Modernia’s Costume and Upcoming Stories
Did you guys enjoy the half-anniversary event, OVER ZONE? This was an event the entire developer team had worked hard preparing together. We hope it exceeded your expectations.
OVER ZONE is just a small story in the grand worldview of Nikke. In the future, we will slowly recount the stories of the past. The next main story update is set to happen in July, so please keep an eye out for it.
As we want to achieve a better design for Modernia’s costume which we’ve been preparing for the half anniversary, we plan to reveal three concepts soon and ask for your thoughts. Please look forward to it patiently.
Characters’ Balance Adjustment Guide
You must be curious about the characters’ balance adjustments. We plan to adjust Miranda, Soline, Brid, Epinel, and Crow first within the month of May. The arrangements to finish Guillotine’s adjustments in June are also underway. As the tweakings are still ongoing, we will post the details in another announcement. We will continue to analyze the pattern and balance of the squads and make follow-up adjustments.
Update of Bla Bla
With the main story, OVER ZONE, and White Memory, the volume of update contents in April was beyond our expectations, so the addition of Bla Bla messenger was delayed. Although we promised in the last developer’s note to update Bla Bla soon, it was repeatedly pushed back. We sincerely apologize for this, and we will make every effort to release the update as soon as possible.
Spreading Rumors and False Information
There are some people who have been expressing their love for GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE, albeit with different methods. They would spread misinformation in the community in the name of “leaking” upcoming events and updates or distort the data or contents as a prank. Worse, some even forge the game data. Occasionally, we receive complaints questioning why we didn’t push through with certain events that were not planned, and such incidents put the operations team and developer team in a tough spot.
We understand that these actions were made from love for GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE, but they are inappropriate ways of expression that would bring harm to other Commanders and the developer team. We earnestly ask everyone to adhere to good gaming practices, and the operations team will also do its best to prevent such incidents from causing issues to all Commanders.
Lastly, New Promises
The love and attention you have been giving GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE all this time have become our “wings” and motivation. With the wings of love we received in the half-anniversary events, the developer team is setting off on a new journey. We will keep on working hard to give everyone a better gaming experience through future stories and events. Please stay tuned.
We plan to create a way where players can relive story events, event fields, and mini games. Discussions about ways to replicate events and allowing players to semi-permanently re-experience stories through archives are being made. Once we have a clearer picture of the plan, I will share it with everyone through another developer’s note.
Finally, we are working to improve SP Arena and allow squad swapping. The update is expected to take effect in June. We are also discussing and fixing various inconveniences and issues. As always, we will strive our hardest to create a more stable gaming environment.
Additionally, with regards to the recently updated Solo Raid and Mother Whale, we are continuously staying updated on Commanders’ feedback and opinions. We will do our best to improve the game content in order to provide a smoother and more stable game environment.
Once again, thank you for the huge support and love you have given us on the half-anniversary.