🛠️ Maintenance Schedule – 7/30 (Tue) 23:50 – 7/31 (Wed) 05:00 (UTC+0)

  • New Content:
    • Original Story “Hidden Chapters”
    • New Hunter: SSR Amamiya Mirei & Exclusive Weapon “SSR Bunny Bunbun”
    • New Sung Jinwoo & Hunter Weapons
    • New Costumes and Costume Dye System
    • New Shadow
  • Enhancements:
    • Max Level & Activity Funds Expansion
    • New Difficulty for Workshop of Brilliant Light
    • New Bosses for Instance Dungeon & Encore Missions
    • New Artifacts and Artifact Salvage Feature
    • Hunter Archive New Stories & Secret Library
    • SR Hunter Exclusive Weapons
    • System Improvements & Bug Fixes
  • Events & Packages:
    • New Events and Packages
    • Balance Adjustments for Certain Hunters & Blessing Stones

⚠️ Ending Content

  • Various events and packages will end on 7/31 (Wed) at 00:00 (UTC+0). Please make sure to claim all relevant items before the maintenance begins.

🎁 Maintenance Compensation

  • Rewards will be distributed via mail after maintenance:
    • Essence Stones x 300
    • Gate Keys x 1
    • Weapon Enhancement Gear II x 10
    • Gold x 2,000,000

Hunter Balance Adjustments

– Balance for certain hunters will be adjusted.

▶ SSR Yoo Soohyun

Passive Details[Magic Reaction] Decreases the target’s Recovery Rate by 4%. (stacking up to 20 times)
Advancement Tier 1When [Kill Shot] hits, it activates the user’s [Core Attack] and increases their [Core Attack] damage by 30% for 6 second(s). (Cooldown: 16 second(s))   When the user’s [Core Attack] hits, it grants [Madness] effect. (Cooldown: 16 second(s))When the user uses [Kill Shot] it activates the user’s [Core Attack] and increases their [Core Attack] damage by 30% for 6 second(s). (Cooldown: 16 second(s))   When the user uses their [Core Attack], it grants the [Madness] effect. (Cooldown: 16 second(s))   [Madness] While the user uses Hell Fire they gain the [Super Armor] effect.
Advancement Tier 3When [Trick Shot] hits it grants the [Attack Increase] effect.When the user uses [Trick Shot] it grants the [Attack Increase] effect.
Kill Shot Hell Fire Perfect ShotIncreased skill range Adjusted to keep an enemy in sight until hitting the enemy.
Trick Shot Perfect ShotDecreased skill casting duration when casting skill.

▶ SSR Woo Jinchul

Passive DetailsWhen the user uses [Dash], it increases the damage of [Suppress, Mediation of Power, Iron Fist] by 30% for 6 second(s).When the user uses [Dash], it increases the damage of [Suppress, Mediation of Power, Iron Fist] by 30% for 6 second(s) and grants them [Super Armor]. Decreases the cooldown of [Dash] by 1 second(s).  
Advancement Tier 2The user’s Defense Penetration increases by 8%.The user’s Defense Penetration increases by 10%.
Advancement Tier 5When the user uses their [Basic Attack] 4 time(s) it activates their [Tier 3 Passive]. * The [Basic Passive] effect activated by [Judgement] skill effect in advancement tier 3 will not be applied.
Fist of Justice (Basic Attacks)Deals [weak Break] damage.   * Improved the after hit delay of Stage 3.
SuppressWhen this skill hits it inflicts [Stun] on the target for 3 second(s). (Cooldown: 20 second(s))
Mediation of PowerWhen the user uses this skill it grants a Shield equal to 2% of Woo Jinchul’s Defense to team members for 20 second(s) (stacking up to 3 times).
Another Level <Woo Jinchul’s Exclusive Weapon> Advancement Tier 1-5When the enemy enters the [Break] state, all team members’ Wind damage increases by 4/5/6/7/8/12%, excluding the user of this skill (Duration: Infinite)   * Damage increase values are applied differently depending on the advancement tier.

▶ SSR Choi Jong-In

Passive Details[The Ultimate Hunter] Increases the user’s Attack and Defense Penetration by 12%.[The Ultimate Hunter] Increases the user’s Attack and Defense Penetration by 16%.
Advancement Tier 2Increases the user’s Attack by 10%.Increases the user’s Attack by 12%.
Advancement Tier 4Increases the user’s Fire damage by 16%.
Advancement Tier 5When in Team [Fight mode], the cooldown of End of Days passes 1.5 times faster and recharges Power Gauge by 0.4% every second.When in [Team Fight] mode, the cooldown of [End of Days, Rain of Flames, and Flame Spear] pass 2 times faster and the Power Gauge recharges by 0.4% every second.
Spark (Basic Attacks)Recharges Core Attack upon using Spark (Basic Attacks) 6 times.Recharges Core Attack upon using Spark (Basic Attacks) 4 times.
Rain of FlamesIncreased skill hit range
Mega Crater (Enforced Rain of Flames)Increased skill hit range
Flame SpearIncreased skill hit range

▶ SSR Cha Hae-In

The DancerWhen the user lands a Critical Hit, it applies the [Waltz of the Sword] effect. (Cooldown: 20 second(s))When this skill hits it applies the [Waltz of the Sword] effect.(Cooldown: 12 second(s)) When this skill hits it becomes [Unrecoverable].   [Waltz of the Sword] In [Team Fight] mode the duration becomes 6 second(s).   * Increased the recognition range of the [The Dancer] skill usage during Auto Battle.

▶ SSR Emma Laurent

Passive Details[Heat emission] At 15 instances, the [Heat Emission] effect applies to team members as well.[Heat Emission] At 15 instances, the [Heat Emission] effect applies to team members as well and increases their Fire damage by 7.77%.
Advancement Tier 3Applies 5 instances of [Heat Absorption] when entering the stage.   * Displays Shield effect when gaining Shield through [Heat Absorption].

📌 Blessing Stone Balance Adjustments

– Balance for certain Blessing Stones will be adjusted.

▶ Title: Wolf Assassin

RareThe damage you deal to Normal Monsters increases by 6%.The damage you deal to Normal Monsters increases by 7.5%.
HeroicThe damage you deal to Normal Monsters increases by 9%.The damage you deal to Normal Monsters increases by 12%.
LegendaryThe damage you deal to Normal Monsters increases by 16%.The damage you deal to Normal Monsters increases by 20%.

▶ Title: Conqueror of Adversity

RareEvery time your HP decreases by 30%, your Attack, Defense, and HP increases by 1.6% (stacking up to 3 times).Every time your HP decreases by 25%, your Attack, Defense, and HP increases by 2% (stacking up to 3 times).
HeroicEvery time your HP decreases by 30%, your Attack, Defense, and HP increases by 2.4% (stacking up to 3 times).Every time your HP decreases by 25%, your Attack, Defense, and HP increases by 3% (stacking up to 3 times).
LegendaryEvery time your HP decreases by 30%, your Attack, Defense, and HP increases by 4% (stacking up to 3 times).Every time your HP decreases by 25%, your Attack, Defense, and HP increases by 5% (stacking up to 3 times).

▶ Kandiaru’s Blessing

RareYour maximum HP increases by 4%.Your maximum HP increases by 6%.
HeroicYour maximum HP increases by 6%.Your maximum HP increases by 10%.
LegendaryYour maximum HP increases by 10%.Your maximum HP increases by 16%.

▶ Title: Demon Slayer

RareYour MP increases by 400.Your MP increases by 500. You recover 3 of your MP every second.
HeroicYour MP increases by 600.Your MP increases by 700. You recover 4 of your MP every second.
LegendaryYour MP increases by 1000.Your MP increases by 1200. You recover 5 of your MP every second.

▶ Tenacity

RareThe damage you take will decrease by 20 when you have 30% or less of your maximum HP.The damage you take will decrease by 20% and your defense will increase by 20% when your HP is 30% or less.
HeroicThe damage you take will decrease by 30% when you have 30% or less of your maximum HP.The damage you take will decrease by 30% and your defense will increase by 30% when your HP is 30% or less.
LegendaryThe damage you take will decrease by 50% when you have 30% or less of your maximum HP.The damage you take will decrease by 50% and your defense will increase by 50% when your HP is 30% or less.

▶ Kasaka’s Steel Scales

RareYour damage taken decreases by 6%.Your damage taken decreases by 6%. Increases received Shield effect by 6%.
HeroicYour damage taken decreases by 9%.Your damage taken decreases by 9%. Increases received Shield effect by 9%.
LegendaryYour damage taken decreases by 15%.Your damage taken decreases by 15%. Increases received Shield effect by 15%.

▶ Chains of Blood

RareYour Attack damage increases by 12% of your lost HP ratio, but also increases your damage taken by the same amount.Your Attack damage increases equal to 12% of your lost HP ratio, but your damage taken also increases by 10%.
HeroicYour Attack damage increases by 18% of your lost HP ratio, but also increases your damage taken by the same amount.Your Attack damage increases equal to 18% of your lost HP ratio, but your damage taken also increases by 10%.
LegendaryYour Attack damage increases by 30% of your lost HP ratio, but also increases your damage taken by the same amount.Your Attack damage increases equal to 30% of your lost HP ratio, but your damage taken also increases by 10%.

▶ HP Extraction

RareYou recover 0.8% of your HP when defeating an enemy.You recover 0.8% of your HP when defeating an enemy. You will recover 2% of your HP when hitting Elite or higher monsters. (Cooldown: 30 second(s))
HeroicYou recover 1.2% of your HP when defeating an enemy.You recover 1.2% of your HP when defeating an enemy. You will recover 3% of your HP when hitting Elite or higher monsters. (Cooldown: 30 second(s))
LegendaryYou recover 2% of your HP when defeating an enemy.You recover 2% of your HP when defeating an enemy. You will recover 5% of your HP when hitting Elite or higher monsters. (Cooldown: 30 second(s))

📌 Notes

* Only items with adjustments are separated as Before/After and the adjustments are highlighted in red.

* The damage dealt value without any indication such as level is based on the minimum level.

* Blessing Stone effects are listed in Rare/Heroic/Legendary order.

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