Reverse: 1999 CN – Mercuria Preview

Mercuria is a 6-star Spirit Support character who can provide buffs based on the rank of incantations that her allies use. Her Ultimate also provides all allies with [Rank Adjustment], a new mechanic that allows Incantations to be considered of a higher rank when cast.

Inheritance: A Long Journey

I1 – Upon entering combat, gain an amount of [Cosmic Energy]. When an ally uses an Incantation, consume an amount of [Cosmic Energy] equal to its rank. Upon entering combat, gain an amount of Moxie corresponding to the amount of allies with natural Afflatuses (Plant, Beast, Mineral, Star).

[Cosmic Energy]: Force Field effect. Increases DMG Dealt by the allied party corresponding to the amount of layers.

I2 – Upon entering combat, ATK is increased.

I3 – At the start of the round, if [Cosmic Energy] has reached a certain amount, increase the Crit DMG of all allies. At the end of the round, if allies have used a certain amount of rank 3 Incantations, increase own Moxie.

Skill 1 – The Noise of Others

1-target attack. Deals Mental DMG. Restores the HP of the ally with the lowest HP. This attack’s damage inceases based on the amount of rank 2/3 Incantations in the casting bar.

Skill 2 – Spotlight

Mass buff. Increases the Crit Rate of all allies. Gain a certain amount of [Cosmic Energy].

Ultimate – Gift of the Morning Star

Mass attack. Deals Mental DMG. Dispel a random number of [Stats Up] and [Status Pos] from all enemies. Grant all allies [Rank Adjustment].

[Rank Adjustment]: If a used Incantation is applicable, the Incantation will act as if it’s of a higher rank when being resolved.


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