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Character Fixes on April 27 Update

  1. Fixed issues where Air-type Raptures could become immune to forced relocation effects intermittently when Yan casts her Burst Skill.
  2. Fixed an issue with Laplace’s Burst Skill where the visual effect of the skill’s shooting direction is incorrect when Taunt effects were triggered in Arena battles.
  3. Fixed issues where Alice’s Charge Damage was incorrect under certain conditions.
  4. Fixed issues where Reload Buff Skills loaded ammo only based on basic ammunition capacity ignoring existing ammunition capacity boosts.
    • Power Skill 2: Blood Explosion
    • Diesel Skill 2: Sweet Strawberry Goodness
  5. Fixed an issue where Soline Skill 2 was applied even if the character was not at maximum HP.
  6. Fixed issues where some Skills casted during Full Burst took no effect.
    • Rupee: Winter Shopper Skill 2: VIP Gift
    • Sin Skill 2: Hurry Up
    • Biscuit Skill 1: Happy Puppy
  7. Fixed an issue where Decoys or Shields generated by Skills would take damage twice.
    • Delta Burst Skill: Remember Me
    • Ether Burst Skill: Colossal Single Cell
    • Folkwang Skill 1: Starting Whistle
    • Folkwang Burst Skill: Splint
    • Aria Burst Skill: Da Capo Aria
    • Poli Burst Skill: Poli’s Defense Line
    • Centi Skill 2: Survey
  8. Adjusted the skill description of Nihilister’s Skill 1: Burning Shot and Belorta’s Skill 2: Greed.
    • Before- Activates when a normal attack hits more than n enemy unit(s). Affects the target(s).
    • After- Activates when an attack hits more than n enemy unit(s). Affects the target(s).
  9. Fixed an issue where the healing effect was triggered repeatedly when Biscuit cast her Skill 1: Happy Puppy in Coordinated Operation
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