Sorry for the delay in these but the twins performance had to be seen together to assess melfice correctly! Site will be updated soon!


The first half of the Undead pair, Melfice is the DPS-oriented Warrior portion of our new dynamic duo. Trying something new, these units were released with kits that change significantly when played in the same team or solo, unlike our previous pair Mica and Seeha who simply just perform better when together and are useless apart.

Melfice’s solo kit packs a punch – she gets guaranteed Crits, decreases incoming damage by 25%, and targets the enemy unit with the highest Atk to unleash significant damage where you’d probably need it most. While this sounds good on paper, one notable drawback of Melfice is her surprising fragility despite her unit class as a Warrior, making her less reliable in PvE scenarios.

Melfice is basically a glass cannon, and her kit itself works against her vulnerability. Her targeting behavior when operating solo causes her to automatically home in on the enemy with the highest ATK just like a real assassin. However, there’s a catch – she doesn’t teleport like some other characters (such as Jacqueline, who also boasts stealth mechanics). Instead, Melfice confidently walks toward her target. While this might seem like a straightforward approach, it leaves her vulnerable to enemy attacks as they can freely focus their fire on her. Also, unlike units like Jacqueline and Aki who are immune to taunts, Melfice can be easily drawn away from her intended target if taunted, often ending up in the path of enemy tanks. Her 25% damage resist doesn’t even come into play most of the time, as she either dies before being able to use it, or gets focus fired too heavily on her casual jaunt over to the enemy’s back line.

Melfice and Bryce together promise an intriguing synergy, but their effectiveness as a team isn’t without its hiccups. Bryce’s presence can occasionally hinder Melfice, slowing her attack speed and nullifying her guaranteed critical bonus, creating moments of less-than-seamless coordination.

Nevertheless, their true strength lies in their ability to consecutively unleash devastating ultimate skills, thanks to ultimate gauge refunds provided by their artifact skills. This allows them to deliver a relentless barrage of attacks that buff each other’s, which proves particularly valuable in challenging raid battles where they can focus on a single target. However, it’s worth noting that in general PvE content where encounters often involve multiple targets, this single-target nature of their skills may not be as advantageous as it is in raid scenarios.

Melfice can also shine in raid as a solo unit, since her fragility doesn’t come into play by being targeted by multiple enemies, and her guaranteed crits provide consistent and significant DPS. This could potentially even make her a player in the Ruthra raid, where she’ll be able to crit regardless of the boss’ anti-crit mechanics.

In conclusion, Melfice is a confusing unit. Her kit doesn’t fit most teams in general PvE, which can make her challenging to integrate effectively. However ONLY in raid scenarios, in conjunction with Bryce, their synergy elevates them to a league of their own, making them one of the hardest hitting comps in the latest Dark Knight raid.


  • Guaranteed crits (solo)
  • Ultimate spamming (paired)


  • Squishy
  • Requires 2 team slots (paired)


The second half of the Undead pair, Bryce is the tankier Defender portion of our new dynamic duo. Trying something new, these units were released with kits that change significantly when played in the same team or solo, unlike our previous pair Mica and Seeha who simply just perform better when together and are useless apart. This can be said doubly for Bryce, who goes from being a tank solo to a full DPS unit when used with Melfice.

One of Bryce’s standout features is her passive ability that augments the team’s survivability when operating solo. With her “Preparing for Execution” passive, Bryce bestows a valuable resistance boost, reducing incoming damage by 15% for all allies when in her “Solo Fortress” mode. Moreover, Bryce’s artifact skills enhance her sustainability on the battlefield. In her “Solo Fortress” mode, she receives a substantial defense boost, increasing her defense by 25% permanently (L+ Artifact). Additionally, her artifact skills grant her the ability to restore 20% of her HP when she uses “Vertical Execution” while in “Solo Fortress” mode.

Bryce’s prowess as a Defender is notably similar to respectable tank units like Claire and Petra, making her an excellent choice for the role of the team’s main tank when highly invested. While she won’t survive as well as Chloe or Daphne who have second-life mechanics, Bryce also possesses the rare and coveted taunt skill which is invaluable for a tank (that Claire unfortunately doesn’t have).

Melfice and Bryce together promise an intriguing synergy, but their effectiveness as a team isn’t without its hiccups. When paired with Melfice, Bryce loses almost all her survivability, her teamwide damage reduction is removed, and she loses the ability to taunt (which is probably a good thing after having her survivability removed).

Nevertheless, their true strength lies in their ability to consecutively unleash devastating ultimate skills, thanks to ultimate gauge refunds provided by their artifact skills. This allows them to deliver a relentless barrage of attacks that buff each other’s, which proves particularly valuable in challenging raid battles where they can focus on a single target. However, it’s worth noting that in general PvE content where encounters often involve multiple targets, this single-target nature of their skills may not be as advantageous as it is in raid scenarios.

Bryce is arguably the better of the Undead pair, as her usefulness in PvE content is only enhanced as a solo unit, unlike Melfice, who is only really useable in raid and single target fights. Contrary to her sister, Bryce is much less useful in raids as a solo unit, unless a taunt is required for some mechanics. That said, having both of them together, specifically in raid content, can provide some very valuable DPS potential.


  • AoE taunt (solo)
  • Teamwide damage reduction (solo)
  • Ultimate spamming (paired)


  • Requires 2 team slots (paired)

Final Ratings:

  • Melfice PVE Early (Solo): C
  • Melfice PVE Late (Solo): C
  • Melfice Dark Knight (Solo) : S
  • Bryce PVE Early (Solo): A
  • Bryce PVE Late (Solo): A
  • Bryce Dark Knight (Solo): S (Primarily as Taunter, otherwise a step lower than Melfice Solo in DPS)
  • Bryce and Melfice PVE Early/Late (Paired): C
  • Bryce and Melfice Dark Knight (Paired) : SS
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