Patch Notes and Shop.
- Seasonal Episode – Otherworld Delivery Disaster – Yoo Mina’s Bizarre Adventure
- Gauntlet – The 2024 Devoted Season
- New Alternium Reactors – Ministra
- Custom Pickup
- Returning Awakened Employees – Minerva Karin Wong, Strombringer Jake Walker and Demon-type C.O. Ministra.
- Returning Employees -Dorothy and Repalcer Bishop.
- New Operator – Batty Mitchie
- New Taskforce Plan – Senior Plan
- Challenge Stage – Now Live!
- Substream Event – Frozen Corridors
- Creator Contest Skin – Stormbringer Jake Walker – I can’t believe it’s the Colonel
- April Fools Skins – Noelle Wright – Did It Come Out Well and Dorothy – You Mean Like This?
New Operator – Batty Mitchie
Batty’s Banner Schedule April 3, After the maintenance ~ April 17, 2024, 14:00 (UTC+9)
Gauntlet – The 2024 Devoted Season

New Alternium Reactors – Ministra

Stormbringer Jake Walker – I can’t believe it’s the Colonel
Improvements and Changes
1. Set or Latent option gear selector coupons will now have a lock option enabled right after selecting the gear.
2. Gauntlet surrender function is added.
- You can find the function in the Strategy and Ranked Battle, Friendly Match, and Arcade.
- You can activate this function 20 seconds after the match has begun.
- When you select the function, it will result in an immediate loss.
3. Story cut-scenes with Betty Mitch will change to her live illustration.
4. The [Mission] tab will now have [Title] & [Trophy] tabs.
- All the achievements with Titles and Trophies will be relocated to their respective tab.
5. Raid support function improvement will take place.
- Additional information on the Branch where the raid occurred and who the Branch Manager is.
- Information of the discoverer’s consortium information.
- Added functionality to confirm whether the raid discoverer is a partner or a consortium member.
- Addition of sorting functionality.
- Option to support all existing raid has been added.
* You can sort raids by level and remaining time.
* Raids from the previous season will be sorted to the bottom regardless of the sorting function.
6. World Map Branch switch function
- After getting into a certain Branch’s interface, you can now swipe sideways to go to the next branch without selecting the other branch.
7. Completed Taskforce Plans will move to the bottom, pushing unstarted or ongoing plans to appear at the top.
8. The Gauntlet season point shop will now have 5 more awakened frames added to the list.
9. Two BGM’s will be added.
- Throw Down The Gauntlet
- Execution of the Tyrant
1. Fixed an issue where the filter in the Workshop-Craft would display the old UI.
2. Fixed an issue where if you equip a title with an effect and switch to another account, the effect from the previous account would display.
3. Fixed an issue where the displaying currency icons would overlap spontaneously.
4. Fixed an issue where the employee negotiations would not proceed as intended spontaneously.
5. Fixed an issue where the Guide Mission was not being updated with the Co-Op battle content.
6. Fixed an issue where if you level up Operators, some display resolutions would not show as intended.