New Character – SSR Clay

SSR Clay, the passionate cheerleader who supports her team leader Bay, joins the battlefield.

Clay is a supporter who defends her allies from debuffs and enhances their attack power.

At the same time, she increases her allies’ true damage, making her an excellent partner for Nikkes capable of dealing true damage.

  • Class: Supporter
  • Weapon: You Can Do It (SMG)
  • Code: Electric
  • Manufacturer: Tetra Line
  • Special Recruit duration: From the end of the June 20, 2024 maintenance to 23:59:59 July 3, 2024 (UTC+9)

Recruit Rules:

  • You can use Gems (Free/Paid) or Advanced Recruit Vouchers to recruit in Special Recruit. (Ordinary Recruit Vouchers cannot be used)
  • There is a 4% chance of acquiring SSR Nikkes in Special Recruit and a 2% chance of acquiring SSR Clay.
  •  You can get Gold Mileage Tickets when recruiting in Special Recruit.
  • You can exchange 200 Gold Mileage Tickets for Clay in the Mileage Shop.
  • When Special Recruit ends, unused Gold Mileage Tickets will not disappear.
  • In the version update after Special Recruit ends, Clay will be available in Ordinary Recruit, Social Point Recruit, and from Mold items. (Unavailable in New Commander Special Recruit and Ordinary Recruit (Tutorial))

 Temporary participation duration:

  • Clay: From the end of the June 20, 2024 maintenance to 23:59:59 July 3, 2024 (UTC+9)

Special Costume: Maiden Under The Sun

Her fearless look under the sun.

Maiden Under The Sun can be obtained with July Mission Pass. You may check out the details on July Mission Pass in the new commodities list below.

New Events

  • New Story Event: CLAY, MORE!
    • Event duration: From the end of the June 20, 2024 maintenance to 23:59:59, July 3, 2024 (UTC+9)
    • As Bay is unable to join cheerleading activities in the meantime, Clay must represent Rewind on her own.
    • Despite her being pumped with motivation initially, the team’s reputation begins to suffer due to the significant impact of Bay’s absence.
    • This reminds Clay of her past, which leaves her feeling frustrated…
    • Players can enter the CLAY, MORE! event page and complete stages to win event items, which can be used to exchange various rewards such as Recruit Vouchers and skill enhancement materials in the event shop.
    • Item exchange in Event Shop will end at 23:59:59 on July 3, 2024 (UTC+9).
  • Challenge Stage
    • Event duration: From the end of the June 20, 2024 maintenance to 23:59:59, July 3, 2024 (UTC+9)
    • Challenge Stage is opened in CLAY, MORE! Challenge the difficult boss stages to obtain various development materials!
    • Story Event DAZZLING CUPID is now available in Archives.
    • Participate in CLAY, MORE to obtain Memory Films for unlocking story events in Archives.
    • Opening time: From the end of June 20, 2024 maintenance
    • How to enter: Lobby → Outpost → Command Center → Recollection → Archives
  • 7-Day Login Event THE DAILY FIGHT
    • Event duration: From the end of the June 20, 2024 maintenance to 23:59:59, July 3, 2024 (UTC+9)
    • Log in at any 7 days during the event and get rewards. Get Recruit Vouchers and development materials when you log in for 7 days straight.

Union Raid

  • Union Raid will begin on June 21, 12:00:00 (UTC+9)! Challenge the Boss with your Union members, collect Union Chips, and exchange rewards!
  • Opening time: From 12:00:00 June 21, 2024 to 23:59:59 June 26, 2024 (UTC+9)
    • Condition to join: Union should be in lv. 3

New Commodities

  • July Mission Pass
    • Sale duration: 00:00:00 July 1, 2024 to 23:59:59 July 31, 2024 (UTC+9)
    • After purchasing the Premium Mission Pass, complete daily missions to level it up and obtain Recruit Vouchers. Win Maiden’s special costume Under The Sun once you reach the maximum level.
  • New character packages will be available after the June 20, 2024 maintenance.
    • Sale duration: From the end of the June 20, 2024 maintenance to 23:59:59 July 3, 2024 (UTC+9)
    • Please check the details out in Lobby → Cash Shop → Limited-Time Package.
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