Tower of God – Dev Notes #2
New developer notes for Tower of God: New World just dropped! For now, they are only available on the KR official website, but we translated the most important parts – the English version should be released later today.
Upcoming improvements
The improvements below will be introduced based on the player feedback that the developers received in the last few weeks.
More leveling materials
The biggest issue the players have is the lack of leveling materials and how long it takes to obtain them. To make it easier to level up the characters, here’s what will be added to the game:
- A monthly login calendar will be introduced that contains leveling materials, purple orbs, summoning tickets and gems,
- The rewards obtainable from Mission Center will be improved and increased,
- A new feature, Hot Time will be introduced. More about it below.
Hot Time

Hot Time events will be periodical events that double the drop rate of certain rewards. And we know what the first two Hot Time events will be:
- Loot x2 – from 30.08.2023 to 06.08.2023
- Agency Service Center x2 – from 13.09.2023 to 20.09.2023
The first Hot Time event will double all the loot you can obtain from idling and the second one will double the rewards you can obtain from the Agency Service Center.
SSR+ and how hard it is to get them
This is the second most common issue raised by the players, especially after the release of Viole. To make it easier to obtain SSR+ characters, two changes will be introduced with the patch on 30 August:
- New SSR+ characters will added Gem Shop,
- If you already have a maxed SSR+ characters, they will be excluded from the 200-pity draw.
Those are short-term solutions, but the devs are also working on improving the system in the long term. One of them is the ability to choose what SSR+ you would like to obtain, but no details were provided at this moment.
PVE Content
The third issue players raised is the low variety when it comes to PVE content (and that there’s not enough of things to do) and here’s what is coming with the update on August 30:
- Floors 26 and 27 will be added,
- Main Story Act 6 will be added,
- Trial of Chaos will be expanded by 50 stages (so 250 > 300),
- New content – Arena Simulation will be added.
Arena Simulation

Arena Simulation is a playground mode where you can pick both the enemy and ally team and configure a lot of things, including the Shinsu levels and Grades. You can use this mode to basically playtest ALL characters in the game before deciding if you want to invest in them.
Alliance Subjugation
Some improvements will also be made to the Alliance Subjugation mode for the upcoming second season. The final boss and some of the other enemies will be rebalanced to improve the competitive aspect of the mode.
Arena improvements
Here’s the list of Arena improvements that will be introduced on 30 August:
- The daily and weekly rewards will be increased,
- The number of enemies you can choose from in the Ranker Arena will be increased from 3 to 10,
- High Ranker Arena information will be added to the game.
The KR Dev note explains the system in the dev notes, but we will add the official English description once our dev notes are released.
Other improvements
A new character – Yihwa Yeon will be released on August 30. She’s a Light Mage and we already have her kit and you can check it here.