Patch Notes and Shop.
Maintenance Schedule August 23, 14:00 ~ August 23, 2023, 17:00 (UTC+9)
CounterSide x Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion

CounterSide x Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion Collaboration Schedule – August 23, 14:00 ~ September 20, 2023, 12:00 (UTC+9)
Event Story Mission & Event Shop

- CounterSide x Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion Event Mission Schedule August 23, 14:00 ~ September 20, 2023, 12:00 (UTC+9)
- CounterSide x Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion Event Shop Schedule August 23, 14:00 ~ September 27, 2023, 12:00 (UTC+9)
New Awakened Unit – GUREN TYPE-08 ELEMENTS “SEITEN” Kallen Kozuki
GUREN TYPE-08 ELEMENTS “SEITEN” Kallen Kozuki Pickup Banner Schedule August 23, 14:00 ~ September 20, 2023, 12:00 (UTC+9)

Kallen Kōzuki is an Awakened Striker obtainable during the Code Geass collab. She is focused on dealing a lot damage and applying debuffs related to it while also having decent survivability.
For 5 deployment resource, Her debuffs can be really useful in harder PVE contents like Dimension Trimming thanks to the HP Burn, Damage AMP, and Healing reduction. She also deals a lot of damage herself with the Special skill buff granting her barrier, 30% ATK, ASPD buffs, while also having an okay survivability.
In PVP, she can be used as a Tank/DPS thanks to the Perfect Eva and lots of barrier. Although she heavily suffers from all the Mech hate.
- PVE – S
- PVP (KR) – S
- PVP (GBL) – A
Here is her full art and skill art –

New Unit – C.C.
C.C. Pickup Banner Schedule – August 23, 14:00 ~ September 20, 2023, 12:00 (UTC+9)

C.C. is another character that came with the Code Geass collab and from the whole bunch, she’s the most underwhelming one.
For 4 cost, her stats are nothing special and she doesn’t seem to have any effect at all in any of her skills.
- PVE – B
- PVP (KR) – C
- PVP (GBL) – C
Here is her full art and skill art –

New Unit – Lelouch Lamperouge
Lelouch Lamperouge Pickup Banner Schedule August 23, 14:00 ~ September 20, 2023, 12:00 (UTC+9)

Lelouch is the free character that everyone in the KR and JPN regions could obtain for free during the Code Geass collab. And honestly, he is an enigma. For a 3 cost supporter, he is actually equipped to do a lot of things though he tend to do it worst than dedicated characters, for example his skill haste buff, barriers, and executes.
His leader skill actually provides a rare Skill/Ult Damage AMP, but it is rarely worth leading him in PVP, and currently raid contents do not allow for a leader passive.
In PVP, he can be used to win the Skill Haste game by providing allies with Skill haste buff while also sealing the skills of all enemies when deployed. On top of that he can also provide allies with barriers.
- PVE – A
- PVP (KR) – A
- PVP (GBL) – B
Here is his full art and skill art –

[How to Acquire [Lelouch Lamperouge] Special Employment Contracts & Unit]
- You can acquire the Special Employment Contracts via clearing in-game missions.
- Additional [Lelouch Lamperouge]s can be acquired through Event Shop exchanges.
New Operator – Villetta Nu

Villeta Nu is a universal Operator that shines both in PVE and PVP, but more in the latter due to her buffs being more on the defensive side – only Mechs get something that increases their damage.
Her skill is super easy to proc, as it requires just a Striker and a Ranger, and compared to Sigma – who also provides a barrier with a buff attached to it – the reduced damage taken seems more impactful than Role Disadvantage.
- PVE – B
- PVP – S
Here is her full art

New Skin – C.C. [Black Witch] (2080 AC)
Purchasable Schedule: August 23, 14:00 ~ September 20, 2023, 12:00 (UTC+9)

New Skin – Kallen [Ace Bunny] (2080 AC)
Purchasable Schedule: August 23, 14:00 ~ September 20, 2023, 12:00 (UTC+9)

Ashford Student Council Office Interior Set (1980 AC)
Available Schedule: August 23, 14:00 ~ September 20, 2023, 12:00 (UTC+9)

Activity Pledge – Code Geass Nunnally (1950 AC)
Purchasable Period: August 23, 14:00 ~ September 20, 2023, 12:00 (UTC+9)

Bug Fixes
- A fix where when entering the Alternium Reactor UI, a constant pop-up would appear when the CEO does not have enough resources to do the upgrade.
- A fix where when opening for an Alternium Reactor management guide would lead to a Tactical Update management guide.
- A fix on an effect not showing when placing a maxed-out Tactical Update unit.
- An effect synchronization fix when you test the unit in the practice mode at x0.5 speed.
- A fix where the crafting button will only be activated if the credits required before the discount are met even when the gear cost discount buff is active.
- A fix where the red dot would not disappear even after recruiting Hilde: Siegfried Type after clearing Mainstream EP.5.
- A fix where on gear disassembly UI, a locked gear would show up for disassembly.
- A fix where normal skin would appear on units equipped with skins on recent battle records.
- A fix where other than the [Manage] section, the Alternium Reactor activation would not apply immediately.
- A fix on a description to acquire certain BGM.
- REMINISCENCE: EP.1 2-2 Clear
- UNKNOWN SIDE: EP.2 Epilogue Clear
- A fix where some of the effects were displayed without motion.
CC Simp
On the corner 👍 stay strong