NIKKE Anniversary stream summary
New Code
- Gem*300
- Growth Set (12H)*1
- Ultra Boost Module *50
- Darling for a Day *5
Redemption Period: 10/27 ~ 11/30 23:59 (UTC+9)
Edit – and another code:
Anniversary rewards

- Up to 106 Free Pulls:
- 60 Advanced Vouchers
- 25 Ordinary Vouchers
- 21 free pulls on Red Hood banner
- 4x copies of Snow White: Innocent Days
New characters
Red Hood

- Attacker,
- Burst I-III (Yes, it’s not a mistake),
- Sniper Rifle,
- Iron,
- Her Burst Skill can be used in all Burst Stages. Depending on the Burst stage, she serves multiple functions such as increasing all allies’ attack, recovering self HP and delivering high-damage attack skills,
- When her Charge Speed exceeds 100%, the excess value is converted into Charge Damage.
Pick-Up Period: After 11/2 Version Update
Snow White: Innocent Days

- Attacker,
- Burst III
- Assault Rifle,
- Iron,
- Based on the number of hits from normal attack, she sustains group attacks effective against multiple enemies and can intercept enemy missiles,
- While Seven Dwarves IV inflicts relatively low overall attack damage, it unleashes a multitude of attacks. When these attacks are strategically utilized, it becomes easier to deal with enemy and missiles.
Pick-Up Period: After 11/2 Version Update.
New skins

How to obtain them?
- Dorothy’s 1st Anniv Special Costume 「Nostalgia」 is coming soon via 1st Anniv Costume Gacha!
- Harren’s 1st Anniversary Special Costume 「Banquet Witch」 is coming soon via the 1ST ANNIVERSARY PASS!
Also here’s some additional images for the skins:
Main story expansion
Main Storyline Chapter 25~26 will be updated soon!
New Boss
A new boss will be added – Ultra.
Other updates
- Weekend Bonanza Event
- Skill Reset Event
- Outpost Update
- New Nikke Test Function
- New Stages added to Lost Sector 1~10 & Tower 1~50
- Miracle Snow limited event will be rerun in November
What’s your Reaction?
J’aurais préféré que Dorothy soit dans le Pass et Haram dans le Gacha