Nikke Patch Notes – Summer Event!
The game server will be offline for maintenance and updates on June 15, 2023. During this time, you will not be able to log in to the game. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Please note that this update is mandatory. You can download the latest version updates on AppStore or Google Play. Please make sure your phone has at least 4G of available space for the update. To update the PC client to the latest version, please click LAUNCH on your Launcher.
Please do not close the game during the resource download process, in case the client update fails.
Expected maintenance duration: 11:00:00 – 18:00:00, June 15, 2023 (UTC +9)
Limited-Time Recruitment
SSR Mary: Bay Goddess

Mary: Bay Goddess, the friendly and mysterious doctor who looks after the coastal clinic, joins the battlefield.
Mary: Bay Goddess is a Supporter Nikke with excellent HP recovery and support skills. Her Burst Skill, Tranquil Waters, increases all allies’ survivability and strengthens Water code allies’ ATK. When at Full Burst, she can restore all allies’ HP within a certain amount of time, providing a huge boost to the team’s attack and defense.
- Class: Supporter
- Weapon: Summer Shot (SR)
- Manufacturer: Tetra Line
* Limited-Time Recruitment duration: From the end of the June 15, 2023 maintenance to 4:59:59 July 6, 2023 (UTC+9) How to obtain: Lobby → Recruit → Limited-Time Recruitment
- You can use Gems (Free/Paid) or Advanced Recruit Vouchers to recruit in Limited-Time Recruitment (Ordinary Recruit Vouchers cannot be used).
- There is a 4% chance of acquiring SSR Nikkes in Limited-Time Recruitment and a 2% chance of acquiring SSR Mary: Bay Goddess.
- You can get Gold Mileage Tickets when recruiting in Limited-Time Recruitment.
- You can exchange 200 Gold Mileage Tickets for Mary: Bay Goddess in the Mileage Shop.
- When Limited-Time Recruitment ends, unused Gold Mileage Tickets will not disappear.
- After Limited-Time Recruitment ends, Mary: Bay Goddess will be unavailable in Ordinary Recruit, New Commander Special Recruit, Ordinary Recruit (Tutorial), Social Point Recruit, Mileage Shop, and from Mold items.
SSR Neon: Blue Ocean

With the arrival of summer, Neon: Blue Ocean, the passionate girl who uses waterpower in place of firepower, joins the battlefield.
Neon: Blue Ocean possesses a unique Burst Skill, Full Hydro Shot. Her Burst Skill allows her to continuously launch powerful, explosive bullets, attacking multiple enemies at a time. With her skills, she can also increase her own code damage and deal additional damage to Fire code enemies. As such, she unleashes more power in the presence of Fire code enemy unit(s).
- Class: Attacker
- Weapon: Big Big Wave (MG)
- Manufacturer: Elysion
* Limited-Time Recruitment duration: From 5:00:00 June 22, 2023 to 4:59:59 July 13, 2023 (UTC+9) How to obtain: Lobby → Recruit → Limited-Time Recruitment
- You can use Gems (Free/Paid) or Advanced Recruit Vouchers to recruit in Limited-Time Recruitment (Ordinary Recruit Vouchers cannot be used).
- There is a 4% chance of acquiring SSR Nikkes in Limited-Time Recruitment and a 2% chance of acquiring SSR Mary: Bay Goddess.
- You can get Gold Mileage Tickets when recruiting in Limited-Time Recruitment.
- You can exchange 200 Gold Mileage Tickets for Mary: Bay Goddess in the Mileage Shop.
- When Limited-Time Recruitment ends, unused Gold Mileage Tickets will not disappear.
- After Limited-Time Recruitment ends, Mary: Bay Goddess will be unavailable in Ordinary Recruit, New Commander Special Recruit, Ordinary Recruit (Tutorial), Social Point Recruit, Mileage Shop, and from Mold items.
Special Costume: Pepper – Ocean Vitamin
Summer is here! After coming to the beach, Pepper wears a bikini.
Ocean Vitamin can be obtained from BlueWater Pass. Please refer to the New Commodities portion below for details of BlueWater Pass.
New Events
- Event duration: From the end of June 15, 2023 maintenance to 4:59:59 July 6, 2023 (UTC+9)
- There are significantly fewer Raptures in the water than on the surface on dry land.
- In light of this, the Sovereigns believed gathering resources would not pose much of an issue,so they formed a preliminary investigation team and sent them to specific coordinates by the coast.
- To their surprise, the location was a remote island that was only accessible via land a few times a year… 7 Nikkes and one man are trapped on the island.
- It was a frantic rush for them to complete their mission before attempting a last-minute escape.
- Little did they know that during their time in this remote location, they would be caught up in an all-consuming vortex of unexpected revelations.
- Explore the BLUEWATER ISLAND map and participate in various activities. By searching the map, players can acquire Gems, development materials, BGM, and unexpected Lost Relics.
- Made adjustments so that the event entry tickets being sold in the Event Shop will increase as player progresses through the Story Event. The total number of tickets available for purchase does not change.
Story Event Part 1: STORY I
- Event duration: From the end of June 15, 2023 maintenance to 4:59:59 July 6, 2023 (UTC+9)
- Clear the stages in STORY I to obtain Advanced Recruit Vouchers and development materials.
Story Event Part 2: STORY II
- Event duration: From 5:00:00 June 22, 2023 to 4:59:59 July 6, 2023 (UTC+9)
- Clear the stages in STORY II to obtain Advanced Recruit Vouchers and development materials.
Story Event Part 3: Challenge Stage
- Event duration: From the end of June 15, 2023 maintenance to 4:59:59 July 6, 2023 (UTC+9)
- Challenge Stage is opened in BLUEWATER ISLAND. Challenge the difficult boss levels and obtain various development materials!
Summer Mini Game – Volt Road
- Event duration: From the end of June 15, 2023 maintenance to 4:59:59 July 6, 2023 (UTC+9)
- Volt has been tasked by Rapi to search for resource mining sites on the island. In order to obtain the chew toys, Volt begins running to and fro.
Summer Log-in Event I – VACATION PLAN
- Event duration: From the end of June 15, 2023 maintenance to 4:59:59 July 6, 2023 (UTC+9)
- Log in at any 14 days during the event and get rewards. Get Advanced Recruit Vouchers and development materials when you log in for 14 days straight.
Weekend-Only – FULL BURST DAY Event
- Event duration: From 5:00:00 July 1, 2023 to 4:59:59 July 3, 2023 (UTC+9) (Edited on June 12)
- During the FULL BURST event on weekends, players can obtain an additional reward in Interception and Simulation Room.
Summer-themed Lobby Background
Check out the Lobby with its new beach background during the summer event!
Coordinated Operation
- Form a team of five Commanders and challenge Boss, Storm Bringer together! Players can either team up with friends and union members or join the challenge through automatic matching. Defeat the boss and get Broken Core to exchange for Gems and development materials in Recycling Shop!
- Event duration: From 12:00:00 June 16, 2023 to 23:59:59 June 18, 2023 (UTC+9)
- How to join: Lobby → Event → Coordinated Operation
- Form a team of five Commanders and challenge Boss, Chatterbox together! Players can either team up with friends and union members or join the challenge through automatic matching. Defeat the boss and get Broken Core to exchange for Gems and development materials in Recycling Shop!
- Event duration: From 12:00:00 June 30, 2023 to 23:59:59 July 2, 2023 (UTC+9)
- How to join: Lobby → Event → Coordinated Operation
Union Raid
- Union Raid will begin on June 30, 12:00:00 (UTC+9)! Challenge the Boss with your Union members, collect Union Chips, and exchange rewards!
- Opening time: From 12:00:00 June 30, 2023 to 4:59:59 July 6, 2023 (UTC+9)
- Condition to join: Union should be in Lv. 3
- Please note that player is unable to remove Union members or leave the Union during Union Raid.
New Commodities
- BlueWater Pass
- Event duration: From the end of June 15, 2023 maintenance to 4:59:59 July 6, 2023 (UTC+9)
- After purchasing BlueWater Pass, level up the Pass through Daily Missions to obtain rewards such as Advanced Recruit Vouchers. Reach the maximum level to get Pepper’s special costume, Ocean Vitamin!
- New packages including Advanced Recruit Vouchers are available after the May 18, 2023 maintenance.
- Event duration: From the end of June 15, 2023 maintenance to 4:59:59 July 13, 2023 (UTC+9)
- Please check the details out in Lobby → Cash Shop → Limited-Time Package.
Optimizations & Misc. Updates
Changes to Arena seasons
- Changes Arena season reset
- Currently, each season in both Rookie Arena and SP Arena consists of 14 days. The next season begins after the end of the current season, and rewards are then distributed. After the update, each season will still last for 14 days, but players can only participate in Arena activities in the first 13 days. The last day will be reserved for the season reset, where groups will be reformed and rewards will be distributed.
- Changes to Rookie Arena rewards
- Due to the season reset changes, there will be five fewer battle chances in Rookie Arena every season. As such, the season rewards will be increased by an amount equivalent to rewards earned for five victories.
Moreover, since daily rewards will be reduced due to the season reset, season rewards will also be increased accordingly.
- Due to the season reset changes, there will be five fewer battle chances in Rookie Arena every season. As such, the season rewards will be increased by an amount equivalent to rewards earned for five victories.
- In SP Arena, as Muscat rewards will not be accumulated during the reward tabulation, hourly rewards will be increased to make up for the loss.
Changes in Mission
Some missions are unavailable for completion during the season reset period. Therefore, we added a new daily mission and made changes to the Liberation missions.
- Daily Mission
- Purchase items in Common Shop 1 time (New)
- Liberation Mission
- Win 1 battle in Rookie Arena → Claim Outpost Defense rewards 1 time (Changed)
- Win 2 battles in Rookie Arena → Purchase items in Common Shop 2 times (Changed)
- Win 3 battles in Rookie Arena → Recruit Nikkes 3 times (Changed)
Group Reassignment
- Group members criteria
- Rookie Arena: Maximum number of members per group remains at 100 → Ranking criteria will have a maximum limit of 100 people.
- SP Arena: The number is reduced in consideration of the average number of members per group. The maximum number of members per group is 5,000 → Ranking criteria will have a maximum limit of 200 people. In the case where member(s) return in the middle of the season, the number may exceed 200.
- Accounts with no Arena activities
- During group reassignment, accounts with no Arena activities will not be grouped.
- Accounts that did not enter Arena-related pages during the season will not be included in Rookie Arena groups in the next season. Accounts that did not launch any attack or claim Muscat rewards will not be included in SP Arena groups in the next season.
- Group reassignment will be done at the end of each season. Excluding accounts with the abovementioned circumstances, all other accounts will be grouped by the current convention, in the order of account creation time.
- Adjustments to the number of SP Arena ranking tiers
- Since the maximum number of group members in SP Arena will be changed, ranking tiers will also be reduced. Rewards will be adjusted accordingly to maintain a level similar to current rewards.
- Application of rankings and points calculation method during group reassignment SP Arena: Players will be arranged in descending order according to rankings. In case of a tie in rankings, players will be arranged in descending order according to points. Unlike the time after the launch, players will not have to climb the ranks.
- Rookie Arena: The sorting for players to be arranged in descending order according to points is unfitting since players can gain unlimited points. We believe some sort of moderation system is required in this case. At the end of a season, there will be a certain level of compression/reduction applied to the current Rookie Arena points based on an initial value of 1,000 points.
Effective time of changes to season reset and group reassignment
The new season rules will be implemented in the upcoming update. Group reassignment will take place in the new seasons of SP Arena and Rookie Arena, which will begin on June 22 and June 29, respectively.