%, DMG Heal +25%. After attacking, lose 10% of current HP, and deal additional Genesis Damage of 50% of lost HP (can Crit).


  • After using Ultimate, +1 Moxie.
  • At the beginning of each round, gain 2 layers of [Focus*Poison] (only for herself, allowing applying additional stacks of poison when attacking).


  • [Starlight Sonata]: Inflicts an additional stack of [Confusion] to all targets.
  • [Galaxy on Strings]: For every stack of [Confusion] on the target, the Crit Rate and Crit DMG of this attack are increased by 25%. Excess Crit Rate is converted into Crit DMG.

Ms. NewBabel

  • Upon entering combat, gain [Fanged Partner].
  • When allies are attacked, gains an amount of [Focus – Unity] layers (1 for allies getting attacked, 2 for the caster getting attacked). [Focus – Unity] increases Reality DEF by 3% per stack (max 10).
  • [A New Wave]: Shield size increased by +100% Reality DEF. In addition, consumes all (Focus – Unity) stacks, grants allies +3% DMG Dealt per consumed stack for two rounds.

Kaalaa Baunaa

  • [Ultimate Perfection] now benefits from Incantation Might increases.
  • Upon entering combat, gain the maximum amount of [Full Moon] possible. Afterwards, gain 1 [Full Moon] every round.


  • [Collection of Debuffs]: Crit DEF -50%, Reality DEF -40%, Mental DEF -40%, [Fracture I].
  • [Duty]: Now applies a random set of 3 buffs from the [Collection of Buffs] instead of 2.
  • Insight 3: Now inflicts a random set of 3 debuffs from the [Collection of Debuffs] instead of 2 before casting [The Revelation].


  • [Shape of Bones]: Can now be stacked up to 3 times (stack durations independent).
  • While [A Prophecy Foretold] is active, at the start of the round, all enemies gain a stack of [Shape of Bones] for 3 rounds.
  • [Admonition]: Deals +25% Reality DMG for each stack of [Shape of Bones] on the target. If the target(s) has 3 stacks of [Shape of Bones], this attack will critically hit.


  • Insight 3: DMG Dealt bonus increased to 50%. In addition, +30% Crit Rate.
  • When attacking, -10% Max HP. In addition, deals Genesis DMG based on Lost HP to all enemies after attacking.
  • Recover 20% of Lost HP at the end of each round.

Balloon Party

  • When Balloon Party gains a [Balloon], all teammates gain a [Balloon] of the same type.
  • [Party Balloon]: DMG dealt increased to 200%. In addition, [Balloon of Innocence] DMG reduction increased to 50%.
  • [Coughing Weirdo]: If used at rank 2/3, also grants Balloon Party a layer of [Balloon of Innocence].


  • After attacking, allies inflict 1 layer of [Focus – Weaken] (-1% Reality DEF p/s, max 20) to their target. If Bkornblume attacks targets with 20 stacks of [Focus – Weaken], she gains +1 Moxie.

Desert Flannel

  • Insight 3: Upon entering combat, now grants all allies +1 Moxie for every Beast character on the team.
  • When allies other than Desert Flannel cast their Ultimate. Desert Flannel and the character in Pos 1 (if Beast) gain +1 Moxie.


  • [Between Superficiality and Reality]: This attack also enjoys Leech Rate +50% and Penetration Rate +50%.
  • When other allies cast their Ultimate, Eagle casts [Between Superficiality and Reality] on their primary target.

These are the modifiers added to certain characters for the CN 2.1 Raids

What’s your Reaction?

13 Comment

  1. aero

    i assume most of those are buffs, and all of them welcome ones!

  2. Xrom

    Are these changes in insights (which will remove past effects) or a new type of “insight” that will need to be upgrade, or there is no more accurate information yet?

    1. AKIRAAA

      From my understanding, these stack from old insights!

  3. Xrom

    And also, where Shamane 🙁

  4. Purple

    Is Tuesday’s kit gonna be posted?

  5. Bugg

    I’m not sure this is a buff or nerf for kaalaa

    1. AKIRAAA

      This is an incredible buff!

  6. Lillebo

    Voyager and Lilya buffs!
    Cent and Eternity are also nice they need some love.

  7. Don

    Thanks god they buffed centurion, just got her! Also glad to see regulus getting a rework

  8. Aria

    Buff for Eagle? That was unexpected but I’m glad to see her getting some love at this point. I kinda like her!

  9. Sky

    So how does Eternity’s change work? Because reading it, seems that it kinda nullifies her Insights.

  10. matilda

    matilda buff please…

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