New Operator – Vivian Rashford
Vivian’s Skill Info (Lv. 1 & Lv. 8 respectively)
Ratings and Review
Short review:
VIvian provides highest strongest dps buff available in the game, which makes her the operator of choice for certain DC bosses like Replacer Bishop and Tyrant Sword.
In pvp she is mostly used for Lin Xien and Rearm Eujin cheese.
Custom Pickup
The Custom pickup will be live after November 29 maintenance.
You can access the [ Custom Pickup Recruitment ] after selecting the [Recruit] option.
You can select 3 times in total in this pickup, and YOU DO NOT CHOOSE ALL THREE EMPLOYEES AT ONCE.
The selected employee will have their pickup rate increased, with 100% pickup when reaching 150 times.
After each selection, one point from the [Select Pickup] count will be deducted.
There is no going back, hence choose wisely.
The employee pool for the Custom Pickup is equivalent to the Recruit on Demand.