Patch Notes & Shop.
Maintenance Schedule – September 27, 2023, 10:00 ~ 12:00 (UTC+9)
- New Substream – Counters Saga.
- New Rearmament Unit – Kim Chulsoo.
- New Employees – Mi Rinae and Jin Bora.
- Returning Employees – Levia Thanis and Chris
- New Operator – Jung Dain
- Returning Operators – Sigma and Momo
- Returning Awakened Employee – Arhat Joo Shiyoon and Altergressive Seo Yoon
- New Challenge Stage – Now Live!
- Danger Close – Moderator B
- Events – 100 Free Recruits
- Good Luck Pouch Event
New Rearmament Unit – Kim Chulsoo
Rearmed Chulsoo has a pretty interesting kit with the Rage mechanic, but his issue is that due to him being SR rarity he lacks MDL and valid hit absorption. This means that in PVP while he can survive, units near him might take full damage from AoE attacks. His 50% Debuff RES can be pretty useful against healing block/reflux since he can reduce both the duration and the block/reflux amount, while also reducing HP burn debuffs, and his ultimate knockback during rage mode can push all the enemies back to their ship.
- PVE (Early) – A
- PVE (Later) – A
- PVP (GBL) – SS
- PVP (SEA) – S
New Employee – Mi Rinae
Mirine is a Striker who uses multiple elements and can transform her weapon on the fly. With each transformation, she will inflict a different status on the enemy (or herself), making her a pretty versatile character. Still, Mirine’s biggest issue is that it takes her a lot of time to ‘power up’ her element to release it, and when she does it, the effect lasts for a very short time – the range of the skill is also very short.
Honestly, she has a very interesting kit, but she’s in a dire need of a number buff or some tweaks to make her viable.
- PVE (Early) – B
- PVE (Later) – B
- PVP (GBL) – B
- PVP (SEA) – A
New Employee – Jin Bora
Jin Bora is a 3 cost sniper who excels in PVE content, while not being particularly strong by herself. Jin Bora’s passive allows her to prevent enemies and bosses from casting any skills for cheesing a variety of difficult PVE content like Titan Relic, Danger Close, Dive 50, Britra Raid, and Guild Co-op (below lv7 only).
Her passive gives her 50% ASPD which allows for flexibility when it comes to gearing since she doesn’t strictly need full ASPD gear to permanently seal bosses.
In PVP, Jin Bora’s low survivability, low damage output, and the fact that she can only seal one enemy in front of her, make her a less optimal choice. She also easily will reset her passive stacks every time she is interrupted
- PVE (Early) – SS
- PVE (Later) – SSS
- PVP (GBL) – B
- PVP (SEA) – B
New Operator – Jung Dain
Jung Da-in looks really great on paper with the massive 50% ASPD (when maxed, 29% base) and a barrier on top, but her issue is that she requires a defender to proc. Kim Hana, who gives less ASPD, but also DP refund is still the preferred choice for universal PVE operator.
In PVP, she can be used for buffing any DPS focused team especially mech and soldier teams, allowing them to melt though frontline very quickly, although defensive operators are preferred.
- PVE – S
- PVP – A
100 Free Recruits!
During the free pull event, CEOs will gain 10 free pulls for 10 days, totaling 100 pulls.
※ This banner will pull units from the [Recruit on Demand] pool.
※ Task Planet Points will not be accumulated when pulling for free banners.
※ After pulling all 100 times, the event event banner will close and disappear from the list automatically.
100 Free Recruits! Schedule : September 27, After the update ~ October 18, 2023, 12:00 (UTC+9)
Good Luck Pouch Event
※ In case you already have [ What the Villainess Truly Wants ] and/or [Lady in the Bamboo Forest] skin, the duplicate skin will be converted to 1,000 * [Good Luck Pouch].
※ The boxes will drop from Two skins in the Event Store, Fusion Cores, Special Ship Schematics, and more!
※ The composition of reward will vary depending on the rarity of the random box.
Good Luck Pouch Event Schedule :September 27, After the update ~ October 18, 2023, 12:00 (UTC+9)
【 Spring Bunny Lounge 】

List of Applicable Employees: Levia Thanis & Jin Bora
▼ Available Schedule
▷September 27, After the update ~ Until further notice (UTC+9 & UTC-5)
※ Price: 2,080 Admin Coins Each
※ All skins are not refundable after purchase.
【 The Killer Rabbit Approaches 】 – Levia Thanis

【 The Research Club’s Reticent Bunny 】 – Jin Bora

System Update

1) [Team-up], [Employee], and [Operator] tabs in [Collection] will be merged into the [Employee] tab.
2) The [Collectables] tab will be added to the [Collection].
– The [Collectables] tab is separated into [Emblem] and [Frame].
– You can check your collection progress for each collectable, as well as collect respective rewards for collected collectables.
– You can also select the box icon option to collect all the collectable rewards at once.
※ Some collectables will be active upon gaining the item after the update.
※ Rewards can be acquired only once.
3) Unit’s profile in the [Collection] is overhauled.
– Unit’s Team-up, Employee Info, Combat Ability Assessment are all listed in the [Profile].
– Unit profile’s listed items may change depending on the unit’s type.
※ Collaboration units and some other units may have their profile context changed.
※ The context in the [Profile] may change during the upcoming updates.
– [Info Access] tab is added.
※ More detailed information about the unit is written in this section.
※ Collaboration units and some other units may have a limited access on their detailed information.
※ [Info Access] will continuously updated throughout the future updates.
– [Voice Logs] tab is added.
※ Unit’s voice lines can be accessed via [Voice Logs] tab.
※ The previous access via [Management – Unit Interface] for voices is no longer accessible.
– [Stats] tab is added.
※ CEOs can now check the unit’s stats and skills in this tab.
– The previous [User Tag] tab will no longer be accessible.
4) A new filter is added in the [Collection].
※ Filter will distinguish between Awakened and non-Awakened units.
※ Filter will distinguish unit’s movement type.
◆ Employees
– New Filters, [Basic Attack Range] and [Skill Type] are added.
※ The default basic attack range is 500 where the unit detects the opponent.
※ The [Skill Type] filter allows units that utilizes skill and fury gauge bars.
◆ Ships
– New Filter – [Acquisition] is added
◆ Operator
– New Filter – [Acquisition] is added
Improvements and Changes
1) BGMs from dive 56 to 60 have been changed.
2) Some of the team’s emblem design have been updated.
1) A fix where if Eins & Zwei’s Lifetime Employment is initiated while they are wearing their [Counting One to Tem Dolphins!] skin, it will show as their default skin instead.
2) A fix on an effect on each unit rarity on Selective Recruitment.